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Game Punishes Slow Warframes


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I've given this more thought and the only viable compromise I can see is to up the extraction time. It is NOT a solution, just a compromise. There is no solution that works with the game as it is designed. Ok, well, no solution I can see. hee hee



LOL, just as I post it, I came up with another compromise... you leave the same way you came... everyone has 1 minute to get to a vent shaft.... any vent shaft...   ;-P 

Edited by GrimmLiberty
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To the OP, just remove stamina, fast warframes will still rush, but slower warframes don't have to just walk and wait for their stamina to recharge to be able to run again. I think it would allow slower Warframes to catch up to faster ones while still allowing the faster ones a speed advantage in combat.

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Smash T.V. style locked rooms that unlock when all the enemies are defeated? Could set the pace even a bit more allowing folks to catch up.. I personally like to explore maps, and sorta take every room as like a set piece in Max Payne 3.. Basically enter the room, find cover and kill them till they stop coming then proceed to the next room. But I know how you feel..


Sad thing is, ya know all it takes is 1-2 people to just take 2 steps from the pod area and back again to refresh the timer and at least let you continue to make en effort to catch up.. Real big douchebaggins if they seriously cause you to fail mission even if you are making every attempt to catch up to them..

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I have been praising the devs since I started playing. But this rusher problem has not been addressed. Having half the team at the extraction is not enough. The problem is on the level design and something must be done to fix this. My suggestions: give less reason to rush and more reason to stay together and explore.

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I suspect the only problem with the current general situation (getting left behind if you loot everything(imho if you loot more than everyone else you should know that you are wasting everyone elses time and if you do so to the point you are over a minute behind then you clearly valued that loot more than the credits) or if you get horribly lost isn't a problem (imho I'd rather have the map end if I am horribly lost then to have eveyrone have to wait for me))
 is the shade pet.  With the shade I can sprint down a corridor and it cloaks me whenever an enemy is nearby. So, the AI never actually gets a good hit on me and does not feel like a threat. As a result I am running thru more and more missions as killing a non threat is semi-pointless.

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