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[Weapon Suggestion] Buckler (Melee)


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[Weapon Suggestion] Buckler (Melee) + One-Handed Weapon


After they mentioned they were probably making the blocking function a bit more useful in the last livestream, I had the idea of introducing a shield as a melee weapon. However, I do not think a shield would blend in well with the fast-paced gameplay Warframe has, as you generally don't stand still to block an incoming attack very often. It would slow down the game and that would suck.


Since offense is the best defensive, I wanted to suggest the implementing of BUCK. The disc-shaped Tenno buckler that is always at hand, since it is attached to your forearm, and one of the prefered tools to fend of Infested and other threaths that come within melee range.

This would be a more aggresive and gladiatorial way of deflecting attacks and bashing your enemies in a style that is much more fitting to the dynamic action in Warframe. A versatile weapon that combinates offense and defense effectively and is more focused on disabling enemies than a high damage output. Combine the buckler with one of the one-handed weapons, one of the swords or axes, and I think this would be a welcome addition to the current selection of weapons.





   - Increased recoil / stun chance on hit

   - Passive (minor) increase in armor when wielding the buckler

   - More utility than other weapons due to the unique charge attack (see below)



   - Relatively short attack range, similar to FURAX or whichever one-handed weapon it is combined with

   - Low damage output compared to most of the other weapons



Charge Attack (Knockdown)

The charge attack would be a bashing blow that has a chance to knock down the enemy on a succesful hit, similar to the result of the jump attack. This would make the buckler very effective in one versus one encounters, as expected of a intergalactic gladiator, but would obviously be far less useful when fighting larger groups of enemies. In return, this charge attack would also have an extremely low damage output compared to the other available melee weapons.


Art / Design

I trust the development team behind Warframe will come up with a very neat innovative and futuristic design of a buckler. But I instantly pictured a small disc-shaped shield either fully made out of metal with a neat Tenno design or partially made out of metal, with some kind of ether or energy forcefield filling in the gaps. A bit along the lines of the design for the Ether Weapons. And there would likely be a small metal sphere of sorts in the center, to more effectively bash enemies with.




Since I could not find a suggestion section, I hope it will be alright if I leave this here.

Would love to hear what the playerbase thinks of this idea. Would you want to use this weapon?

Edited by Feronius
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very interesting idea.  if they ever put some kind of "shield" into the game, this would be the way to do it.


i would personally make the buckler it's own melee weapon.  heck put a buckler on each arm, and it would basically be a furax with less damage output but buffs your blocking and has good stun / knockdown.

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