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Timer for extraction


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I REALLY hate this feature. I have lost count of how many people I have played with that just make a mad dash for the goal. I have been on missions with 3 others and while me and 2 others are having a good time clearing out the base when suddenly we see the timer and it ruins the game for all of us.

This feature needs to be removed or tweaked. Maybe make it so that the times only appears if there is 3 people at the goal?

Also, there really needs to be a "Kick player" feature. In these types of games there are far too many people who just love to grief others. I have been in groups where one player joins and just stays there for the entire mission. My guess is because they are farming the money we all get at the completion of a mission. Which brings me to my next point.

Money should be awarded per kill, not as a mission complete reward. Money is given per kill it will alleviate the need to make a mad dash for the goal and the AFKing to get easy money.

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yep i agree with u man to many people just rush threw and thats no fun at all and i allready put up a post for kick player because of this honestly if someone wants to rush threw a lvl just do it solo dont even bother queing online

and fyi missions are not a easy way to make money selling mods is u barely get 500 credits at the end of the mission yet u can sell one mod for 12k aka selling mods is the way to make money not rushing threw missions

what happen is that some people just want to complete the mission to complete their map/planets... all the way right after Warframe came out you'd probably like it since mods were droppeds only from Containers so people would run all around the map looking for those

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