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Ps4 Mastery Rank Test Bug [Megathread]


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Okay, so I know there have been a few issues with the network and all but even before the network was down I am not able to rank up. Since the new update came out I have tried everyday to rank up. It brings me to the ship flying in space loading screen and then right back to my player ship and it says "" you must wait another 24hrs". Didn't even get a chance to go into the game to where she tells me what I have to do in order to get my rank. Please help!

P.S. I also have been logging in everyday for about a month and a half straight and I brought me right back to day 1 :(

Thanks for hearing me out, I hope I can get this resolved!



Cant rank up for the second day. Same issue. In the name of the holy mother of god please fix this. 

Ye same thing happened to me again today .Third time in time on warframe

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Im new to warframe,been playing 4 coupl of weeks and ye i expected a few glitchs with the game after such a big update.But twice ive not been able to rank up as my warframe gets stuck after passing the test.And i have to wait another day.Things like this are so frustrating to new players and will put off new players staying

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Yep this has been happening to me for more than a week. I'm at rank zero trying to reach rank 1 and get the "Mission Failed" message each time I try even with plenty of health and shield left. Warframe is awesome and not being able to rank up (and waiting 24 hours to try again) is frustrating. Thanks.

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Any further updates on this from anyone?  I had a friend pass a Mastery test night before last with no problems.  


If anyone can report here whether this is still occuring on PS4 or not it would be very helpful!  (Since we've had no updates since 14.1.+hotfixes)  I assume it is still happening. That doesn't mean that it is not something that could've been fixed Server-Side by DE, however.


Thanks all!

Hey Crackle, I was able to pass mastery 13 on PS4 with no issues in U14. 

It seems to be selective.

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Day 4,   

            I have been trying to do my Rank Up test for rank 10 for days now, but each time i try and load it, I get a loading seen and end up back on my bridge.  I don't even get into the mission/test.  I have tried to get it to load two different ways now, either by picking it from the party window on my  icon and go rank up, or clicking options, profile and rank up, neither works.

            It would be really nice to continue since I have worked hard to get to where I am and I don't get as much time to play as most do.

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I been trying to earn XP to barely make a dent. And sometimes I even lose some. Came to find out my friend said I can rank up. I been stuck like this for 3 days. The option isn't eben there but my xp bar blinks. :(


Edit: After finally getting enough xp before it took more I took my test. After which I earn normal paced xp now and seems to of fixed the issue.

Edited by (PS4)KodevEx
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I'm rank 6 and can't get the option for 7. My friends tell me I have enough xp but on my screen I can't gain any. It's been days now. Just started playing again too...


Edit: After finally getting enough xp before it took more I took my test. After which I earn normal paced xp now and seems to of fixed the issue.

Edited by (PS4)KodevEx
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I was attempting to start the Mastery Rank 13 mission, but something unusual happenend.  


I selected the "Rank Up" option under my name.  The animation started like all missions (i.e. showed my ship flying through space), then suddenly I was back in my ship.  When I went back up to the "Rank Up" option under my name, I was told that I had to wait 24 hours to try again.  The problem is that I never even got to the mission itself, just the animation of the ship flying through space.  Is there a way the timer can be reset so that I may actually get a chance to attempt the Mastery Rank mission?


I just updated my PS4 system software to version 1.76 before I went into Warframe to attempt the Mastery Rank mission.  I followed all the prompts during the system software update (i.e. shut off the system after the update).


Any and all help is appreciated!

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I recently tried to do the Rank Up test 10 and after selecting the test and accepting it starts to load and then goes to a blank screen for probably 20-30seconds, then shows a brief screen of the normal loading screen of the spaceships flying then it brought me back to my ship with no message of saying I'd even done the test or failed. I tried to load again and it reported that I had to now wait 23hrsxxsecs before being able to attempt the test again. Has anyone else had similar problems with the Rank Up tests since Update 15? I never had a issue prior to the update with doing any of the Rank Up tests...

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