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Leech Eximus Aoe Indicator


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Frequently (specifically infested missions) I have faced down a Leech eximus, but by the time I have it killed, I've lost over 100 energy. For the Disruptor Ancients, this isn't so much a problem, because when my hud gets all distorted, I know that whatever energy I had is effectively gone.


However, whenever Leech Eximus enemy types attack me, I don't know they're there until I've killed them.  If I understand the game's mechanics properly, eximus AoE extend through walls, buffing enemies and debuffing players regardless of physical limitations.  For the Leech Eximus type, this is particularly unfair because my energy is bleeding out while I'm dealing with a horde, and the enemy affecting me is on the other side of a wall.


If we could get some kind of indicator for leech eximus, similar to fire and arctic, just a different color, it would be appreciated.  Dark red, black, dark green, whatever the devs think is most appropriate.  This would help me realize that I'm being affected by an enemy I can't see, and to change my tactics accordingly, instead of trying to Blade Storm and discover I only have 38 energy.

Edited by (PS4)IkariWarrior83
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  • 1 month later...

I hate to bump this thread, but after doing a lot of Orokin Derelict Defense, I feel the need for such an indicator is more necessary.  A common tactic of the Infested on basically every wave after 5 is to throw, like, 3 Parasitic Exiumus at the group all at one time.  While I understand this kind of mission is not supposed to be easy, and the additional enemies are there to deliberately make it harder, having my energy sap down that fast when trying to cast vortex or rekoning without any sort of indication is becoming less of a nuisance and more aggrivating.


PLEASE De, change this as soon as you can!

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  • 5 weeks later...

+1. I hate that I'm dealing w/ a mob of infested and find myself trying to use an ability that I don't have the energy for because of an enemy in the next room that I can't see and would've prioritized more accordingly if I had known it were there. I think a black or grey underlay similar to ice or fire eximus would be awesome as OP said.

Edited by Bokeazian
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