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After 140 Hours Of Gameplay (General Feedback - Huge Suggestions)


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General Feedback - HUGE Suggestions.


After 70 hours (140, if you count in my friend, who is playing with me.), I found this game very fun, and much to my liking.


The universe it's set in, is really good. Huge plus for the leveling up animation, looks really great.

Wall-running / sliding / other movements should be in lot more games, it's really fun to do.

Boss missions are well done. It's always exciting to see a new boss.

The person who designs the Warframes should get a cookie. Good job mate!



But there are so much stuff, that could improve this already good game. Me and my friend, brainstormed a few for you DE guys to think upon. Some great, some not so great ones (in our opinion anyway). Sorry for my English, and enjoy! (I worked hard on this list, I hope the community appreciates it.) WIthout further ado:




Iron Will - Chance to resist an attack that would otherwise stun you. (Ie.: Disruptor attack , Runner explosion etc.)

Relic Hunter - Get an additional chance (small percent) for Mods to drop. Could be an artifact, with even lower chance.

Jump Power - Makes the height of your jump greater.

Fast Learner - Get an additional Y% Warframe XP (again, think in small percents) after completing a successful mission.


When killing the Stalker, he could have a small chance to drop only rare Mods.


On Endless Defense, the same Mod rewards could appear on the end of wave 5, and wave 10 (some cases, even 15!). It leaves a bad taste in a players mouth. Make it so that this is not an issue.


Mod Forge - You could forge any 5 Mods with the same rarity, to get a random Mod with the same rarity to make use of TONS of unwanted Mods. Additionally, if the 5 Mods are all "Warframe Mods" you should get a random "Warframe Mod" (same with Shotgun types, Assault rifle types etc.),




Last enemy on Endless Defense. There are a lot of cases on Endless Defense, when the last enemy gets stuck / the AI just shuts down / spawns (or goes) to strange places, resulting in up to 5 minutes of searching. A fast remedy to this could be that the last enemy's HP slowly decrease scaled with it's level, and could die in a period of short time (30 sec - 1 minute) IF it doesn't get in contact with any of the players.


Enemy variety. With the recent update, the Grineer Lancer's choice of weaponry is the Grakata assault rifle. For the sake of variety, they should randomly spawn with the old, as well as this new gun. (And other enemies too.)


Stunlocking. It's a very serious issue for Warframes that doesn't have an ability to make themselves invulnerable. With my previous suggestion, you could easily avoid this, OR you should make it chance based for the enemy to stun you. (EXcluding grenades, or shockwaves.)


Grineer Roller. This pesky little ball. I don't know, if its intentional, but they can just stuck to, and spin endlessly next to the Power Core, preventing it from regenerating it's shield, and slowly depleting it's HP. Also, I feel the speed ramp up a little fast, and it can stun you even if it's not completely sped up.


Endless Defense credit rewards. There are rewards on some maps, there are no rewards on others. It should be consistent, and increasing with the number of waves fought.


Rewards for completing a Planet Section (Ie. Earth) to 100%. This encourages players to complete a whole Planet Section, instead of leaving out missions because of repetitivity. This (one time reward only) should range from Credits, to random Blueprints, random Mods, Affinity, to even a small amount of (5-10) Platinum.


Lotus's (Is that even correct?) additional objectives when the first one is complete. This is really tedious, and you should get some small multiplier to the mission's Credit reward to compensate the longer task.


Auto-Run toggle. I'm sure many of you are me - almost constantly running. After game sessions, my pinky wants to fall off. Help the poor gamers out, will ya?


Joining Squad / Create Squad. If you go into Online Mode, and pick a planet you should have the option to go in solo, and have others join you, if you want to play the mission from start to finish.


Hard Mode - With according difficulty rebalance. Harder Mode is always nice. It gives you more options, extends the game's lifespan, and much more fun. Hard Mode should include, but not limited to, 1,5x Skill costs, Hard Mode only enemies, enemies with Hard Mode prefixes (Ie.: Flameguard Grineer Lancer - shoots fiery bullets), Rare, Hard Mode only materials and Mods.


Weekend Events. They do good for any game, more XP, more affinity weekends, more chance for mods / blueprints. You should also consider rare weekend events, with alerts like "Mixed Endless Defense" (Every known enemy comes at you, large rewards only if you quit) or "Boss Brawl" (Fight a random powered-up version of a boss, then advance to the next one if you dare, large rewards only if you quit).


User Interface (UI):


"Team Pop-Up Screen". When you press the button "Y" , a pop up screen appears, with your squad teammates, their account level, and their HP bar. This seriously needs a rework. First up, pressing and holding "Y", should not stop the character from moving, or interacting, Second, make it also toggable by pressing a single "Y". button. It also should seriously show their shield level too (Some love for serious Trinity players please.) and what warframe they currently using with their respectable levels.


In-Game Chat interface. This should be customizable, with font sizes, and sound notification. In the middle of the action, its really hard to see for some people.


Defending Objectives. It should have a nice little shield design on the mini map. Especially so, when you are using he Artifact called "Enemy Radar", because the objective you defend has the same logo in the mini-map, as an enemy does (red dot), and it's really frustrating.


Selecting a Mission when you are in a Squad. Now, this is really badly done. There is no indication whatsoever, that any Mission is selected, other then the countdown on top of the screen. I came up with two different ideas.


Idea One: The path to the selected Planet should glow in green. (Every intersection it connects to - the "ruby shaped" "warp points".


Idea Two: Make the players "Star-map" switch to the Planet the mission is selected on.


Challenge Rewards. There is no notification whatsoever, other then the first few seconds of a Mission (to my knowledge). You should add it to the "Pause Menu (Esc).


Warframe and Weapon stats in shop. Should show all the data accordingly, specially Warframes. Saves time, looks better, why Wiki all the information.


Mod Management. These ideas should be REALLY considered. I currently have over 19 pages of Mods (some players even more), and its horrible every time I need to search, even when I use the "By Name etc." function. There are multiple ideas for this also.


Idea One: Search Bar for Mods. Self explanatory.


Idea Two: Make every Mod a single display, with a golden color displaying the amount you have (Leveled mods also should be separate.) If you click on one, it displays all of them.


Idea Three: Players should be able to create folders for Mods, for better categorization.


Sentinel's Info. There should be a little bar, below the player's status bar (top right corner) containing the Sentinel's Info. XP, HP, Shield, Ammo, respectably.




Sliding under / deploying Loki's Decoy to laser protected doors. This encourages you to just rush through missions. This should be remedied. Obviously, Warframes with invincibility frames (such as Excalibur's Slash Dash) should remain an exception.


Elevator "control panel jumping". The curious folks we are with my friend, we tried to wall run while in an elevator ride. We could not, so I tried the control panel. Suprisingly, I falled through the floor, and back to the first level, before the elevator. This is a rare bug, but we could recreate it like 3 - 4 times already.


In-game chat pop-up. Don't know if anyone is having this. When you are the "Squad captain", and anyone joins mid-match, the chat will pop up every time if you pick up anything, including Mod, ammo. It also pops up when starting a new wave on Endless Defense. This is a rare bug too, I get this in 25% of games.


Rollers stucking in Power Cores. As mentioned above, nothing else to add.


Canister spawning. I noticed canisters spawning in the floor, or in walls. This is largely noticeable on the non-infested version map of "Io".


Reactor cores not spinning when opened. On some Missions, the objective is to destroy the Reactor Core. Now, I think all of them should spin, but sometimes, they are just stationary.


Trinity's Basic Visor and Sentinel's "Eye" should be colorable with "Energy color". I don't know why they aren't, or if this is a bug, anyway you guys should totally make it so (Not just red, and blue by default respectably). If any other Warframe has an issue with this, it should be remedied too.



That is, all for now. Please, if you like any of this suggestion, or you want it to reach DE's attention, feel free to discuss, the more the merrier! :)

As always, happy hunting Tenno!

PS.: I love the backstory, you should add more flesh to the game, and add MUCH more lines for Lotus to encourage variety. ADD MORE LARGE WARFRAMES LIKE RHINO. <3


Edited by AfterForever
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I condone all of these suggestions - 


I do have to point out that you can change your button layout to a more comfy posture ~  I have dash = left space alt,  jump space, and crouch toggle left shift -  It makes it very easy to run and do acrobatics due to a small distance the fingers have to move 


Also from the Q&A video - the dev team plans to have mods that will give you a % chance at not being stunned


- along with Trinity and the Sentinel's eye - I agree they need to change the color along with the energy, would aid in the aesthetic 

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 Some good ideas even if most of them are already known issues.  I like the show the path to the mission when a squad member marks a mission.


 One thing I noticed is that you think you have to hunt for five minutes for the last enemy during a defense wave.  When you are down to very few enemies, the closest one gets marked with a waypoint on the mini map, and the waypoint updates to the next closest and so on.  The only time that this doesn't work seems to be when there are 5 or more leftover enemies.  I never really counted how many were left, but then again, I never had a problem finding the enemies with or without the marker displaying them.

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I agree with many of the points you have,

but a few of them have remedies.

1. Unwanted mods- unwanted mods can be used to level up other more valuable mods, albeit at a lower rate and higher cost.

2. Creating groups- you have the option to start missions in "Private", in which you can have only you and your online friends run through a mission together. To add a friend, go to "Contacts" and RIGHT click on their name, then select accept. When you want to join your friend's private game, you RIGHT click their name then select join.

3. Grineer rollers- I personally think rollers need to be buffed. They add a dynamic and a challenge to the game, which breaks the monotony of simply running and gunning. You have to think, dodge, and aim to destroy those pesky, annoying rollers. However, after a certain point, you can just 1-shot them, which takes away the challenge.

However, I agree with the rest of your post, especially the one about planet completion rewards.

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Here are some mods of my suggestion...




Melee - Life Steal - Uncommon - Recover % when attacking with melee strikes" (upgrades to this mid will improve the % health recover with each strike"
Warframe - Second Wind - Rare - killing an enemy with the pistol when dying will give you a second wind. Second wind will save you from death and improving this mod will increase the amount of health and shield that you recover after second wind
Warframe - Evasion - Uncommon - Gives a % to evade incoming attacks (melee and range). Boosting this mod will increase the % to evade
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Holy crap. A LOT of good points there, not entirely sure on the new mods and mod crafting stuff but OP touched on so many issues. Little/big things that gamers do not overlook, if the devs really consider the things hes pointing out(they already should be) it'll be great. 

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For ease of my own posting, I'm going to add my thoughts on your suggestions to the end of the suggestion, in ITALICs.


Last enemy on Endless Defense. There are a lot of cases on Endless Defense, when the last enemy gets stuck / the AI just shuts down / spawns (or goes) to strange places, resulting in up to 5 minutes of searching. A fast remedy to this could be that the last enemy's HP slowly decrease scaled with it's level, and could die in a period of short time (30 sec - 1 minute) IF it doesn't get in contact with any of the players. Rather than have the enemy's health degenerate, it would make more sense for it to just die after X time without player contact. With a degenerating system, what you'll wind up with is players running into the last enemy with like half its life bar left, which would be odd.


Enemy variety. With the recent update, the Grineer Lancer's choice of weaponry is the Grakata assault rifle. For the sake of variety, they should randomly spawn with the old, as well as this new gun. (And other enemies too.) It's entirely reasonable to assume that the guns are standard issue, and may be part of uniform. Additionally, the old gun was the braton, which according to the description seems to be a tenno-crafted weapon.


Stunlocking. It's a very serious issue for Warframes that doesn't have an ability to make themselves invulnerable. With my previous suggestion, you could easily avoid this, OR you should make it chance based for the enemy to stun you. (EXcluding grenades, or shockwaves.) Stunlocking is certainly not very fun. While it makes sense that taking damage from certain sources should stagger you (Why can my delicate-looking mag just TANK an ancient disruptor falcon-punching her in the face?), it becomes a problem when enemies can staggerlock you to death..


Grineer Roller. This pesky little ball. I don't know, if its intentional, but they can just stuck to, and spin endlessly next to the Power Core, preventing it from regenerating it's shield, and slowly depleting it's HP. Also, I feel the speed ramp up a little fast, and it can stun you even if it's not completely sped up. The roller needs work.


Endless Defense credit rewards. There are rewards on some maps, there are no rewards on others. It should be consistent, and increasing with the number of waves fought. In my experience, there is no credit rewards for defense missions. Part of the reason why I hate them so much.


Rewards for completing a Planet Section (Ie. Earth) to 100%. This encourages players to complete a whole Planet Section, instead of leaving out missions because of repetitivity. This (one time reward only) should range from Credits, to random Blueprints, random Mods, Affinity, to even a small amount of (5-10) Platinum. I second this.


Lotus's (Is that even correct?) additional objectives when the first one is complete. This is really tedious, and you should get some small multiplier to the mission's Credit reward to compensate the longer task. A little bit of an extra reward would be nice, especially if she gives you a spy or raid objective.


Auto-Run toggle. I'm sure many of you are me - almost constantly running. After game sessions, my pinky wants to fall off. Help the poor gamers out, will ya? wuss.


Joining Squad / Create Squad. If you go into Online Mode, and pick a planet you should have the option to go in solo, and have others join you, if you want to play the mission from start to finish. Like, choose to host instead of dropping into a match? Yeah, I guess.


Hard Mode - With according difficulty rebalance. Harder Mode is always nice. It gives you more options, extends the game's lifespan, and much more fun. Hard Mode should include, but not limited to, 1,5x Skill costs, Hard Mode only enemies, enemies with Hard Mode prefixes (Ie.: Flameguard Grineer Lancer - shoots fiery bullets), Rare, Hard Mode only materials and Mods. Eeeeeh...if you got more rewards for hard mode, why play on the normal mode? Vindictus has a mission difficulty selection, with higher difficulties giving more rewards. No one ever plays on normal.


Weekend Events. They do good for any game, more XP, more affinity weekends, more chance for mods / blueprints. You should also consider rare weekend events, with alerts like "Mixed Endless Defense" (Every known enemy comes at you, large rewards only if you quit) or "Boss Brawl" (Fight a random powered-up version of a boss, then advance to the next one if you dare, large rewards only if you quit). I'd be interested in a weekend event type dealy, but I'd be up for a boss rush mode in the standard game.


User Interface (UI):


"Team Pop-Up Screen". When you press the button "Y" , a pop up screen appears, with your squad teammates, their account level, and their HP bar. This seriously needs a rework. First up, pressing and holding "Y", should not stop the character from moving, or interacting, Second, make it also toggable by pressing a single "Y". button. It also should seriously show their shield level too (Some love for serious Trinity players please.) and what warframe they currently using with their respectable levels. Not only is this screen inconvienent, it's also not always 100% accurate. I'd much rather just have a nameplate over my teammates describing thier shields, HP, energy, and what frame they're riding.


In-Game Chat interface. This should be customizable, with font sizes, and sound notification. In the middle of the action, its really hard to see for some people. I haven't had a problem with this, but sure.


Defending Objectives. It should have a nice little shield design on the mini map. Especially so, when you are using he Artifact called "Enemy Radar", because the objective you defend has the same logo in the mini-map, as an enemy does (red dot), and it's really frustrating. It's not like the cryopod is running around. It would probably be better to fix the enemy radar artifact so it doesn't mark hostages and defense objectives as enemies.


Selecting a Mission when you are in a Squad. Now, this is really badly done. There is no indication whatsoever, that any Mission is selected, other then the countdown on top of the screen. I came up with two different ideas.


Idea One: The path to the selected Planet should glow in green. (Every intersection it connects to - the "ruby shaped" "warp points".


Idea Two: Make the players "Star-map" switch to the Planet the mission is selected on. Or an onscreen indication of what planet and level each player voted for, with the ability to click the indication to also vote for that.


Challenge Rewards. There is no notification whatsoever, other then the first few seconds of a Mission (to my knowledge). You should add it to the "Pause Menu (Esc). Yup


Warframe and Weapon stats in shop. Should show all the data accordingly, specially Warframes. Saves time, looks better, why Wiki all the information. Yup


Mod Management. These ideas should be REALLY considered. I currently have over 19 pages of Mods (some players even more), and its horrible every time I need to search, even when I use the "By Name etc." function. There are multiple ideas for this also.


Idea One: Search Bar for Mods. Self explanatory.


Idea Two: Make every Mod a single display, with a golden color displaying the amount you have (Leveled mods also should be separate.) If you click on one, it displays all of them.


Idea Three: Players should be able to create folders for Mods, for better categorization. Personally, I would like a "show duplicates" button, but that maye just be me..


Sentinel's Info. There should be a little bar, below the player's status bar (top right corner) containing the Sentinel's Info. XP, HP, Shield, Ammo, respectably. I guess. Don't have a sent.

Didn't comment on any bugs, since, well, they're bugs.

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This is like all my ideas already stated and I support all of them especially rewards for killing the stalker. As the Stalker is by far the most lethal enemy in the game you should always get a rare drop from them. As the stalker doesn't appear that often and it is random a 100% rare drop would not be that overpowered.

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