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Petition To Bring Back The Original Moa Design.


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Regardless of my opinion of that the new Moas are more detailed and generally look cooler... the old ones are just didn't fit Corpus. Bio-robots? I know they are trying to reverse engineer the Orokin stuff (who made the tenocyte and the basics of the organic Tenno technology) but even if they succeeded, they wouldn't mass produce it in that scale.


Hell, they have more Moa than people.

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Yes, it all boils down to preferences in the end, but honestly, there is a disturbing trend towards what I call "busy mechanical parts" syndrome these days.  Ever since Michael Bay molested Transformers, filmmakers and gamemakers seem to think the general public like a bunch of exposed metal and just random shiny bits jutting out of every which part when they hear "mechanical" or "robotic."  


And they are right.  The Transformers movies didn't do so well for no reason.  But I weep for the bio-mechanical or even the cyberpunk looks in scifi these days.  They need more love.


But back on topic:  The new moas look detailed and cool.  The old moas look bizarre and unique.  Keep both, make the game more varied.  


What?!?!  The new, more mechanical looking moas have been done in scifi forever?  They look like AT-ATs?  Fine!  People love those!


What?!?!  The old, more organic looking moas are rather unique (except they look like Gekkos from MGS)?  Fine too!  Keep them too!

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Regardless of my opinion of that the new Moas are more detailed and generally look cooler... the old ones are just didn't fit Corpus. Bio-robots? I know they are trying to reverse engineer the Orokin stuff (who made the tenocyte and the basics of the organic Tenno technology) but even if they succeeded, they wouldn't mass produce it in that scale.


Hell, they have more Moa than people.

I'm not sure what you're trying to get at the "fitting" part.  The Corpus was designed as a faction of highly advanced, machine-relying group.  Their whole CONCEPT was the utilization of strange animal-like robots that may or may not have organic components (or rather, robots that are designed to mimic animals).


If you don't like the legs of the old moas simply due to artistic preferences, that's perfectly fine and I respect that.  But I'd prefer you not bend the lore.

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Regardless of my opinion of that the new Moas are more detailed and generally look cooler... the old ones are just didn't fit Corpus. 





... the old ones are just didn't fit Corpus. 


Your opinion, not fact.


I thought you just said we should disregard that? 

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Shockwave Moa really needed the new model, as they didn't look bulky enough to be the type to rush up to you an unleash a circle of death around them.


For the more ordinary Moas, it could go either way, really.


The Moa have always looked like disembodied frog legs to me, so I don't really care if the model is changed again.

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I am good with more detailed robotics. The corpus use high tech machines and should look as such.


You got this backwards, dude.

The originals actually looks high-tech and the current one looks like they stole Grineer women-robot legs. 

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Both would be pretty cool. The original "Organic" models COULD be used for simple MOA's, since the chunky and detailed design is a little lost on them.. Shockwave and Railgun MOA's could benefit from the new model, since they both need more "Oomph" in their legs, what with the stomping, and supporting the Railgun kickback.


That's a great idea. It also helps break the similarities in the silhouette from a distance.

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You got this backwards, dude.

The originals actually looks high-tech and the current one looks like they stole Grineer women-robot legs. 




People just mainly seem to be stuck on the idea that more roters and "machine-like" parts means more advanced, when in actuality the lack thereof would indicate more so.


When you can't easily tell the mechanical from the organic, you know you're in some civilization with advanced robotics.  

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The original design was different enough from it, in fact it was much, much different so it would never be considered plagiarism. It'd be like someone saying the new MOA design plagiarizes AT-STs from Star Wars.

You just nailed me, sir.




Then as a matter of preferance, I personally also like the old MOA better.. although it's feels odd for it having an organic legs though.

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sorry but I can't agree, that the old models looked better, the level of detail of the new ones are too great and matches to the look of the corpus way better, the old moa simply looked too much out of place, the organic look didn't match to the corpus weapon (shocksticks, rifles, shipdesign)

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They are back baby!!!

sort of.....


It appears some one at DE wanted to have a little fun with this and they placed one of the original models in one of those operating tables but it had the bitmap (skin) of the new ones. Im guessing they couldnt put the original bitmaps cause they are no longer in use.





Edited by Mak_Gohae
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sorry but I can't agree, that the old models looked better, the level of detail of the new ones are too great and matches to the look of the corpus way better, the old moa simply looked too much out of place, the organic look didn't match to the corpus weapon (shocksticks, rifles, shipdesign)


It does match quite nicely if you think about it.


Grineer are the Terran Republic (Planetside reference) of the Warframe universe.  They got the bullets and the gritty-looking marines, with heavy armor and a very human look, though slightly futuristic.


Corpus are the Vanu Soverignty of the Warframe universe,  They got the lasers and the slicker, more futuristic look, and by futuristic, I mean, "out of place" of what we're used to seeing in Western Sci-fi (in easter sci-fi, as in anime and manga, that sort of organic look is pretty common) genre.  



So:  Grineer = heavy machinery with gears and cogs and exposed metal parts.  

        Corpus = slick futuristic techology with smooth, animal-like robots.

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It does match quite nicely if you think about it.


Grineer are the Terran Republic (Planetside reference) of the Warframe universe.  They got the bullets and the gritty-looking marines, with heavy armor and a very human look, though slightly futuristic.


Corpus are the Vanu Soverignty of the Warframe universe,  They got the lasers and the slicker, more futuristic look, and by futuristic, I mean, "out of place" of what we're used to seeing in Western Sci-fi (in easter sci-fi, as in anime and manga, that sort of organic look is pretty common) genre.  



So:  Grineer = heavy machinery with gears and cogs and exposed metal parts.  

        Corpus = slick futuristic techology with smooth, animal-like robots.

corpus = slick futuristic technology = agree smooth animal-like robots are fine by me if they would be also pretty much slick and clean, but the old models aren't, the old models looked more like the grineer type (just a bit cleaner)

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