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[Concept] Mistral - Wind/air Based Offensive Warframe


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Mistral is a fleetly warframe who utilizes surrounding air to produce strong wind currents for primarily offensive and utility purposes.



Base Stats


Health: 75

Power: 150

Shield Capacity: 100

Shield Recharge: 22.5

Sprint Speed: 1.4






Gust   Energy Cost: 25


Mistral releases a forceful blast of wind in small arc in front of him, damaging and knocking back all enemies a considerable distance. If they collide with terrain or other units, they take additional damage. Units that are hit by gusted units are also knocked back and take damage.



Rip Draft  Energy Cost: 50


Mistral surrounds himself in mercurial winds, granting him a substantial boost in speed. Units who are in close proximity or come into contact with Mistral are knocked down.


* This skill is more or less like Volt's Speed with a lesser magnitude and with an added crowd control effect.




Typhoon  Energy Cost: 75


Mistral calls forth a strong upheaval of wind in an area, creating a tempest and rendering all enemy units within it lifted while taking considerable damage over time.


* Alternatively: Swift Embrace   Energy cost 75 


Mistral grants himself and allies an aura of protective wind which increase armor, while also reflecting a percentage of projectile damage that is received.


creds. to ecludian



Squall    Energy Cost: 100


Mistral channels piercing winds, unleashing a deadly flurry of wide-reaching wind slices capable of cleaving through units with his melee weapon. Enemies in its path will meet a brutal demise.


* (Very much Sephiroth-esque)



Feedback is much appreciated! I'm not much of an artist, so unfortunately I am unable to provide any concept art.

Edited by Xevious
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Typhoon and Squall sound too much like ulimates and since each frame has only one ulimate I would say replace Typhon with like Swift Embrace, a defensive skill that wraps the Tenno in a swirling vortex of wind that increases armor, does perhaps a reflective damage to melee attackers, but either roots in place or has a good decrease in speed (as i write this I am reminded that Ember has a simliar skill in Overheat).  Additionally Typhoon sounds like a wind based version of Mag's Crush skill which is her ulimate.  Perhaps Swift Embrace could be like Frost's Snow Globe but instead of being rooted in place it could move around as the caster does, but be smaller in size and perhaps be only at ground level.


Or another idea could be to remove Typhoon as the ulimate and use Squall as the 3rd skill (75 energy) and have Swift Embrace be the ultimate where it cloaks all team members in a small whirlwind (much like overheat), has an increase in armor or damage reflection (again like overheat), and has a mild health or energy regen and/or increase (like Trinity's Blessing but at like quarter or half power).  The regen would be on the magnitude of like 50 energy (or 50% of total) and the health would be again perhaps 50% of total.  It would provide a secondary healer to the Trinity but with the benefit of an energy regen that would allow for the main Trin to keep her skills on a boss or her party healed.


However I could see how this class could become over powered with such a skill, but very useful as a support class.


Squall could also have some form of mild armor penetration given it has a piercing wind element to it, however given the current classes of elemental damage (fire, ice, and voltage), this might require a new elemental form to be added, so in place of that it would do voltage type damage, but then it would run into issues of being the same as the Volt warframe ultimate wise.  Or else it stays as non-elemental damage and just does less to all three enemy types with no preference (like ember to infested, volt to corpus, ice slow to all, etc).


My long winded two cents anyway.

Edited by ecludian
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Typhoon and Squall sound too much like ulimates and since each frame has only one ulimate I would say replace Typhon with like Swift Embrace, a defensive skill that wraps the Tenno in a swirling vortex of wind that increases armor, does perhaps a reflective damage to melee attackers, but either roots in place or has a good decrease in speed (as i write this I am reminded that Ember has a simliar skill in Overheat).  Additionally Typhoon sounds like a wind based version of Mag's Crush skill which is her ulimate.  Perhaps Swift Embrace could be like Frost's Snow Globe but instead of being rooted in place it could move around as the caster does, but be smaller in size and perhaps be only at ground level.


Or another idea could be to remove Typhoon as the ulimate and use Squall as the 3rd skill (75 energy) and have Swift Embrace be the ultimate where it cloaks all team members in a small whirlwind (much like overheat), has an increase in armor or damage reflection (again like overheat), and has a mild health or energy regen and/or increase (like Trinity's Blessing but at like quarter or half power).  The regen would be on the magnitude of like 50 energy (or 50% of total) and the health would be again perhaps 50% of total.  It would provide a secondary healer to the Trinity but with the benefit of an energy regen that would allow for the main Trin to keep her skills on a boss or her party healed.


However I could see how this class could become over powered with such a skill, but very useful as a support class.


Squall could also have some form of mild armor penetration given it has a piercing wind element to it, however given the current classes of elemental damage (fire, ice, and voltage), this might require a new elemental form to be added, so in place of that it would do voltage type damage, but then it would run into issues of being the same as the Volt warframe ultimate wise.  Or else it stays as non-elemental damage and just does less to all three enemy types with no preference (like ember to infested, volt to corpus, ice slow to all, etc).


My long winded two cents anyway.


Thanks for the very valid and valuable points. I was having trouble conceiving what exactly the 3rd skill (Typhoon) would do, and you've given some really great suggestions! Though, I think I'd like to keep Squall as the ultimate, since it's that flashy-oomph skill that deals a truckload of damage :P

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