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Too Much Credits?!


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What happens to a economy when a huge sum of money flows into it? Inflation, in other f2p game this might not be so bad, but now that in warframe you an easily buy any weapon BP in a few hours, vs a day or 3 means that the devs will have to find other ways of making money cuz spending 2 hours farming to get a BP and making it is way cheaper then buying a plat weapon .

what could happen is that they implement more plat exclusive items, OR hike the pricing of the current selection, which nobody really wants.

I think that the high level rewards are alright, but an alert that gives you over 8000creds per run is bit crazy.

True before update 7.8 barely anybody is playing the ! Alerts and doing a run for 2000~3000 creds seem waste of time to some.

I think balancing the alert credits will make the game more balanced and have less of a chance of getting a plat exclusive world like most f2p games.

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I already had a few friend quit (who had bought plat) just cause the credit farm was so stupidly $&*&*#(%&. 


But with less farming they actually thinking of coming back. I would believe having alot more player around keeping the game alive would beat losing a few plat earning right now. 

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Too much credit? TOO MUCH? That's just like saying I have ten million dollars, so therefore, I have too much money, and henceforth, I should no longer earn _____ amount a year. I'm happy with the credits as they are, but, credits aren't 100% of the game. I know I may be seem like a newbie and what not, which I am, honestly, but, I'm happy with earning credits equal to what I've been grinding on. Come at me, haters.

Edited by Mizukage
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 To have something in the game and make it unattainable because it is unnecessary - Doesn't that strike you as incredibly stupid?


It was never unattainable people are just freaking ADHDing all over the place and cant wait any amount of time for stuff.

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Other than running Vor over and over again in Solo (really killing the game for me...) I don't know how else to earn credits quickly.

I'd say OVER grinding for credits/resources/blueprints kills the game for people because it becomes a boring pursuit of resources rather than gameplay and squading up.

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