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Defense Past Wave 5


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I like that you can't join a mission after the objective is done, but does it have to be on defense maps?

after reaching wave 20 it's not that easy anymore to keep it up with 3 people, having a 4th beeing able to join would be nice.


I'd be happy if only clanmates can join. but actually, if someone leaves past wave 25, we're forced to leave to, which isn't really nice...

Edited by Jun-Mai
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I like that you can't join a mission after the objective is done, but does it have to be on defense maps?

after reaching wave 20 it's not that easy anymore to keep it up with 3 people, having a 4th beeing able to join would be nice.


I'd be happy if only clanmates can join. but actually, if someone leaves past wave 25, we're forced to leave to, which isn't really nice...


just a thought :3


and hi

I never thought of this. I completely agree. Other missions make sense but for defense, we kind of need the help when people leave. Maybe the idea is to get a group you know wont leave to run these together. Make it more of a pre-made group map than a pick up group map. Just my take.

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Uhm... I joined defense games after wave 5. So actually...


It is no longer possible to do this. Attempting to join a game past Wave 5 will reject you and give you a message saying that the objective has already been completed.

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Why not add a penalty for people who leave to play another mission, eg a 1 hour delay before they can join any mission.


Some players like to troll by voting to stay when they have no intention of playing, so they will leave shortly after, but if you play other missions you will sometimes run into them so they simply left just to join another mission.

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Why not add a penalty for people who leave to play another mission, eg a 1 hour delay before they can join any mission.


Some players like to troll by voting to stay when they have no intention of playing, so they will leave shortly after, but if you play other missions you will sometimes run into them so they simply left just to join another mission.


you didn't think forward, there are people who only wanted to finish the map to unlock the next map, there are also other people who might get the mod they've wanted to farm @wave20, also there are people who might join till wave 5 but have to drop out because of lags.

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but there are some players who simply want to troll, eg they will vote to stay, sometimes you will get 2 who will vote to stay, and so you think, "hey we have got a good group, we might be able to make it to level 20"


then you get part way through wave 5, or even into wave 6 and the 1 or 2 players leave at the same time, forcing you to quit also since you will just be overrun.


then after a few minutes, they will be back in the same defense mission (sometimes you will also find then in other missions as if they join a defense, then troll it, then do another random mission then go back to the defense


I will try to record a video of it so you can see that it is on purpose.


The game should be able to detect a crash or complete network disconnect or lag. By punishing intentional trolling behavior, they can significantly reduce it, eg


I understand leaving when there is a vote, but if you vote to stay then leave shortly after, the game should lock you out for like 2 hours, or if thet are a repeat offender, then even go as far as to deduct credits and levels.

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but there are some players who simply want to troll, eg they will vote to stay, sometimes you will get 2 who will vote to stay, and so you think, "hey we have got a good group, we might be able to make it to level 20"


then you get part way through wave 5, or even into wave 6 and the 1 or 2 players leave at the same time, forcing you to quit also since you will just be overrun.


then after a few minutes, they will be back in the same defense mission (sometimes you will also find then in other missions as if they join a defense, then troll it, then do another random mission then go back to the defense


I will try to record a video of it so you can see that it is on purpose.


The game should be able to detect a crash or complete network disconnect or lag. By punishing intentional trolling behavior, they can significantly reduce it, eg


I understand leaving when there is a vote, but if you vote to stay then leave shortly after, the game should lock you out for like 2 hours, or if thet are a repeat offender, then even go as far as to deduct credits and levels.

I've never seen that kind of trolls, before, also if they leave they don't get rewards they will hurt themself, and instead detecting, there should be a block/ban option for people.


and also to protect yourself from trollers, scroll up and again, I suggested that only clanmates can join.



and btw to wave 15 with 3 people should be a piece of cake.

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This can be alleviated by simply giving defense missions a "Completion or Endless" choice.


If you chose "Completion Mode", you're all done at 5 and you get a normal 'mission complete' reward just like any other mission.


When you pick "Endless Mode" you fight an endless number of waves until you lose.  Once you lose, you're given a dialogue with the lotus explaining how reinforcments are on the way and you're being extracted.  The "mission complete" status is displayed with a reward applicable to the last completed wave.

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I would agree with Thaumatos on this, and this could be something that is carried into other maps as well, something like this on a map where players are farming boss would allow players who might be new to the map and/or just wanting to complete the map the ability to do so w/o perhaps being dropped into the middle of a speed run, or those in a speed run could avoid having to wait for a slower player.


In both cases, players are given an option for their intent on a given map and you can more easily avoid/select what other players you will tend to end up with.


The endless mode completion change also brings back reward for time played, I'm all for the risk to reward factor, its quite harsh though with the current changes that make it less than desirable to push the envelope on defense missions, making the 5 level increments more about "can I make it through this set in order to save everything I've found so far".  This is as opposed to the mentality of, can I get to the higher waves in order to recieve rewards.  - I digress on this to keep to the topic.


Picking a defense map should have some additional choice, and that breakdown should then allow for people to join at any level of a defense mission.  Seeing as, map completion would mean joining prior to wave 5 completion the objective has not been completed, while joining endless mode no objective is completed until players decide to evac (leave with a reward), or the pod is destroyed, at which point the mission if past wave 5 is considered completed as you have successful occupied and eliminated enemy resources beyond that which the Tenno expended.


You could still allow for mission failure in endless mode if all players are killed, as the "ruse" has failed to just occupy enemy forces/allow for elimination of enemy forces.

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