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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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5 hours ago, farttool said:

Was a member Previously but left because i was planning to leave the game for an extended period. Back now would love to rejoin.

IGN: farttool

MR: 18


5 hours ago, Icypew said:

Were in a clan. Was kicked due to inactivity. :C

Can I go back please? :>

IGN: Icypew

MR: 13

Invites sent. Welcome back to Asuro.

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5 hours ago, dmsdevil said:

Friend recommended me, said he would help me out. dmsdevil is my gamertag, and I'm an active player. also mastery level 3


5 hours ago, MajoraHD said:

In need of a clan and have heard good things about this one. Would love an invite!

IGN: MajoraHD

MR: 6

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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2 hours ago, XMagalX said:

Hello guys, i need a clan, friend recommended me.

IGN: XMagalX

MR: 7


2 hours ago, PhillipF said:

Hey, looking for a clan, got kicked from last clan due to inactivity.



Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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10 hours ago, Mokuhyo said:

Can me and my friend join?

My IGN: Mokuhyo / MR :13

My friend IGN: TaCuNaVaRa / MR: 2

He started yesterday, but im helping him =)

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

10 hours ago, habunan said:

I would like to join your clan 
Ign: Habunan
Active until exam :blush:

You are already in a clan.

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4 hours ago, TheGameslotPlay said:

Hi there, I started to play Warframe again and I am looking for a clan to join. I would be very grateful being part of your clan.


4 hours ago, agent-bear said:

Hi People

my ingame name is agent-bear

i recently picked up warframe again and i would like to participate in your clan.

MR: 7

Frost, Tonkor, Vasto, Broken-War


3 hours ago, Reno- said:


IGN: Reno-




Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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