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[Idea!] Vehicular Missions?


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So, I honestly have no idea how feasible this would be in terms of actually programming it, but I've been thinking that vehicular missions would be awesome. When it comes to Warframe, I think about speed, so would it not be cool if there was a mission type where you got to zoom around on speed-bikes or something?


Mission Type: Rally

Objective: To escape the planet.


Tenno. You have just located valuable intel on the Grineer/Corpus. However, the extraction vessel has been shot down. You will need to navigate yourself to a secondary extraction site via Grineer/Corpus land vehicles. Good luck.


My idea was that the mission would start out in a vehicle bunker/garage, where players could choose between either two speed bikes that seat two Tenno each, or one larger vehicle (think Warthog, from Halo). The speed bikes would obviously be faster, but lack the punch of the slower, bigger transport vehicle. For the bikes, they're be a driver and a gunner; for the transport, you'd have a stronger main armament (a turret of some sort), as well as two Tenno being able to freely shoot out of the vehicle.

The goal of the mission would be to get to an extraction point. Along the way, players could encounter some of the following:

  • Standard vehicle-section elements, such as sick ramps, big explosions, enemies following on vehicles, etc.

  • Gates that would impede vehicular transport, and would require players going on foot to open them to progress.

  • Two different paths for the two speed-bike teams to take, which require interaction in order to allow each other to progress. For example, you could have a path that splits into a valley path and a path above the valley. A gate blocks the valley, but the gate facility is located above. The team above must unlock the gate for the team below to get past.

So, what do you guys think? Do you think that this is just a crazy dream, or could it be implemented successfully?

More: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1cs2ct/idea_vehicular_missions/

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The current layout of the game and levels does not make this possible.

It could be considered, however do mind you there are usually two categories of games: The ones that do not have vehicles (CoD) and the ones that have vehicles (Halo). Vehicles are cool, but they sometimes just don't truly fit in a game, or are a partially useless hassle.

With that said, I love vehicles.

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Yeah, I understand that they wouldn't really fit with the levels as they are currently designed. If this game-type were to be implemented, there'd obviously have to be maps designed specifically for it, if that'd be possible at all. While I don't entirely agree with your dichotomy of games, I can say that I was definitely thinking about Halo when I thought about this - I used to fiend Rocket Race back in the day!

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I used to fiend Rocket Race back in the day!

Oh yes, the rocket races. I loved them. :D

But okay, mine was a bad example. But generally speaking, when it comes to shooters, some of them give you a degree of freedom with vehicles (Battlefield, Halo) as you can drive them around et cetera. Others, if they do give you vehicles, usually not with such a big freedom at ALL. Also, vehicles are subject to tonnes of physics rules and mechanics stuff. And the physics in this game still seem a bit weird to me (dead bodies feel like they're superlight, and sometimes my Mag's crush leaves them floating in the air.. Especially moas).

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Or just have certain maps where you get a vehicle instead of running around on foot. Possibly having embark/disembark points where you might need to run into a building and do something. A nifty idea especially if a vehicle was like a warframe in which you could level it and it's weapons plus put mods in it. I'm guessing this would be quite some time out though.

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