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Living Armour


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suggestion #1:

As I was playing valkyr on defense today I noticed they have very nice dmg models for the cryo pod. It becomes gradually deteriorated as it takes damage from the infested. And it's pretty obvious the idea is to have the same stuff for our warframes like scratched paint surfaces, then ripped armour with bullet holes and dents, then detached pieces exposing the Tenno with wires dangling in certain areas.

suggestion #2:

With that said, I don't mean to actually have the warframe's damage model correspond to the damage we take on our health but from our actual armour. As I've said, as this game is changing quite rapidly and growing in complexity and adding new dynamics, it makes sense that things should become flexible including armour values. Now straight to the point, armour value should deteriorate as the warframe takes damage after shield is depleted plus all frames get 100% small boost to their current armour (to compensate). I mean we're doing interesting things to our health, our shields but the armour system just sits there and doesn't offer much to bring more dynamics to this game. It gives some frames near god mode and it's just terribad cause then once people discovers it, everybody starts using it and it kills diversity. So when you have armour that can be damaged it makes things interesting and it opens up opportunities for new warframe concepts(note 2), it promotes team play a bit more, and it forces the tankers to think about how they should approach their enemies instead of toggle god mode and go all in.


Note: I'm just throwing #2 out there because I think it's interesting but I know how much work it is to implement things like that so I thought it might make a decent discussion topic anyway. #1 could always correspond with health instead of armour.


Note 2: A warframe with the ability to repair armour by sending out swarms of small repair drones that circle around target allies? Or possibly a new sentinel module that allows it to repair the player's armour?

Edited by Pisirk
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I like your second idea for the most part. The only part I dont like is the 100% boost in armor to all frames. I look at that and think, dear god what will happen to all the frames when Valkyr can have an armor rating at 1200 standard and around 2000 with a decent level steel fiber. Other than her I think it would be good to boost the armor ratings of all the other frames if that idea were implemented and before all of the Valkyr players get here. You guys have an armor rating that is 3 times stronger than Rhino and Frost who have the second highest armor in the game so dont complain.

Edited by Iceski13
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suggestion #1:

As I was playing valkyr on defense today I noticed they have very nice dmg models for the cryo pod. It becomes gradually deteriorated as it takes damage from the infested. And it's pretty obvious the idea is to have the same stuff for our warframes like scratched paint surfaces, then ripped armour with bullet holes and dents, then detached pieces exposing the Tenno with wires dangling in certain areas.

suggestion #2:

With that said, I don't mean to actually have the warframe's damage model correspond to the damage we take on our health but from our actual armour. As I've said, as this game is changing quite rapidly and growing in complexity and adding new dynamics, it makes sense that things should become flexible including armour values. Now straight to the point, armour value should deteriorate as the warframe takes damage after shield is depleted plus all frames get 100% boost to their current armour. I mean we're doing interesting things to our health, our shields but the armour system just sits there and doesn't offer much to bring more dynamics to this game. It gives some frames near god mode and it's just terribad cause then once people discovers it, everybody starts using it and it kills diversity. So when you have armour that can be damaged it makes things interesting and it opens up opportunities for new warframe concepts(note 2), it promotes team play a bit more, and it forces the tankers to think about how they should approach their enemies instead of toggle god mode and go all in.


Note: I'm just throwing #2 out there because I think it's interesting but I know how much work it is to implement things like that so I thought it might make a decent discussion topic anyway. #1 could always correspond with health instead of armour.


Note 2: A warframe with the ability to repair armour by sending out swarms of small repair drones that circle around target allies? Or possibly a new sentinel module that allows it to repair the player's armour?

You sir. Are brilliant and i would love to see this implemented. *snickers evily in the corner* I'm going to go murder some valks who have been ragin in conclave.


Also it would add a massive second layer of stratgy and would emphasize the importance of sheilds, more over make players more proactive in their movement and fighting style. (though we need movement 2.0) This would be especially interesting in relation to heavy gunners with crazy health and anceint infested from a enemy standpoint. As lots of healers take insane amounts of damage only to have it restored. yet there armor remains the same which makes little to no sense as you pointed out.

DE listen to this Pirsirk. Please he knows what he is talking about.

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