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[Suggestion] Warframe Carrying Capacity And Weapon Weight System.


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Right now the game doesn't have any restriction in term of loadout. All frames are equal when it comes to choosing weapon before venture into the mission. However, doesn't it strange that slim Loki can carry the same loadout as bulky Rhino without any cons?

There are a lot of topics on this issues since the fact that 'tank' can't move fast enough to take advantage of their powers while lighter frames wipe the room three times over before tank manages to reach the door. However, simply adjusting sprinting speed and make tank as fast as light frame would be equally bad way to create imbalance since tanks have better base armor/health/shield to fight through the mission. Doing so will make the game oriented toward them too much.

We need a system that make both sides unique without creating an unneccsary adverse effect on lighter frames.

The system I'm going to propose is simple. By giving each frame type a specific carrying capacity and each weapon a specific weight, Warframe would have a better balance between heavy frames and lighter frames.

Two things will be affected from weight, movement speed and stamina consumption. When player choose a loadout that exceed frame's carrying capacity, your frame will be slower and use more stamina while performing various acrobatics/sprinting. However, the more weight exceed, the slower your frame will be.

What good would this system do?

1. it would be a good way to balance between heavy frame and light frame. With this system, you may choose to run Loki with Hek and Scindo but his movement speed will be slower or using Rhino with the same loadout with no drawback on speed.

2. This system will further diversify gameplay between players and promote more teamwork. A good example would be a team with heavy frame and light frame fighting together.

Scenario1 : light frame with heavy loadout running with heavy frame with heavy loadout

> this would leads to light frame running slower while heavy running at normal speed with equally powerful weapon. Both of them should be able to run along side by side or light frame may be able to run ahead a bit but not too far that heavy frame can't catch up.

Scenario2 : Light frame with light loadout and heavy frame with heavy loadout.

> this would make light frame running ahead of heavy frame but unable to clear the room before heavy frame entering the scene since lighter weapons don't possess enough firepower to do so.

Weight for heavy weapons (Hek/Gorgon/Scindo/Gram/Fragor) should be about the limit of carrying capacity of light frames. These frames can choose to equip these weapon but they will have to choose light melee/pistol in order to keep the sprinting speed from falling too much.

On the contrary, heavy frames should be able to equip almost everything without worrying about speed. At least they should be able to equip two heavy weapon before hitting carrying capacity (Hek+Scindo should hit the threshold).

I think I'm so going to be burned for this suggestion. All flames are welcomed.

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While the idea of this could be useful, I think the game isn't quite ready for something like that. I feel that the weapons would need to be pretty radically changed and some much more challenging content added before this would work the way you intend. As it is, there isn't much need for a 4 man team to use teamwork on much of anything aside from endless defense missions.


I see your idea being useful if they add more enemy types that require different tactics to take down as well as bosses that require a more thoughtful approach than throwing all the bullets at them till they're dead.

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No. Just no. I highly doubt they'll go for something like this. It'd make to much too much "Shooter" like CoD, etc.


Which thankfully - it's not.


I don't want restrictions to what I can equip - regardless of the frame.

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the devs stated that the game is about mastering the weapons and warframes...

restricting certain loadouts would hinder your progress towards mastery and therefor will most likely not be implented in any shape, way or form...

I don't think it's restricting. The idea promotes wider usage of weapons which are normally don't appear in the game (daggers, one-handed sword, Boar, Afuris, etc.). The current system promotes high DPS or OHK weapons (Hek/Scindo/Gram/Gorgon/Fragor, for example) which are now widely used and inanimosusly agree as the best weapons in the game. How is that 'Mastering' weapon and frame?

If you read carefully, I didn't mention anything about denying lighter frames heavy weapons. I want them to choose intelligently instead of equipping the same 'effective' loadout over and over again. It also adds depth in term of customization.

Mastery rank is another matter entirely.

Edited by neKroMancer
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No. This will never happen. If it does, Half of war frames pop will disappear. I like the total freedom I get from THIS SCIFI GAME. I'm personally SICK of realism. Screw that, screw this idea. Just no. And don't even bother trying to argue your points. They won't stick.

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Right now the game doesn't have any restriction in term of loadout. All frames are equal when it comes to choosing weapon before venture into the mission. However, doesn't it strange that slim Loki can carry the same loadout as bulky Rhino without any cons?

There are a lot of topics on this issues since the fact that 'tank' can't move fast enough to take advantage of their powers while lighter frames wipe the room three times over before tank manages to reach the door. However, simply adjusting sprinting speed and make tank as fast as light frame would be equally bad way to create imbalance since tanks have better base armor/health/shield to fight through the mission. Doing so will make the game oriented toward them too much.


The whole purpose of you idea is based on the notion that Rhino can't utilize his innate tankiness because other Warframes are faster.


The whole Tank function of Rhino needs to be revisited, rather than changing the entire weapon system to somehow circumvent this. Tanking in a game like Warframe isn't the conventional meaning of tanking as you would think in, say, an MMO. Rhino's skills are very disruptive, and he can take more punishment than other frames. That's how he Tanks. If your team is clearing rooms ahead of you, your ability as a Tank wasn't needed.


The weapon weight idea is far too restricting. What if I don't have the credits or platinum to purchase new weapons? I'm going to be stuck with my heavy/light junk on my frame, too?


It's too much of a restriction, especially considering your purpose for it is something that isn't a problem in the first place.

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So... we have space-ninjas wearing exoskeletons that allow them to defy gravity and momentum. Yet we are concerned that they carry weapons that seem not to have any weight to them?


This game isn't grounded in realism. Let's not turn it into CoD with ninjas. We already have Crysis for that.

Edited by VakarisJ
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The whole purpose of you idea is based on the notion that Rhino can't utilize his innate tankiness because other Warframes are faster.


The whole Tank function of Rhino needs to be revisited, rather than changing the entire weapon system to somehow circumvent this. Tanking in a game like Warframe isn't the conventional meaning of tanking as you would think in, say, an MMO. Rhino's skills are very disruptive, and he can take more punishment than other frames. That's how he Tanks. If your team is clearing rooms ahead of you, your ability as a Tank wasn't needed.


The weapon weight idea is far too restricting. What if I don't have the credits or platinum to purchase new weapons? I'm going to be stuck with my heavy/light junk on my frame, too?


It's too much of a restriction, especially considering your purpose for it is something that isn't a problem in the first place.


No, this idea is just to test the water. I have more up my sleeves which would involve benefit for light loadout as well \( ^^ )/.

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I get what your saying that everybody just chooses high DPS weapons on thier frame of choice and you want to promote variety in the population.


The problem is the weight system would encourage specifc weapons load outs for specific frames, You have to understand Playerbases are gonna come up with Min/Maxed standards.


Essentially you just have the same problem except now you have added frame specifics.

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I get what your saying that everybody just chooses high DPS weapons on thier frame of choice and you want to promote variety in the population.


The problem is the weight system would encourage specifc weapons load outs for specific frames, You have to understand Playerbases are gonna come up with Min/Maxed standards.


Essentially you just have the same problem except now you have added frame specifics.

More loadouts which could be used for each frame type, even min-maxing one, would be leap and bound better than what we have now. The game ends with Hek shotgun at the moment. Players will always find a way to do that, even the best system couldn't possibly fix it.

Moreover, without customization with pros and cons which player has to decide - the game lacks depth and reasoning. It makes the loadout customization extremely shallow and DPS-oriented. However, this is touchy subject which requires an actual discussion to works. Thanks for replying.

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