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Wind Mod


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Not originally my idea but no ones mentioned it yet.


This mod for weapons would have small greenish wisps flowing around a weapon and bursts of green with a distortion effect on impact.

Melee Weapons : Wind mods would add a small bit of damage but increase the weapons melee range by a percentage.

Ranged Weapons : Wind mods would make shots travel a lot faster and add a small bit of damage.

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I think also give Wind mods force, so you could stagger/knock over targets. Although I can't see how you'd achieve a smooth transition between stagger and knockdown. Maybe have a Mass Effect-like force threshold system where certain abilities have a set force, and units have force thresholds that will cause stagger once breached (unfortunately Mass Effect 3 didn't have a knockdown threshold, not sure about the other games), if this game's engine has that.

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Non Bolt weapons could use straight fire or armor penetration mods and get more damage if a bolto weapon decided to use a wind mod.

Also say a Bolto weapon projectile has a speed of 40 and a bullet projectile weapon has a speed of 120.  A wind mod that gives 40% more speed gives the Bolto weapon 16 more velocity, while it gives the bullet projectile 48 more.  So it would have less of an effect on an already slow projectile, but still an improvement.


Regarding stagger, its already hilariously easy to stun stuff with sentinels using all elemental mods.  Having wind cause a small stagger or interrupt might be too much.

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I think the small range increase per level for a wind mod on melee is great. Not so much for the stun/knockdown for the same reasons mentioned above. I also feel like this should increase weapon swing speed and jump attack AOE. I don't mean attack speed, just swing speed.


For ranged weps, I feel like this could very well increase velocity and a small amount of damage without changing the game. 

Or how about a small reduction in damage for a bit of push? Like, less damage and an actual movement of the target as the force of the projectile hits it. It wouldn't stun but just push back a little. Just a thought.

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i was thinking 'Air' when you mentioned 'Wind'.


Air because its based on 'wind' factor but its property or natural force within the concept, what i mean is when u hit the melee button, the animation of the slash with a long sword (most usage) or a two handed sword will create a vacuum within the Air Slash cutting your foes in half and ignoring Armor because Air will cut through anything. example: Youtube search "Dynasty Warriors 8 Sima Zhao Gameplay"


but i doubt any of you will like that idea so i was entering that concept of idea's i guess

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Well, this is actually a quite solid idea, extra bullet speed or melee reach doesn't sound bad at all, nor would it be overpowered (as long as they get the % right).

Though, I would refrain from making it stagger or stun as there are enough mods that do that already.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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 No they are not... And if by any chance they are, then they shouldn't be


Excuse me, did you just disagree without having a reason to? :D


What you see are tracers. Visual effects. They have no interaction with the damage-engine, they just accompany the action of firing. Your rifle could be a trumpet spewing out pink unicorn clouds, it would still hit the enemies with the same damage at the same rate.The bullet profile is independent from the animation profile.


All non-bolt weapons are hitscan. The moment you press the button, you damage the target. There is no bullet drop/delay with our non-bolting gear.

Edited by Ced23Ric
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