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Magnetic Proc Suggestion


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The current magnetic proc is really bad to play against. So i got thinking, why is it as it is? well it is a game changer proc when you get hit by it, so how do we change it while keeping that mechanic in?


My idea is this: When you get hit, short screen disruption (like 1 second or something) and X%(20 seems good to me) of current energy pool removed AND energy cost of all abilities multiplied by Enemy level devided by 10, with the multiplier never being lower than 1.5, for the duration of the proc (8 sec?). 

If the ability would end up costing more than your current energy pool, it will still be able to be cast, but doing so will drain ALL your energy, and disrupt your screen like the proc does now.


With a change like this it will change the proc from "LOL U HAS NO ENERGIS" to "I dear you to cast!"

Edited by Adaptor-Face
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