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I Think That Warframe Might Need A Rework...


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there will be alway people who mod/upgrade/skill/grind their ways to OP ...and then we have whiny b*tches coming here asking to nerf the sh*t out of everything...

you cant blame people for mastering their gun/class ...
you cant blame DE for not telling you how to becoem OP with ANY frame...

infact you CAN become OP with any frame...and i mean ANY frame...even if its not the frame because of its supportive role then its a gun in combination with that frame...

the solution for people who cant become OP withtheir frame is to get a nice gun and polarize it...

ive a botor . akbolto and vectis and i can kill anything really easy...even on nyx without any shield or health mods..lol

NOVA got nerfed already ...dont kill it...

But i personalyl think warframe in general became to much of a magic game .. with GODs in it... i mean look at this...

Excalibro , Nyx , Mag and allthe standart frame.. those frame are real fun to play .. even nova..the concepts have logic behind them...

nova uses electro magnetic fields to control antimatter...

Nyx uses neural and mind manipulation...

excalibro is soem kind of bionic dude...

ok now look at the GOD frames:

Oberon uses magic...

Limbo uses Magic to control time and reality.. REALLY??? ....

Nekros uses ???? dark voodoo magic? come on...

i really dont like the magical things that were added in this game...

Look only at limbo... he cancontrol void ad time and reality.. so why he dont just "think" of all enemies and put them into a sun/blackhole ???

To make it more "realistic" DE should make limbos and othe frames skills that looklike agic more like it coudl be scientificly explainable.. for examble..

Limbo should need to MAINTAIN his powers by pressing a button and walking slowly..while he does that he has some sort of device that comes from his wrists.. called a minireactor and gate opener...that would make more sense...

waframe powers are tech ... pls make it act like tech...


To make people work together maybe you should make some powers only usable with someone else OR add a 5th power to every frame that is really strong but needs atleast 2 people to "cast"..

example...Person A hold down 5 .. a message appears to everyone int he team... PERSON B comes and presses (Interact) near  person A ...all energy from both frames will be used to cat this final attack...the nice thin about this is if you go with ember and frost you can create BLAST :D

Or Volt and Saryn :D

pls DE give us something like this.. even with 4 united powers .. that would be totally awesome..

even gunfights and melee could be redone... pressing 6 enters dual mode..the secodn personn presses (interact)near the other person ..then 2 persons standing back to back to eachother , getting increased dmg for a short time and shoot on everything around them :D

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I think it's more relevant to consider the game as a product. It works well as a product and is making them good money in what must be a fairly competitive arena, so businesswise it'd be madness to overhaul anything. It'd be like remaking the recipe for KFC chicken from the ground up because 20% of the customers like to suck on the bones for days after they've bought their food and have complained that the bones start tasting bad 18 hours in.


I think it'd be a much more interesting game if it played like the trailer, but I imagine it'd need a combat system based on body parts, organs and weak points in armour instead of HP bars, a very intuitive system for immediate, simple communication, and extremely accurate controls that let you move and strike with pinpoint accuracy instead of making you accidentally wallrun across invisible fences. Then they'd have a different, much more interesting game that'd sell about as well as Vanguard did.

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My suggestion is to make the abilities have their own custom Corrupted options so that the Corruption and balances are specific to one ability. So each ability would have its own list of tradeoffs that could be made. These would be selected on the Ability screen. For example:


Slash dash: Option 1 doubles damage while decreasing range greatly. Option 2 increases range without increasing the time the ability takes, but the ability costs 35 energy.


Radial Javelin: Option 1: Greatly increases damage while increasing cast time. Option 2: Decreases cost to 70 energy while decreasing range.


This way, all four abilities would still be useful, and none would become overbearing because their tradeoffs would be specific to the ability.

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Want more teamwork? Give them abilities superior cross-frame combo effects, they had that in the beginning but kinda didn't build up on it.

Mag's Bullet Attractor + Excalibur Ultimate was OP!


There are ways to get further with teamwork right now but that only get's you so far you won't have to use it for a long time.

I agree, this game needs more synergy between warframes. Natural synergy. Not a penalty for not going for it, no no.


(Remember the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer combos? Biotic and Tech Explosions all over the place ftw!)

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