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Stalker Is Now Just Another Cannon Fodder


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Since the patch where Stalker was nerfed he is now nologet a feared foe but now just a common threat. i miss the days when he would come around and have us shivvering in a corner and have the true meaning of team work have to come together to over come him. Now i can solo him very easly with killing other AI in between, he has just become nothing to fear now. I relise why you would have nerfed Stalker to be kind to the new players but i believe this nerf was to hard, it no longer makes you think twise about wanting to go solo, now Solo is easy even when he pops around to say hi. i think should be brought back up to the job he was first handed, by doing this it would make CO-OP alot better because you would want to stick together to fight him if he comes around. He is a random Boss foe and you should be prepared for him and if you are not.... then prepare to have a bad time. Please take this into consideration even adding a leveling system so everytime he dies to you he gets harder would be nice.   Make Warframes Fear Him Again 

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Now then. After your post, I want you to take off all of your mods and run around until he comes to you. After you die horribly from being unable to do enough damage to him you should come back and make a thread complaining about how hard he is.


While it's true that Stalker is not a threat to people who know how to Exploit AI/Have God-tier equipment/A team that is useful, he is plenty challenging on his own if you are with a group or alone and don't have the required... Anything to beat him. He does standard damage all around it seems and just has a lot of HP which is not a challenge by itself. He's not fun to fight when you're leveling everything new except your warframe and end up cherry-tapping his health away while running from room to room to avoid his power spam.

Edited by VanillaRegal
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