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Zomg Positive Feedback!


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Yeah, kind of lacking here on the forums, so I wanted to take this time to start a thread to highlight a couple of the good changes that were made by this last update or two.


Scaled Credit Rewards!

Grinding for credits is no longer an issue since credit rewards now scale to ai difficulty- allowing us to play a few missions then have the creds to upgrade some mods, then play a few more and have more creds, or play a larger number of missions then craft something. The change is good and has significantly reduced the 'grinding' feeling of the game, which gets old quickly.


Vertical Indicators!

I personally asked for this and am glad that it's come about and so quickly! (I'm sure i wasn't the only one who brought it up on more than one ocassion) It's proven very useful in finding the way out on the more complex tilesets, and also very useful in finding downed teammates that are away from the group. It's even found some use in locating enemies stuck in strange spots in defense and exterminate missions. While the marker system still glitches out a little here and there the vertical indicator has already proven it's usefuless.


what other positive changes in recent updates have you folks seen that have made a major 'good' impact on your experiance with warframe?


P.S. Lets try to keep this thread positive- the devs do a great job of positive community interaction and actually listen to their playerbase thus improving the game overall, there ought be at least one thread on the forums giving them a pat on the back for the good descisions they've made.

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Sadly, it's difficult to find supporters on the forum because there's really no reason to say anything when you're content. But the people who are content should speak too, imo.


As I've heard before, nobody should ever think a forum as being the large bulk of the community, because all the complaining and verbal warfare which takes place on the forum could very well just be a small, small fraction of the player base.

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Scaling mission rewards is awesome, love it.  Encourages players to get to those higher levels and stick together.  increased "double Mission" instances, for even biggere rewards...Awesome!


Seriously can't wait till V8.0 is released, I only see this getting better.

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Positive feedback doesnt do a whole lot.




I disagree. The Devs are doing quite a bit with this project and the community involvement is exceptional. I'd hate to see that change because all they see is complaints and suggestions. It's very common for critical technical fields to be completely thankless and very demotivational in the long run. This is one of the reasons why you see so many older companies become the careless drones churning out unoriginal clones of their previous successes. While i'm not a fan of asskissery/brownnosing people myself, i do appreciate positive feedback now and then, and I'm sure the Devs will as well.


Imagine for a moment you're an indie developer with a massive playerbase that keeps growing- using your product before it's anywhere near finished.


When the server's down the playerbase hates you, when it's back up and everything's working as it should you don't hear a peep.

When the feature you just implemented has a bug, everyone complains about it- when you fix it the only acknowledgement you get is people stop complaining about it.

When you change something and it negatively affects the experiance of the userbase everyone complains about it, but when you make a change for the better nobody says anything.


Put yourself in those shoes for a moment- then imagine yourself in those shoes for a year, maybe two. How do you feel? Do you feel like coming in to work and doing your best, or perhaps just coming in and getting by with what you can without really caring?


I know a lot of programmers, engineers, and people in various other fields that are miserable with their thankless jobs. Others that enjoy the work and not the people, and a few lucky ones who have great jobs and are able to enjoy them every day. This surely isn't the norm, but it boosts productivity and morale. Look at Google or Valve for example- some of the most successful companies have motivated and happy employees which overall make for better products (even if adsense sometimes thinks i'm Spanish and steam sometimes thinks i'm Swedish XD)


Negative feedback 'hopefully' results in postive change. it has it's purpose.


Postive feedback doesn't often result in change, so you don't see it's effect as readily as the  changes brought about by negative feedback. However, when your userbase is thanking you for doing something awesome, or fixing a problem that's existed for awhile and been irking them- you might find yourself feeling a little more motivated to keep going and digging into what else you can do. It also helps affirm that the change made was indeed good and well received by the user-base. What if they suddenly decided to change or remove one of your favorite features or new additions in a future patch because the playerbase didn't seem to care for it- and only because nobody spoke up about it? I for one miss the loadout preset option- but that's me, and i understand it was removed because it wasn't complete- but.. I'd like to see it come back sometime. =3


Burn-out happens, and it's usually a result of a thankless high-stress environment. You then wind up with people doing the bare minimum they can get away with to get by. I don't want to see that happen with DE when they've done such an awesome job thus far. Sure there's a lot of work yet to be done, but it's still beta- I have faith that it'll get there. =)


Getting back on track with the postive feedback, one thing I forgot to mention earlier is the elemental mods on bolt weapons being fixed. In fact, the biggest section of most of the updates thus far has been the fixes, that's a good thing.


Also, props for the fast fix on the 0 credit rewards issue when 7.8.0 was initially released.

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The vertical indicators are a lovely addition, already been considerable help in keeping track of team-mates, not to mention helped me get to a downed player just in time to rez him. Such a small thing, yet so useful. Another indication of just how closely DE actually listen to the playerbase and respond quickly (workload allowing).

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They fixed Nyx's Psychic Bolts!!!

They turned off the PhysX particles which were ABSURD, and causing the game to crash after 4 casts.


I was ecstatic the first time I used it after the patch. It's my favorite power in the entire game and the reason I bought Nyx with plat.

I have faith that they will eventually get some working PhysX effects on Psychic Shards, but until then I'm loving the old look and enjoying the (Somewhat useful) ability more than I should.

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Reviving this thread for update 7.8.1 which was made entirely of win. Between implementing the much requested 5 wave rewards checkpoint system for defense missions, enabling anti-cheat, making mod sorting much easier while enabling the fusion of equipped mods, and even fixing a number of ui glitches that occured when fusing or selling many mods- not to mention trinity no longer kills sentinels when tanking with link.


Keep up the great work! =)

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Positive Feedback thread?

GLAIVE! Glaive glaive glaive.


It's amazing. I haven't had that much fun since I got Paris.

A total game changer, I feel more attached to my Glaive than I do my Sentinel 'pet'.


Haters gonna hate, but it's an amazing weapon.

2 Polarity slots? Holy crap.

Throwable, and yet still competent at melee? Holier crap.

It fits into your freakin' wrist?!? Holiest crap.


Love it.

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I don't even like third person view, and I think this game is awesome. Play is smooth and engaging, and I've got a melee that's not just something to do while reloading, it is actually usable! Loving this game so far, keep up the hard work. Remember that most some of the people posting here (negative and demanding and unproductive) are probably young and have probably never been in game design and have no idea how complicated and time consuming it is.


Love to the Warframe team!

Edited by Carcharias
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