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Afuris weapon slot bug


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After 5.3 came out i wanted to build an Afuris, i got the blueprint, bought 2 more inventory slots, bought 2 furis and then built it. now i cannot claim it because the game says my inventory is full, even though i have 2 empty slots that i purchased with plat. Perhapse the game still registers the 2 furis i used to build the Afuris as items in my inventory. The additional slots worked fine before i started building the Afuris, but now they are useless.

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I have the same issue. I didn't buy more weapon slots, I still have the default 8; I had two free weapon slots left, so I bought 2 Furis, then used them to build Afuris. Now my inventory says I have those 2 slots free again, but I can't buy anything. I can't claim any weapon items from the Foundry, nor can I buy new weapons from the market. :(

Edited by Ace4225
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I have one free weapon slot and I just crafted the BOLTO, now I can't pick it and since I can't sell the LEX (my only secondary) nor I want to sell my swords/primaries, I actually wont be able to pick it until they fix this thing.

This doesn't help to my hate towards the slot system

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aww this sucks... I have to lvl my AFURIS but can't claim it of course...

This bug should be fixed (and actually shouldn't exist in the first place)

Would be nice if an Admin could fix it temporarly for me ;) (IGN: ShiroiTora)

P.S. if I try to use the "Support" button on the main web page, It logs me out and throws me to the main page, If I click again it requires me to login but also throws me to the main page... then repeats (and actually didn't logged me in)

So this link is bugged: https://warframe.com/zendesk

P.P.S. I wanted to register with the name "ShiroTora" not "ShiroiTora" but the registration page bugged and just put and PHP error there... This only happens if one tries to use the alias "ShiroTora", "ShiroToraX" for example worked... and it's not the "username already in use" or else error, it's a programming error. (as I said, PHP error, I know something about programming)

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