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So You Can Pay To Be Twice As Powerful?


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Twice as powerful? Bullsh****
You just have more points available.....

You will most likely get slots for free in the future. But you can already obtain the potatoes with playing the game. No need to give away even more for nothing....

Edited by Venarge
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Ugh, who the hell are you paying to win against?!?.....  


This game is NOT P2W.  In other words, there isn't any competition vs the players.  Na'da.  Okay, glad we got that covered (again.)  On to the next one.

Still, there IS currently a ranking system, so it is still a form of competition in that respect.

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 Actually, being able to pick between a Warframe slot or a Weapon slot every 2 Mastery levels is pretty fair. 

best idea I've heard for it, although it should be 2 weapon slots versus 1 warframe slot.

afterall 2 weps= 6000 mastery points= 1 warframe 

Edited by adaroe
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I define pay2win pretty loosely. Any way to gain an advantage with real money is pay2win. Whether its saving time a little time or gaining convenience, or an item that makes you unkillable and able to oneshot everything. It doesn't matter if its PvP, PvE. You can still compete in a coop game. You can even compete in a single player game, against yourself.


This is every game with a cash shop o.O

Edited by DuncanIdaho
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I do own a Toyota FJ and am happy with mine. Yet any numbnut would understand that comparison. Perhaps an AudI then? and read carefully I said a Ferrari costs more than a Toyota simply that, meaning it's a luxury item. Just like the extra weapons.

Except a Toyota is 10 times more practical, so yes, a Toyota and an Audi would be a better comparison. I own an 80 series. I understand your point though, I was just nitpicking, because Toyota's are too awesome to be compared to a Ferrari.

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This is every game with a cash shop o.O



Hence why I said earlier not respecting the use of the term as is popularly accepted makes for poorer discussion.


Arune is of course entitled to his own definitions on what it means to him.  We all are.  But at same time, for sake of logical discussion it has to be recognized that personal definitions are not the accepted ones.

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Even with all the platinum in the world if a player doesn't get better at the game they still won't be able to level up in Rank and get some of the more advanced weapons.

I don't see how this has something to do with the discussion ?

As this is how it is for anyone.





This is every game with a cash shop o.O

Look at Dota 2 or HoN

Edited by SirSlayer
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This is a Pay to Win model. Now, while I know this game is Free to play, and some kind of revenue is needed to support the advancement of this game, Warframe, and it's methods to bully you into BUYING their in game currency is what makes this game Pay to Win. While you can get just about every item under the sun without paying a single solitary platinum, you will find that you cannot get through the game without buying a thing or two or three, even 4 without platinum, and the meager amount you *do* happen to come across is not enough to support needing the amount of platinum you will eventually need just to 'get by'.

Now, as I said, I am not usually opposed to cash shops, as I am often willing to part with my hard earned cash in order to 'buy' things, or expidite my way through the game, I usually reserve my cash when I am bullied into having to hand it over. If I *have* to buy 75platinum just to expand inventory, or to expand this, or that, or what have you, that is what makes me frown and turn away from the game.

But, if I get certain expansion slots, and can pay for MORE then that is acceptable. I'd be willing to buy some plat to buy things that I think will be worthy of my investments. But again, I go back to the point that ultimately, you are bullied into buying if you want to proceed. Not succeed, but PROCEED.

That is when a pay to win scenario rears its ugly head for me.

Edited by diamondintherough
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This is a Pay to Win model. Now, while I know this game is Free to play, and some kind of revenue is needed to support the advancement of this game, Warframe, and it's methods to bully you into BUYING their in game currency is what makes this game Pay to Win. While you can get just about every item under the sun without paying a single solitary platinum, you will find that you cannot get through the game without buying a thing or two or three, even 4 without platinum, and the meager amount you *do* happen to come across is not enough to support needing the amount of platinum you will eventually need just to 'get by'.

Now, as I said, I am not usually opposed to cash shops, as I am often willing to part with my hard earned cash in order to 'buy' things, or expidite my way through the game, I usually reserve my cash when I am bullied into having to hand it over. If I *have* to buy 75platinum just to expand inventory, or to expand this, or that, or what have you, that is what makes me frown and turn away from the game.

But, if I get certain expansion slots, and can pay for MORE then that is acceptable. I'd be willing to buy some plat to buy things that I think will be worthy of my investments. But again, I go back to the point that ultimately, you are bullied into buying if you want to proceed. Not succeed, but PROCEED.

That is when a pay to win scenario rears its ugly head for me.

This game doesnt force you to anything. Its only time you safe by buying stuff. Pay for convience... You can still get potatoes during playing. 

And the inventory? They already said that they noticed the slot thing and might add slots every 2 ranks.

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This game doesnt force you to anything. Its only time you safe by buying stuff. Pay for convience... You can still get potatoes during playing. 

And the inventory? They already said that they noticed the slot thing and might add slots every 2 ranks.

I bet that even if the probability of dropping a potato was 1/10^9 you guys would still say that it's perfectly normal to get the item in-game. It's also particularly interesting that always the guys who pay say that the game is not pay to win. Sixteen hours into the game and I haven't looted a single damned potato. I got so &!$$ed off, I decided to buy a Founders package, maybe a Grand Master one, just waiting for my credit card to come fully functional once again.

Edited by Ulchishi
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I bet that even if the probability of dropping a potato was 1/10^9 you guys would still say that it's perfectly normal to get the item in-game. It's also particularly interesting that always the guys who pay say that the game is not pay to win. Sixteen hours into the game and I haven't looted a single damned potato. I got so &!$$ed off, I decided to buy a Founders package, maybe a Grand Master one, just waiting for my credit card to come fully functional once again.

OHHHH 16 hours. in a good week or so I haven't got a damn multi shot mod and those are common compared to potatoes.

You get the BPs for potatoes from alerts with a ? from what I know, and they are rare but you can get them.



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It's a Free to play. I have two reactors after playing for a few weeks, and am completely free of paying still. Paying is a convinces for lazy, or supportive (Of the Dev's) people. You have no obligation to pay and can obtain every idea in the game with out (Except a few special items, but there the same as normal ones, and are not even available to founders).


Or people like me that works all day...Its nice not needing to spend a year just to get something like a single mod, also felt they deserved the money for an awesome game. :3

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I have 8 frames and haven't paid for a single slot


Starting Platinum? Multiple accounts? What your experience is doesn't matter. Means nothing.


You said you can get anything without paying. You can't get inventory without paying platinum. That's what I said. Nothing more.

Edited by FatalX7
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I bet that even if the probability of dropping a potato was 1/10^9 you guys would still say that it's perfectly normal to get the item in-game. It's also particularly interesting that always the guys who pay say that the game is not pay to win. Sixteen hours into the game and I haven't looted a single damned potato. I got so &!$$ed off, I decided to buy a Founders package, maybe a Grand Master one, just waiting for my credit card to come fully functional once again.

16 hours...............i have been playing for 30+ hours and still haven't gotten my multi shot rifle mod.

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Starting Platinum? Multiple accounts? What your experience is doesn't matter. Means nothing.


You said you can get anything without paying. You can't get inventory without paying platinum. That's what I said. Nothing more.


True and I agree you can not do that, but 3 slots is quite a lot if you are farming and not paying money and plan on super charging them

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I dont mind the orokin reactor, only thing maybe needs a change, is perhaps being able to level frames / weapons to 60 if you have the orokin reactor, instead of simply doubling it. Then you also have a bit more to play for, since you can get to 30 relatively fast.

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i got 3 weapon and one frame catalyst without paying anything before day 5... i dunno if you want to say pay2win with that amount... besides... click on the damn rolling thing each day <.<


And that's RNG, folks!


Aside from the 12 hour alerts that DE has done, I've gotten... three Catalysts/Reactors in the three months since I joined up.

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It's not a requisite and it is a free game. There's a reasonably fair way to acquire potatoes and the game does not punish you in any way for not having them. Games are made by companies, companies are for-profit businesses, and they have to generate income somehow if they intend to survive, grow, and develop.


Players who play games that follow a F2P model with little or no intention to support it or are unable to due to their circumstances must come to understand this. Even though players who cannot pay feel the game is unfair to them, they also must realize the fact they are able to play game without paying money in the first place due to this F2P model that makes it so people who are able to support the game can essentially pay in place for people who cannot.


You would expect some sort of benefit for people who shell out the cash to support the company and the company would definitely want to cater to its paying customers. This is simply the nature of a business and unless a non-profit MMO developer with infinite resources came along, this is unfortunately how it will continue to be. 


Warframe does have some flaws when it comes to balancing the benefits of paying into the game rather than working hard within it; but overall, it is a fairly decent system that awards long-term play AND/OR paying for platinum. The only thing that is not available for nonpaying players that I believe should be available for free is additional slots because all players would need it at some point if they intend to play the game long-term. 


What is important is having platinum minimally affect gameplay in long-run which is currently does to some extent. If Warframe does follow other F2P models in the future, it might have turn to cosmetics to draw in more platinum purchases.

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To be perfectly honest, lv 30 weapons without the potato do fine endgame.


And spend your free 50 plat on the poatos.  And do every alert that gives a blueprint for one. Its entirely possible to get themwithout p2w

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