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MY game experience (frustrations and other stuff)


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Im not sure if this post will be read by devs , or anyone , most posts i write on betatesting something is usually left without much or anyone reading it but here it goes

i say upfront for some odd reason i was not able to login on forums till today

My gaming experience was good exept few things

Things i liked

-Finally fps without cover system , mass effect 3 multi was especially impossible because of cover bug and it was only way to avoid , you get bugged you die , mission failed:c

-Fast action

-Lots shooting

-Lots of radio charter

-Lots random events and randomized levels , they can be ultra short while other may be extremely leanghty

-Very enjoyable gunfights

Things i dislike

-I was not able to enter forums until today

-Full randomization of loot(getting mods for items you wont ever have is a bit annoying , yeah its free money but still especially mods seams to scale to rank of item you got)

-Drop system (easy to miss items , community been using way point but still easy to miss good loot)

-Loot mod pointing barrels only (who not drop able items apear on radar too? boxes?)

-Forced to join avalible game without option to host own one if there is already 1 , if guy is afk(happened few times) your forced to play with AFK guy unless you play other lv:/

-Difficulty , there is very little difference between lv1 enemy and lv50 enemy , i did some plays after armor nerf on volt , and shield nerf

-Solo who was hard is impossible after shield nerf

-Bosses , you ether kill them with ease or they kill you , most are just stronger version of enemies with exception of mech thing who was quite enjoyable , for sure more then other bosses who felt really vanilla

-Ammo , especially on assault rifles and auto pistols , it drains 5(understatement) times faster then you can get it back , making solo with asault rifles almost impossible unless you get good mods

-Alert missions never offering anything(i did about 35 , only 1 gave ? reward and did get very very bad artifact(shotgun ammo scavenge)

-Drop system constantly changed i farmed today boss all day because friend told me he drops sword recipe , what devs not told in (today?) patch notes was they were removed from drop and added to already nonchancetogetanythingever events

-Resurrection/reviving is ridicules , most of the time if teammate is 40m away most likely he wont make , and that means you ether wait , use revive or abort mission:/

-Not able to kick someone from group in lobby

-Not able to host own game if there is 1 in progress

-Chat , inviting to game, friends panel very buggy not working often , at times not able to chat(i type stuff and it dont showsup , have to restart game when it happens)

-Resolution seams reset to default while displaying original , ALt-tabing seams to fix it most of time(but not alweys)

-Did i say solo is hard? will say it again , im mmo and fps veteran and even for me solo is hard , there seam not be any difrance between 1 and 4 player game , same amount of enemies spawn making playing solo almost useless unless you got really really good build and items

-Door mechanic being buggy , consoles not unlocking lock down doors , occasionally key you picked up don't works with door(i herd volt abilities bug it out but i had these happen before i had this ability , way back when i played solo , it happened much rarer but still)

-Melee weapon is hardest and longest to level

What i would look forward to improving

-Alert missions always offering something more then credits or at least more often then it is now , i don't want to play ALL day to have chance to egt something more

-More random events during missions, more enemies (events like enemy reinforcements? or kill highly ranked officer?(miniboss) or disable alarm (continuous enemy attacks till you do so) )

-Drop system (dropped items appearing on map? or looting mod making so? right now its too easy to miss items especially in amount of enemies and large gunfights going on) , unless you playing with good players who way point droped good stuff you most likely miss 80%

-More special enemies and more varied boss fights

-Rare enemies who may appear on lv who drops something better? fully optional , rare to find and drops something nice

-Resurrection reworked , right now its very much "you die its over" , why not increase revive time so its hard to combat resurrect and increase time of bleed out?

-LV difference between 1 and 50 is almost none , i played other mmos who had little difrance but in here hits from easier enemies hurt as bad as lv50 , i played lv1 mission after shield nerf to die almost as soon as i got into medium group of enemies(while having 30lv volt with lots shield mods)

-Able to solo , before shield nerf solo was manageable at times , right now most likely you will die unless you got stronger warframe

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1. You can still solo. The fact that you prefer a rambo style gameplay does not mean it's not soloable. Use strategy instead of randomly running into groups of enemies. Personally i can still rambo, but it includes a lot of sliding.

2. A TON of heavy units have been spawning for me since last nights patch....

3. Multiple types of enemies spawn now. Good luck fighting off both the corpus and infested when you're being stunlocked by runners and shockwave moa's.

4. You can always host your own game, just set it to private instead of online.

5. If your team mate doesn't know how to traverse 40m quickly then he/she is a bad player. I've never missed a resurrection even in the big rooms while i'm on the other side of the room.

6. Drop systems are bound to change, it's a closed beta after all.

7. Loot mod also shows corpses, figured i'd add that.

8. Randomization of loot is great. It means i don't get an optimal build for all my gear in an hour of farming.

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1: not playing rambo , lets take for instance stealth melee guys from greneer they can and will on harder dificulty(lv) missions 1 shot you with melee if they suprize you while looting something , i had this happen when clearing whole room , going to elevator and be stabed to death by 1

Soloing is veyr dependent on warframe you chosen i chosen volt who seams to be worst character to solo as being most fragile , since 3 days i started playing he did get reduced armor from 50 to 25 , and ofc shield nerf , i actualy forcus very defensive style of play shoting and runing back , or taking cover , but shoting and runing back often puts you in more enemies , and taking cover is obsolete unless you stay behind doors

Soloing is doable but for my char only really faction i can solo is infected(im glad i played before shield nerf as i did read potsts about people after shield nerf patch not able to finish even first level on solo , after nerf i could not even finish first lv on mercury lv1 with my lv30 volt , i tried meleeing 2 greneers getting my shield gone in 2 seconds

2: more enemies yes , but is it harder? no

3: i had no problems on playing on more then 2 player , even when S#&$ hits fan who happens at times

4: its private game , noone will join exept friends , i want option to able to host open game despite "afker already did that and i cant"

5 not really , not alweys you can revive , he can be stunlocked , and ocasionaly bleedout makes you die in 2 seconds

6 im aware of but they SHOULD MENTION it in notes :C

7 im aware of

8 its blade with 2 ends

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1: not playing rambo , lets take for instance stealth melee guys from greneer they can and will on harder dificulty(lv) missions 1 shot you with melee if they suprize you while looting something , i had this happen when clearing whole room , going to elevator and be stabed to death by 1

Soloing is veyr dependent on warframe you chosen i chosen volt who seams to be worst character , since 3 days i started playing he did get reduced armor from 50 to 25 , and ofc shield nerf , i actualy forcus very defensive style of play shoting and runing back , or taking cover , but shoting and runing back often puts you in more enemies , and taking cover is obsolete unless you stay behind doors

Soloing is doable but for my char only really faction i can solo is infected(im glad i played before shield nerf as i did read potsts about people after shield nerf patch not able to finish even first level on solo , after nerf i could not even finish first lv on mercury lv1 with my lv30 volt , i tried meleeing 2 greneers getting my shield gone in 2 seconds

It means you're not using the right mods. There's nothing but bosses that currently 1shot me.

2: more enemies yes , but is it harder? no

I personally found it fairly hard trying to fend off 4 heavy units unloading everything they've got on me.

5 not really , not alweys you can revive , he can be stunlocked , and ocasionaly bleedout makes you die in 2 seconds

The mechanic is fine. If you don't know how to revive correctly you're not doing it right.

6 im aware of but they SHOULD MENTION it in notes :C

They've already apologised about that in several threads.

8 its blade with 2 ends

No, requests like these are made by casuals and lazy people who don't want to do work for the improvement of their gear.

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"What just happened?"

that what when i played on lv1 enemies mission despte being lv30 with descent mods, first time after shield nerf (AND armor nerf of volt not sure if other warframes did get amor nerf)

i cant even imagine frustration of new player who plays game for first time with noob equipment all rank 0 wanting to solo first level just after playing tutorial

Collussus asuming every gamer is as pro as i am(becouse i consider myself a pro as iv been playing games for 8+ years) not saying mechanics should have to be changed but right now ether you are revived 3 seconds after death or its over for you , im not saying revival should be long as l4d or other games , but it should give you and other people some time , its not that you alweys got energy to use these expensive skills just to revive somone

Its random drop in coop game you play with random people or friends , i know bosses and harder levels should be played with better people but seriously 3 second revive? im not sure why at times its very long even 8 seconds , on other times its 2 seconds

Talk about good loot in random game , game should able to be played without too much problems on easier missions without mods(becouse how you can even have them playing on mercury) right now nope

Im aware this game needs player skill but what about new players , TUTORIAL IS JUST 1 MINUTE PLAY how they can even learn basics from it

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Hi, you finally made to the forums, welcome ;)

(sry about the misinformation on melee weapons again ^^)

@Collussus saying: "It means you're not using the right mods. There's nothing but bosses that currently 1shot me."

Well, isn´t it the aim of mods to create your OWN playstyle and NOT being forced to shied and armor, just like everyone else? Because if you´re forced to use the same anyway, just leave out the others.

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i was using 4 shield mods(green and blue , quite huigh rank , 1 blue with extra armor) and 1 regen mod

Thing is warframe choise is what you cant change after you made your account , you pick one and thats it , all classes should able to solo atleast mercury without any gear and that was doable before shield and armor nerf , right now even not so much even by " a bit experienced" player with better gear

if we compare First level dificulty to all MMos i played(very veyr long list) this is potentialy hardest mmo i ever payed

Beating even dayz and warz

of we compare it to WoW , you could beat lv1 enemy with your lv1 without chear char to death with bare hands without problem , first levels are supposed to be noobland where players able to get familiar with game , not being constantly be raped becouse they dont know mechanics , and no ways to learn them(dont point 1minute gameplay tutorial , it teaches you pickup items , point and shot)

"I have 3 different warframes with 3 different playstyles"

that explains a lot , what about total noob who played some fps and rpg and wants to play first lv alone on solo? noone else will play mercury then noobs really

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i was using 4 shield mods(green and blue , quite huigh rank , 1 blue with extra armor) and 1 regen mod

Thing is warframe choise is what you cant change after you made your account , you pick one and thats it , all classes should able to solo atleast mercury without any gear and that was doable before shield and armor nerf , right now even not so much even by " a bit experienced" player with better gear

if we compare First level dificulty to all MMos i played(very veyr long list) this is potentialy hardest mmo i ever payed

Beating even dayz and warz

of we compare it to WoW , you could beat lv1 enemy with your lv1 without chear char to death with bare hands without problem , first levels are supposed to be noobland where players able to get familiar with game , not being constantly be raped becouse they dont know mechanics , and no ways to learn them(dont point 1minute gameplay tutorial , it teaches you pickup items , point and shot)

"I have 3 different warframes with 3 different playstyles"

that explains a lot , what about total noob who played some fps and rpg and wants to play first lv alone on solo? noone else will play mercury then noobs really

I'll make sure to test this. I'll buy a fourth warframe later on and run in with level 0 guns / melee. I'll report on this later.

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"I'll make sure to test this. I'll buy a fourth warframe later on and run in with level 0 guns / melee. I'll report on this later."

Again your game veteran , if i would pick any harder mmo or game who needs skill more then gear or items experience player can easyly beat things on first level even on hardest difficulty

Ill pick mass effect 3 as comparison as game play wise and gear wise games are similar to some degree

When i first played i was raped on easiest difficulty (bronze)

Later on i could even do silver (and gold with some luck) with basic weapons and armor lv1 character and no war gear

Thing is just because your good don't means others are , i am good player , i dont mind learning , but first levels game is presented to potentialy paying customer he should be given some "noob time to able to get familiar with game mechanics" and most mmo's or coop games let you do so , and these who don't let it to some degree atleast (even complete idiot is able to do mass effect 3 bronze few waves , finishing whole 10 is other story)

you constantly bringing up "game how difficult is to veteran player" you are veteran player , you got 3 warframes , you played for god knows how much time on this , how even you dare to compare your skill to new character and complete noob

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"I'll make sure to test this. I'll buy a fourth warframe later on and run in with level 0 guns / melee. I'll report on this later."

Again your game veteran , if i would pick any harder mmo or game who needs skill more then gear or items experience player can easyly beat things on first level even on hardest dificulty

Ill pick mass effect 3 as comparison as gameplay wise and gearwise games are similar to some degree

When i first played i was raped on easiest dificulty (bronze)

Lateron i could even do silver (and gold with some luck) with basic weapons and armor lv1 character and no wargear

Thing is just becouse your good dont means others are , i am good player , i dont mind learning , but first levels game is presented to potentialy paying customer he should be given some "noob time to able to get familiar with game mechanics" and most mmo's or coop games let you do so , and these who dont let it to some degree atleast (even complete idiot is able to do mass effect 3 bronze few waves , finishing whole 10 is other story)

you constantly bringing up "game how dificult is to veteran player" you are veteran player , you got 3 warframes , you layed for god knows how much time on this , how even you dare to compare your skill to new character and complete noob

This game was made to be hard. I don't agree with making it any less hard. It's laughably easy as is.

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"This game was made to be hard. I don't agree with making it any less hard. It's laughably easy as is."

again im not speaking about whole game , just tere is hardly any dificulty difrance

For me game its already too easy giving nerly no chalange , there is not "elite" or hard mode and bosses who are there now are not too hard ether

Yet im speaking about complete new players and you seam to miss my point

im not speaking about making game easier , but first levels of game and making Enemy lv actualy make much biger impact 50lv being harder then 50lv being now , and lv1 being easier then lv1 enemies are being now)

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There is a difference between "Made to be Hard" and "Okay, let's put new guys on a mission where they will be overwhelmed by enemies and they don't even know how to slide straight on the game yet"

I don't understand why a good game can't for once force people to learn fast, rather than letting you carebear through the first few maps.

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"I don't understand why a good game can't for once force people to learn fast"

its not about learning , DayZ is one of harder games who force you to learn fast

But you cant make fast learning game whos about leveling and getting"totaly random gear" becouse it will all depend on "luck about getting finaly that good gear to finish a map"

Game is supposed to be playable early on by complete idiot without any gear , ATLEAST first level

People like to learn , people not like to be raped on first level , potential "this game is too hard , ^^@ this $$^@#$@ im going back to bf3 <add random game>" is customer lost

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"I don't understand why a good game can't for once force people to learn fast"

its not about learning , DayZ is one of harder games who force you to learn fast

But you cant make fast learning game whos about leveling and getting"totaly random gear" becouse it will all depend on "luck about getting finaly that good gear to finish a map"

Game is supposed to be playable early on by complete idiot without any gear , ATLEAST first level

People like to learn , people not like to be raped on first level , potential "this game is too hard , ^^@ this $$^@#$@ im going back to bf3 <add random game>" is customer lost

I'd like to forward you to Eve Online. Same issues are brought up daily on their forum, yet thousands of people still login daily. It's not always a bad thing, a steep learning curve is in my opinion fun. Plus it weeds out immature people who want everything handed to them.

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The game is pretty easy as it is, I would request that we get an option to increase difficulty of missions in exchange for a better reward. Right now it's all guns blazing, which doesn't leave alot of time, nor need, to do tactical co-op decisions.

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i played eve for 2 years , dificulty very (one of better games) scales

you can do first missions without any problems being total idiot in noob ship without gear

yet game scales fast making you learn on your mistakes

BUT YOU GOT SOME SPACE you can alweys go back and do these easy missions alone without needing to group with anyone

you dont need good gear there , game lets you do more with skill but even compete noob can have fun for atleast few days without fear of being raped(exeption of pvp)

"The game is pretty easy as it is, I would request that we get an option to increase difficulty of missions in exchange for a better reward. Right now it's all guns blazing, which doesn't leave alot of time, nor need, to do tactical co-op decisions."

Yes , but you seam to miss my point too i want easier missions for starting players , dificulty not scales atall as lv1 enemies are not less dangerous then lv50 (not big stats difrance , while being lv10 volt having lv6 weapon i was able to SOLO lv50 mission with infected on pluto while being mild noob still) (hence making lv50 harder then it is now and lv1 easier then it is now seam good idea)

Yes i want harder mode , veteran or elite mode for levels , but i did read posts on forums from other players about solo rant , and add to that mercury missions are not that easy for new players ether , i mostly started this after shield and armor neft for me even first missions were hard , now i cant imagine even how they can be hard for new players with half of shield and half of armor i had

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i played eve for 2 years , dificulty very (one of better games) scales

you can do first missions without any problems being total idiot in noob ship without gear

yet game scales fast making you learn on your mistakes

BUT YOU GOT SOME SPACE you can alweys go back and do these easy missions alone without needing to group with anyone

you dont need good gear there , game lets you do more with skill but even compete noob can have fun for atleast few days without fear of being raped(exeption of pvp)

"The game is pretty easy as it is, I would request that we get an option to increase difficulty of missions in exchange for a better reward. Right now it's all guns blazing, which doesn't leave alot of time, nor need, to do tactical co-op decisions."

Yes , but you seam to miss my point too i want easier missions for starting players , dificulty not scales atall as lv1 enemies are not less dangerous then lv50 (not big stats difrance , while being lv10 volt having lv6 weapon i was able to SOLO lv50 mission with infected on pluto while being mild noob still) (hence making lv50 harder then it is now and lv1 easier then it is now seam good idea)

Yes i want harder mode , veteran or elite mode for levels , but i did read posts on forums from other players about solo rant , and add to that mercury missions are not that easy for new players ether , i mostly started this after shield and armor neft for me even first missions were hard , now i cant imagine even how they can be hard for new players with half of shield and half of armor i had

The majority of players quit after the tutorial due to the fact that they don't understand how the game works. But whatever.

A few of my friends started playing 10 minutes ago and are laughing about how easy it is to solo the first few maps. I thought it was so hard?

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I'd like to forward you to Eve Online. Same issues are brought up daily on their forum, yet thousands of people still login daily. It's not always a bad thing, a steep learning curve is in my opinion fun. Plus it weeds out immature people who want everything handed to them.

EVE is a game that offers almost a world in itself. It meant to be complex by design, you can't compare that to a an action driven shooter. You talking about two completely different things that can't be compared on the same scale. It's good to have lots of variety in WF, different tactics, clever AI etc. But making the learning curve too steep would hurt a game of such design.

I must add though that I didn't find any solo missions in the first system to hard, apart from the "broken", IMHO, ammo drops. Started just recently.

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I must add though that I didn't find any solo missions in the first system to hard, apart from the "broken", IMHO, ammo drops. Started just recently.

This is pretty much what i've been trying to say, but he insists that the game is too hard for new players.

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