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Ps4 Mastery Rank Test Bug [Megathread]


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As I reported in an earlier thread on this issue, my SO got the failed test bug (rank 4). However, I did not report back that the next day when he tried again it worked. A couple days after that I was due for my rank 5 test and I had no problems at all. I would say just keep trying—the good thing is that you don't stop earning points toward the next level up at least!

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I to have this problem, i saved a video of i. de if you would like to see it my username is shane_sean. i also know of three guys that have been hacking and stealing players accounts, i have screenshoted how their going about it. i couldn't find the report a user category so i added it on here sorry for any inconvenience.

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I don't know what's up. I'm really new at this game but I can't level up from 0... I try n take the test and it sends me back to the ship. Also what's up with failing a mission? It says mission failed and just sticks. Im stuck at failed screen and my ps4 controller lights r going crazy! I can text clan and stuff like that but I can't return to ship. Please help!

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Just wanted to add that I'm Rank 0, and I've tried to take the test to Rank 1 but it always fails. Here's what happens:


*I choose "Rank Up" and the game loads the loading screen with the ship flying


*The screen goes black for a second


*I get sent back to my ship, and attempting to choose the "Rank Up" option again is met with the "You can only take the test once every 24 hours" message.


I made a new PSN account just for Warframe, last account I was Mastery Rank 6, so it's really frustrating that I can't level up and I have to be stuck with basically the worst weapons in the game until this gets fixed. Although, I hope this frustration helps someone else out.


Happend to me just yesterday...frustrating to say the least

Edited by (PS4)Awkwardvariable
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It wont let me rank up from 6 to 7. My screen turns black, then I'm on my ship again and have to wait another 24hrs, before I can re-rank. This is the second day in a row that this has happened to me.

Who do you report this problem too?

Edited by (PS4)jr524325
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so its the same thing every day I select the rank up it starts to load when loading bar is full it sends me back to my ship and tells me I have to wait 24 hours to retry I opened a ticket with D.E. the first day this happened and I update it every day but I have not gotten any repay from them I look on the forms and see a lot of people with the same problem but nothing from D.E letting us know they are working on it I am to the point that I'm just going to move on to other games good. luck teno you'll need it with D.E.

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Thanks for reporting!  I am 99% sure this is a well known issue at this point, and it isn't just on PS4 -  I've been seeing reports of this from PC and XB one players as well.  Oddly, some are able to rank and some aren't for unknown reasons (my friend wasn't able to, but I was) I've no clue what's going on.  However I encourage you to see my thread here! https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/292982-the-oddball-bugs-thread-ps4-version/

Edited by (PS4)Crackle2012
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Hello, I've been having issues with my rank 6 mastery test. I've taken it about 4-5 times now and failed it because whenever I reach the third round of the mission, the glowing targets stop appearing. The timer just continues while I wait for the targets to appear and nothing happens, resulting in me failing and having to wait 24hrs to try again. I don't understand why this is happening or if I'm just doing something wrong. I know I'm fully capable of passing the test, but this "bug" isn't giving me the chance of even trying to. I'm fairly new to warframe, just started playing about a month ago and only have about 130 hours played. I've been really enjoying this game but this is starting to make my experience a negative one. I've spent more money on platinum than I probably should have as well so can someone please help me out? I really don't want my time and money to have gone to waste. Thank you.

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