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The Shop Seems To Much Like Cheating To Me!


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you've played 100 hours and you still think the warframe abilities and powers are brilliantly designed ? i don't buy it.


Haha I said gameplay! Some warframes powers are not useful, like Excalibur's jump! Warframe's themselves are just extra content for the gameplay :) which is being a super bad &#! space ninja cyborg.... er whatever Tenno are lol!

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Wow didn't know DE had the power to take your money and give you stuff for it.


Oh wait, that's just your problem of spending money.


Besides, the goall of the game isn't to get all the weapons.


Actually, I like to think that the goal of the game is to eventually own everything, then play it like a third person shooter with space ninja while you occasionally grab new weapons that come out.


Otherwise, yeah, people who spend money will become bored more quickly than people who don't.


Really, how are you having fun?


Is it because you're a space ninja? Then you'll enjoy the game even after owning all the gear. You'll just have tons of options to be a space ninja. In this case, buying weapons with cash could be beneficial since it brings you closer to being a fully decked out space ninja even faster.


Is it because you're ranking up gear? Then you'll enjoy the game because there's a -ton- of stuff to rank up. Even using an affinity booster you'll still be drowning in stuff that will need ranking up. Buying items in this case will actually shorten the longevity of this game for you because you'll get to the weapons faster, meaning you'll be ranking them up faster. Then once you're out of weapons to rank up, you'll be bored.


So really, will you be bored once you have all the weapons ranked up? If so, you may want to resist spending cash to get them sooner and build them the fashion of waiting patiently (or not so patiently) to receive them. The game will last longer that way.


Me, I like to bring rank 30 stuff onto missions to feel like an over glorified super-powered space ninja. Sometimes I level weapons, but it's not about leveling weapons for me. It's all about the experience.


Been playing 229 hours now.

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I actually was very happy that I did NOT need to sink my hard earned cash to win at this game. I don't mind "grinding" for items because it helps me become a better player and I'm very glad most items I could just craft. I did become a founder and I do have my badge (unlike you). The only thing I've 'needed' to spend plat on are item slots to fill my completed BP's with.


Go home and stop ragging on a good game.

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I have not even come close to getting bored with the game, I just feel really odd that we can buy things we can make in game anyway, though being able to purchase blueprints with credits is great, but using platinum completely negates the point of obtaining materials. 

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I have not even come close to getting bored with the game, I just feel really odd that we can buy things we can make in game anyway, though being able to purchase blueprints with credits is great, but using platinum completely negates the point of obtaining materials.

As other posters mentioned, it's a shortcut. You don't want to spend time farming? Pay platinum and get what you want right away. Purely convenience purpose. The fact that you can practically buy almost all of the weapons in the game with credit and do alert for catalyst/reactor is quite enough to say that it's a fair practice.

That's the point of platinum-based price tag. Convenience. Although the price should be a bit lowered, but that's another matter which is unrelated to the OP.

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Yeah you know, I agree with the OP. I mean, it's clear that just NOT buying things isn't an option. We as players are FORCED to use platinum to unlock everything! They only included the Foundry to taunt us with the prospect.


(Joking, stop being so dense, OP.)

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No need to get riled up my friend, but to answer your Question. How is that worthwhile? You can grind the S#&$ out of this game, or just not and buy the weapons you want.


Yes, and? Pay2Win would be to deny players the acquisition of items and force to buy them instead.

THAT is what pay2win is, but fine, lets explain this a bit more throughly:

Free to play ALWAYS will be about having to do more for your stuff than those who pay cause those who pay are the target group which support the developers and actually keep the game alive.


What a game in the end is, is a product to be sold.

Its not a free petting zoo, nor a nursery to dump your kid at for free.

If you can understand that, then you should be able to understand that f2p players do not contribute with anything towards the game's future existence. They are taking up resources and bandwith, while creating no profit for the devs to run the servers with.


It is perfectly and totally logical to make the life of f2p players harder. This is what encourages them to take the easier path and support/pay for the game. There needs to be some balance within rational boundaries, but as i have said warframe is extremely forgiving on those notes. If anything, then too forgiving. It makes me question whether or not they will be able to keep the game alive on the long run.


Other MMOs are nowhere as a friendly with the playerbase and places crippling restrictions on you as long you wont cough money up.

World of Warcraft - level cap at 20 (out of like 85), denied AH usage, no trade, restricted chat functions, etc

Global Agenda - Denied AH, chat restrictions, trade restrictions, mail restrictions

PlanetSide 2 - Overall slower XP / unlock point generation

Tribes Ascend - Limited XP generation to unlock with

World of Tanks - Limited XP generation to unlock with

Ragnarok Online - Limited XP generation, Limited drop rates, Restrictions all around, Denial of rebirth

Aion - Limited number of dungeon runs, XP etc

Etc etc etc etc


I can only direct you towards understanding what free to play is. Nothing more, nothing less: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free-to-play

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Buying weapons with platinum = buying shortcut packs for Battlefield 3 = shortens the time you are playing the game.

so if you paying for guns with platinum it is your own damn fault.


If lazy people are deciding to throw their money away, its not my problem and i dont think it's DE's problem either. And i think they would like to eat at the end of the day. So be it.


P.S.: just read OP's post.

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Buying weapons with platinum = buying shortcut packs for Battlefield 3 = shortens the time you are playing the game.

so if you paying for guns with platinum it is your own damn fault.


Still, it's a nice option to have (even if I think the notion of guns costing as much in plat as warframes is a little crazy).  I've been playing Mass Effect 3 Co-Op on and off since it came out and you get all your upgrades through random packs purchased with credits from missions.  I've maxed out every class, every starter weapon, even every uncommon weapon, but there are "ultra-rare" weapons that were introduced in expansions after the game came out that I've never even seen, let alone maxed out.  I've completed something like four hundred missions in the last few months (since they started tracking that stuff on your account profile), and I'd love the option to buy specific items at this point.  =P

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Still, it's a nice option to have (even if I think the notion of guns costing as much in plat as warframes is a little crazy).  I've been playing Mass Effect 3 Co-Op on and off since it came out and you get all your upgrades through random packs purchased with credits from missions.  I've maxed out every class, every starter weapon, even every uncommon weapon, but there are "ultra-rare" weapons that were introduced in expansions after the game came out that I've never even seen, let alone maxed out.  I've completed something like four hundred missions in the last few months (since they started tracking that stuff on your account profile), and I'd love the option to buy specific items at this point.  =P


I have no problem when people buy their weapons with platinum, especially in Warframe - no one is ruining my gameplay experience. I just dont like the fact that people are complaining about that you can buy them. And that in a Free 2 Play game. Personally, i see no point playing the game when i would buy all my stuff with platinum. So why the complaint in the first place? (i mean OP here)

Edited by Sebbo
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I'm in that same boat my friend, I LOVE this game and will keep playing most likely, just not spending anymore money. 


I wuld never work for that kind of money, I am not some immature child. 


If all everyone wants to do is post hate at me, please kindly PM that hate instead. there's no reason to bring hostility simply because I put forth an opinion about the mechanics behind the market system.


I feel sorry for you sir. The amount of fanboys and/or hate on this post seems to be ridiculous. There is nothing I hate more then people who spew hate at others just for stating an opinion. BTW Am I the only one who can see that he actually does have a founder badge? Anyway...

As for your initial statement, I for one (and probably the only one) think that everything you said is true , just because you  used the "pay to make shortcuts" analogy. It just seems that other people ignored that or something blurred their eyes and went for the "pay2win" debate, so for the sake of argument I'll throw in my 2 cents on that:

The thing that everyone ,including yourself, seems to forget is that this is a PVE only game (atm), and talks about pay to win , in my opinion at least, are just absurd. You cannot WIN anything in a PVE game. Buying everything in the store with money is completely up to you; if you want to play all the frames with all the weapons it seems fine to me because you cannot use them in a way that will make me/anyone else LOSE something, so what are you actually paying to win at? If you like the game you will play it and only buy platinum for 2 reasons: 1 to support the awesome devs, 2 to skip some of the grind and get at least your preferred warframe and weapons because you don't have the time to get them through grinding so you can maybe play with your friends that do have all that time available. The second reason is kinda weak IMO, because this is one of those few games that make grinding fun, I mean you get everything in the game by grinding right? but grinding in this game means being a space ninja and killing everything in sight with your super powers, so if you look at it like that there isn't any grind in the first place because being a space ninja is all you ever do anyway.

Also the game is only in BETA and as someone else stated there are already a few weapons that are only available as rewards and I'm sure there will be more of this in the future->stuff that only people PLAYING the game have access to and can't be bought in the store, because that's how all online- rpg type games work, players grinding for days and playing all the missions and alerts and such need something for their effort or they will just find some other game where they get rewarded better for their trouble.

Even tho League is the best F2P game of our generation, it can't be compared to a totally different game like warframe so I'm not gonna go there. But the fact that just about everything that you can play/grind for can also be bought with money is a plus for the game because what happens most of the time with games like this is that the players who pay get WAAAAY more stuff, that the "normal" players will NEVER have access to, because they are treated as second class citizens. So its going well so far IMO.


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It appears it is easy to just buy your way to everything.

I see a lot of players cave by level 2 and buy things which can be earned because they had been wronged in some way by another player who had something better which made them feel inferior and not as good of a tenno.


Personally these people who pay their way to acquiring warframes weapons sentinels orokin supercharge everything are only making the life span of the game much shorter for themselves.

Sure it may make nerds with no sex life feel like they have a big e-peen.

In the end the only audience they are impressing are other men.

No girl is going to be impressed by how buff your Tenno is.


For me, acquiring components and blueprints is a huge part of the longevity of this game.

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Also OP. There is an optional reset which will refund any spent platinum. If you feel you have cheated yourself out of the joy of progression by taking a gold-plated shortcut (as I had). Then you can happily look forward to a clean slate (as I do). Being fully maxed out with rare mods and several unearned warframes, I felt rather like the cat who had eaten the canary. Rather than wait for the reset, I took the initiative to sell all my mods and equipment except for what Tenno's start with and experience the open beta progression balance first hand. And I am enjoying myself immensely.

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