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Excalibur (Radial Blind) - Ideas / Summary


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Here's a topic to summarize any informations / discussions that i read on the forum right now (I didn't read everything, sorry if I missed something important) and to help DE with the balance of Excalibur overall (mostly about Radial Blind). Don't hesitate to reply with your ideas or any important information missing.


Fisrt of all :

- It's getting reverted back to pre nerf as of hotfix 14.6.1 before they review it and finally release it.



- Broken LOS system for now:



- There is a poll going about Radial Blind right now for those interested:



Radial Blind overpowered and "overSpam"?

  A lot of Tennos agreed with the Overpowered fact and others disagreed. Here's a fact, (if we forget Overextended) Radial Blind with Stretch give you around 36-37 meters (25*(1+.45)) and the blind duration is 15 sec (stun + blind?). So, basically you are "almost" invulnerable for 15 sec in the 36 meter because the enemies only gonna shoot at your initial position or according to your gunfire direction. Also, the cooldown is around 2 seconds, so easily "spamable". That is really Really good! 


DE don't want people to spam only one ability. They want to create more challenge and balance things (need more info).

But as many said the radial blind is the only high tier ability that Excalibur have. So, Here's some ideas from what i read.


Ideas Section:

- Keep the LOS change, but solve the LOS system and Buff/Rework the others Excalibur abilities.

- Don't change Radial blind, but make it 75 energy cost.

- Make the LOS change to others Frames to be fair.

- Original ideas about Radial Blind and Javelin from BrazilianJoe: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/308397-excalibur-feedback-prompted-by-radial-blind-change/

- Idea from a Tenno (lost his topic link. Sorry): it was about combination of the old system and the new LOS system on Radial Blind. He said that we should have 2 ranges, one old system and the other LOS. Example: at max rank, there is 15m Blind even behind cover and 25m where it's LOS. 


Please share your ideas! Hope this topic help. Thank you!


PS: sorry about my english! 






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Idea 1:

I suggest moving it to a number 3 power, with 75 energy cost.

And give it a longer cool down.



Idea 2:

What if Excalibur created a statue of himself made of light. Like sary's Molt works, leaving behind a "statue" of skin.

This statue of light would keep the enemies blind wile its on, maybe 10-15s.

And would not allow the players to use RB again wile the previous is still active.

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