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[Suggestions] Level Ideas


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So you all know when your in any ship they have the breakable glass and when you brake it you have to hack the system to close it off.


Well my idea is that when players brake the glass enemies should be sucked out, but what about the player? Wont he be sucked out to. Their should be an mod for every Warframe to have magnetic feet (gravity boots). So when the glass cracks, you press a key on your keyboard or controller and you will have a secure hold on the ship. 




There should be missions were you have to sabotage a ship from the inside(like you have now), but their should be a time limit after you destroy the reactor, because everyone knows that when you destroy the reactor that the ship will blow up in like 2-5 min.  Also with that the ship should be falling apart while your running to the ship. 





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That would be a concern for when your first starting off, but if instead when you break the glass, enemies are sucked out, and you grab on to the nearest object, and you have to "climb" towards the hack terminal.




That would be something that should be seen, because if a ship's detonation starts, i'd like to see a ship fall apart as I attempt to excape it, makes you feel like you actually destroyed a ship and you actually have to survive.

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