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Rage + Limbo (Rift Walk) + Quick Thinking?


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So, Rift Walk gives 1 Energy/second spent in the Rift Plane; it costs something like 15 Energy and will only not refund its own cost (and then some) if you toggle out of it before it can.

Rage converts Health damage to Energy, Rift Walk provides a period of nigh-invulnerability and more energy, Quick Thinking converts Energy to Health to avoid death, and...repeat, I guess.


Would Rage + Rift Walk + Quick Thinking basically result in Immortal Limbo, or would it not? If not, why not?

Also, what about Quick Thinking vs an enemy that's in the Rift, where you'll constantly be regaining your Energy?

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Yes but unlike the old Rage + QT combo, you can't do damage if you want to be truly invincible.  Which I think is a good enough downside that I don't consider this combo too strong.  But it does make Limbo one of the best Warframe at surviving.   


But don't forget you don't gain health from QT anymore, so as soon as you step out of Rift, you're probably dead.  So unless you can heal yourself, you'll either end up hiding in the Rift forever, or desperately trying to do enough damage before going back into hiding again. 

Edited by Casval_Rouge
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Yes but unlike the old Rage + QT combo, you can't do damage if you want to be truly invincible.  Which I think is a good enough downside that I don't consider this combo too strong.  But it does make Limbo one of the best Warframe at surviving.   

Infinitely reviving allies is a big issue


also making them temporarily invincible

Edited by Azawarau
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Hold on


Can you Banish a downed player, revive them in phaseland, and then bring them back safe and sound?


I'm not sure, as I pretty much only play solo, but I think you might be able to Revive while Rifted. I know my Sentinel can just keep right on shootin'.



You an be in the rift and revive out of rift players

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Wonder if that's intentional or not.

Not quite sure but between that and the insane energy gain its pretty overpowered


I literally ran with just narrow minded and blind rage and managed to make something like 10-12x the energy i used over its duration


Within 8-9 seconds i gained back the original cost of the power

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Infinitely reviving allies is a big issue


also making them temporarily invincible

And loki cant infinitely revive allies? and valkry cant infinitely revive allies? and rhino cant infintely revive allies? and vauban cant infinitely revive allies, and.... nvm you get my point.

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And loki cant infinitely revive allies? and valkry cant infinitely revive allies? and rhino cant infintely revive allies? and vauban cant infinitely revive allies, and.... nvm you get my point.

And you've missed theirs - it's not about 'picking them up and over and over,' really, it's 'picking them up without ever being at risk or needing anything to be happening besides having enough energy to use Rift Walk once.'

He's completely invulnerable to un-Rifted enemies during Rift Walk, regains the expended Energy and then some, as well as having freedom of movement.


This is different from Loki going invisible because Loki's still vulnerable to damage. Enemies still attacking that downed player while you're invisibly resurrecting them? You're going to get hurt, even if it's unintentional on the part of the AI. Rhino using Iron Skin to resurrect? Can be stripped with enough damage. Valkyr using...I guess Hysteria, maybe, to do it? She'll run out of energy.


Limbo has none of these disadvantages - his only disadvantage here is that he can't harm enemies in a different Rift state. It's actually advantageous for him to stay in Rift Walk whenever not attacking. If Banish can affect enemies in a different Rift state (I'd check, but Ordis's nagging is &!$$ing me off), then he could really just use Rift Walk, pick an enemy at a time to fight, and fight them one-on-one.


Edit: Put up with Ordis' nagging long enough to check. He can Banish from inside Rift Walk, which even helps offset the cost, preventing him from locking himself out of Rift Walk by Banishing recklessly. Minor bug noticed, wherein Rift Walk's energy expenditure bubble says 50, but the ability only consumes 15, as well.

Edited by OricSharp
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And loki cant infinitely revive allies? and valkry cant infinitely revive allies? and rhino cant infintely revive allies? and vauban cant infinitely revive allies, and.... nvm you get my point.

The issue here is Loki isnt entirely invincible


Valkyr is and thats an issue that needs to be fixed


Vabaun cant infinitely revive allies and take no damage


Theres a danger even with him


And even if you did have a point youre only pointing out that this is adding to the problem


If you think your post was smart you need to think again

Edited by Azawarau
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