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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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6 hours ago, Seemina said:


          I would like to apply for Asuro. I am active player. :)

IGN : Seemina 

Thank you!♥


2 hours ago, Kiyukii said:


I'd like to join cause loneliness causes death, as evident by bunnies, and I don't want to die.

IGN: Kiyukii


Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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I heard of your clan from my friends and I'd really want to join due to their positive comments.

My in-game name is Terpsichor and am an active player

I have a maxed out saryn and am currently leveling up my nova

Hope this gets through and hope I get in your prestigious clan!

Thank You!!!

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40 minutes ago, Terpsichor said:


I heard of your clan from my friends and I'd really want to join due to their positive comments.

My in-game name is Terpsichor and am an active player

I have a maxed out saryn and am currently leveling up my nova

Hope this gets through and hope I get in your prestigious clan!

Thank You!!!

Invite sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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5 minutes ago, DECEPTIONnight said:

Hi I'm a new player with a couple warframes I'm looking to join your clan 

my name on warframe is Deceptionnight

or Deceptionnight1

I forgot if I put a 1 lol

You actually just log in with the same nick both in the game and on the forums. Oddly enough, both nicks are valid. I sent the invite to Deceptionnight.

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