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I can understand that in a casual MMO world, there should be room for players preferring to do side-grades rather than upgrades. But I now have a rank 30 Warframe and 4 rank 30 weapons. I don't fancy spending real money to upgrade Orkin cores on all weapons and warframes that I am to collect further on. So what is there to play for? There's nothing better about the other warframes nor weapons. I can take out pretty much anything with my Burston+Lex+Dual flame swords combination. So why should I even bother to get new weapons?


It's sad that I'm done with the game before it's even released, because I really liked the different approach they took in this one.

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 I don't fancy spending real money to upgrade Orkin cores on all weapons and warframes that I am to collect further on. So what is there to play for?


There's nothing better about the other warframes nor weapons.


So why should I even bother to get new weapons?


It's sad that I'm done with the game before it's even released, because I really liked the different approach they took in this one.

There is something better about the other warframes and weapons.


You should get new weapons because they're fun.


If you're never going to spend real money, I'm not sure what you expect out of the game.  Did you honestly expect a completely free high quality game you could play forever?  It takes money to make games like this.

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I play for the updates/future. I've got a multitude of frames and weapons, more than i 'need'. I play in the interim and when new content comes out i enjoy it and wait for the next. I must say it's in danger of becoming a bit stale for me, always playing at the end of the curve, but that's my fault for playing so much and i understand updates are generally slower than player progression.


Update 8 should hopefully give me a fair bit to do while they sort out if/when there will be some "end game" content.


That being said i do think they've done a good job of introducing DIFFERENT weapons. I don't need a super duper weapon better than all the rest, i prefer different mechanics (like boltors and the paris) to play with.

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I enjoy the multiplayer experience... If you find a right squad, you could go on for ages. There's always something to upgrade or just fill in your coffers with those credits... I don't in the end care that much, find me a squad that don't take this game too seriously, is generally talkative and armed with good sense of humour, and i am all game.

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I play for the love of the gameplay and combat as well as the aesthetics. 


I find Warframe to be a really enjoyable experience and I actually like the fact that most weapons and frames are sidegrades.  With the way the game is currently structured, some frames are better than others for some situations and some weapons likewise lend themselves to certain enemy types, but there are very few downright awful weapons and all frames seem to have some sort of use.  I find this to actually be a plus in that it encourages horizontal progression and encourages players to try new weapons and frames for the fun of it.


That being said, I recognize and I think DE recognizes that currently the 'end game' is just farming for more BPs and mods, which is something that I personally hope will change over the course of the next few major updates.  If any sort of long term vertical progression is to be added, I expect it will in some way tie into the rank system which is currently pretty under-utilized.

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There really is no end-game right now. Which is why I have cut back on playing for awhile. Waiting to see what DE will introduce. As it stands right now, your only option is to craft new warframes or weapons and level them. I've never been much of a guy into alt characters. I usually find what I like and want to max it out. You can max out quickly here, the game overall still needs a lot of work. Esp the non-existent end game.


I have spent a lot of time on warframe, I crafted up most of the warframes, leveled a ton of weapons to 30. It just all started feeling really dull. I wish I could just take my Ash/Paris/Aklatos and just keep building upon him as a main character. Sadly though, once you get all the mods, that's really it. I do hope DE comes up with something creative because I can't stick with WF for the long haul with the current end-game. Just nothing to work for, no epic loots! =( The talk about "prestiging" has me a bit worried to say the least. That could easily turn into an "end game" where you just regrind warframe/weapon levels. Even if they bumped up the stats per prestige lvl, it just doesn't feel the same. It's easy to get caught into games like Diablo and now Path of Exile where your always looking for that next insane drop. Your character appearance is changed and you feel the significant increase in power. I hope they work out something because without that carrot to chase, I just don't see this game lasting. 

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I like this game, and my goal is to eventually get all warframes and all weapons on level 30.
However, by buying them directly with platinum, I dont get that same joy. Playing for several hours / a few days and then finally getting that last item you were looking for you can craft it (ofcourse you stayed up until after midnight to get it). Then start crafting, and when you slowly wake up in the morning you cant wait to open up the game and enjoy the new toy :) :)
I wouldnt even mind if all resources requireid to craft weapons were doubled. Apart from weapon and warframe slots a free player can get everything he wants :) :). So when my slots are full, i will buy some more and continue :D Great game!\
Only thing i am really missing is a "quick match" button, if you do not care much on which planet you ll fight next, but you just want to quickly join a fight.

Also the amount of updates is great. I was busy in real life, so i couldnt play for roughly a month and a half. I come back here, and i see all kinds of new stuff, wall running, wall jumping, zip lines, lots of new level parts, new weapons, entire new mod system. So much to name.

I have played other free to play games before as well, and in none of those you could enjoy so much even without paying, and none of those had so many updates.


Also maybe, it would be better if orokin reactor lets you level a frame / weapon to 60, instead of simply instantly doubling its points.


*edit: I must also say that it is great, that you can find blueprint parts (chassis, helmet etc) even though you do not have the master blueprint :) :)

Edited by Frostosti
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