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Login Issues - 10/24


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Having issues with weapon masteries. Akbronco, Ballistica, Braton Prime, Dual Ethers, Hek, Kraken, and Orthos all deleveled to 29. Mutalist Quanta, which I have sitting maxed in my Inventory, claims I don't have it leveled in the Codex. Just small issues but it bothers me some weapons that I don't own anymore were knocked down to 29. Hope this is just a small bug but thanks for fixing the servers!

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If youre getting this error ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT this is the fix, thanks to 




So after 2 months I found the fix, here's the deal...


My Dad yesterday told me around 11pm or something that Internet Explorer wasn't working, It wasn't loading any web page even tho Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome were working fine. So he told me to wait for tomorrow(Today) and fix it. I did some research, but while I was looking for the fix I was reading this Topic in Warframe's forum saying that the game uses some IE interfaces so we should look for Internet Explorer if it's working properly or not, then I realised that might be the solution, fixing IE would fix Warframe so I did reset IE and everything, Windows told me to restart the PC to make effect, guess what happened next? I opened IE, it was working all fine like before, then I thought, let's try Warframe and BOOM! BABY! ALL FIXED.


Anyways just check that your Internet Explorer is working properly, if you have issues or whatever go to

Tools>Internet Options>Advanced>Reset Internet Explorer Settings


It will tell you to restart your PC(Maybe it will tell you, maybe not), so do it, that will make the effect. After restarting your PC check if your IE is working fine, then it's time to check if Warframe is working, if it does work I'm glad it helped!


Please share this if anyone is having the same issue, it might help.



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