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"so What Are You Waiting For!" I'm Waiting For You To Die, Ordis.


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I unabashedly detest this claptrap-esque, unfunny, screeching and thoroughly annoying voice in my Liset. 


Warframe was majestic, dramatic, and all the things that space ninjas wielding swords on distant starships ought to be. Ordis is what would happen if if the Observer had been tipped over a desk by a drunken Claptrap on a regrettable evening of poor decisions. 


Please count my vote as firmly on the side of slitting this abomination's digital vocal cords and replacing ... it ... with some semblance of utility and dignity.



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How long do you people stay on the Liset? Seriously, I spend more time ingame than on the ship. He doesn't talk that much. God, the only reason Lotus isn't subjected to this hatred is because you're all @$$ kissers for hot females.

I Spent in Ship, because I want to trade my items for plats.

I want to Build my frames.

I want to mod every frame and check for the right colors.

I try to spend my time on region chat.

I need to go to recruiting to find someone to host T4.

and etc.,

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How long do you people stay on the Liset? Seriously, I spend more time ingame than on the ship. He doesn't talk that much. God, the only reason Lotus isn't subjected to this hatred is because you're all @$$ kissers for hot females.

Wrong. I hate Ordis, I hate the Lotus, I hate every game that does this BS where there's some robot/AI/radio-command-dingwad constantly popping up on your screen. Even if I mute Ordis or Lotus, they still show up on my screen, always conveniently to block something I'm trying to click in the menus. If I had it my way, I'd want to be able to remove them entirely. There are those of us who don't want someone constantly popping up on our screen and bothering us with exposition we didn't ask for. I don't know how many times I've heard "Heavy grineer approaching" five seconds after I've already spotted and killed it. Lotus is just as bad, and there used to be plenty of threads asking for an option to shut her up, we got that option, but she still shows up on our screen to cover up important screen space so she can let us know about things we don't need to know.

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Wrong. I hate Ordis, I hate the Lotus, I hate every game that does this BS where there's some robot/AI/radio-command-dingwad constantly popping up on your screen. Even if I mute Ordis or Lotus, they still show up on my screen, always conveniently to block something I'm trying to click in the menus. If I had it my way, I'd want to be able to remove them entirely. There are those of us who don't want someone constantly popping up on our screen and bothering us with exposition we didn't ask for. I don't know how many times I've heard "Heavy grineer approaching" five seconds after I've already spotted and killed it. Lotus is just as bad, and there used to be plenty of threads asking for an option to shut her up, we got that option, but she still shows up on our screen to cover up important screen space so she can let us know about things we don't need to know.

Great for you. I am just pointing out that Lotus gets far less hatred than Ordis. It's a fact, look it up.

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How long do you people stay on the Liset? Seriously, I spend more time ingame than on the ship. He doesn't talk that much. 

What? He repeat "So what are you waiting for?" line EVERY TIME I exit mission. So he doesn't bother me when I am on Liset, only EVERY TIME I return to Liset = when I play that game, not chating/crafting/ets...

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It's not only you,

I can spend 10 Hours watching him repeating "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?"

There is no reason to listen to him say that for nearly two days.


He is literally telling you to pay up. He's like one of the f2p mobile apps that remind you to pay.

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Wrong. I hate Ordis, I hate the Lotus, I hate every game that does this BS where there's some robot/AI/radio-command-dingwad constantly popping up on your screen. Even if I mute Ordis or Lotus, they still show up on my screen, always conveniently to block something I'm trying to click in the menus. If I had it my way, I'd want to be able to remove them entirely. There are those of us who don't want someone constantly popping up on our screen and bothering us with exposition we didn't ask for. I don't know how many times I've heard "Heavy grineer approaching" five seconds after I've already spotted and killed it. Lotus is just as bad, and there used to be plenty of threads asking for an option to shut her up, we got that option, but she still shows up on our screen to cover up important screen space so she can let us know about things we don't need to know.

That small screen space is not of importance, you don't like seeing her face or the Cephalon either.

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In the context of the setting Ordis seems to be a sentiant, intelligent, being even if he is an AI and yet so many people treat him so poorly. I hope thats not a sign for how humanity will treat AI's in the future.


Then again with this just being a video game I can kind of understand the frustration. Anyway, muting him is the best option if youre annoyed with him.

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