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Too Much Credits Again.


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I love the new credit system, I can actually save up an build new frames, buy new bp's, craft, and fuse. It's fine as is, there are more casual players like me than "hardcore 500K a day I don't believe that" players. I get so burned out after doing 3-4 missions cause all there is to do in this game is grind.

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As long as they find a way to balance the amount of credits earned with the amount to spend, I'll be happy.


All I was stating is at the moment, the end-game credits is broken toward making credits useless again.


Might be fixed with update 8 though.



It's not a troll thread. I posted about an issue that I and my clan have with the current game.
It's a beta, I'm giving my view and feedback from a player that is at end-game.
A player that has been playing for 3+ months and was enjoying unlocking things and felt rewarded for doing so.
Now I feel like Credits are coming in too fast and my sense of progressions isn't rewarding anymore. I can craft a warframe a day and more... in a week of this I would have everything the game has to offer and I would end up quitting.



i fail to see it as an issue at this point, and as you see most dont.

your entitled to your opinion and so is your rich credit clan, but as you see none out side of your clan see it as a problem,there are us who dont have your luxurious wealth and do not want a credit nerf.

Edited by Deek
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If you're really so irked about the current credit system, you should be upset with me, because the new system was my suggestion. 

I'm sure you were the only one who ever suggested increasing credit rewards for missions.

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The current amount of credits earned seem fine for casual play, and the assumption is always that the vast majority of players are casuals.


Seems perfectly logical to me.


Game economies cannot be balanced around the top 5% - 10% of players.

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We need more non-mandatory credit sinks if the game's going to grow, that much is obvious.  I don't just mean another warframe here or there.  We need several more types of things to spend credits on.


Moving onto less obvious stuff, I think a large part the excess-credit issues come from those days where players inexplicably get several times more credits than they should due to server issues.  It's happened maybe...three nights in total since update 7 and people who happen to be on that night wind up far, far, far ahead of people who don't.  Especially since those gains multiply with the now-profitable alerts.  If that sorta stuff is going to happen at this frequency, DE needs to think up better solutions to how much people gain.

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If you're really so irked about the current credit system, you should be upset with me, because the new system was my suggestion. But see, the thing is, that proves that DE listens to their playerbase, something I have not seen enough of in any of the betas I've been in. What that means is if you as a result see a problem with a lack of ways to spend credits, then you should suggest a way to improve it rather than complaining about it and hoping DE fixes it on their own.


I highly doubt the devs needed your input for this, as it was a very obvious step to take that was also suggested very often already.


That being said, I personally think the credit income is ok as it is concerning weapon and fusion costs, but I too see the need for more money sinks. So the obvious solution would probably be incredibly costly vanity upgrades, or other stuff that doesn't neccessarily increase our power again (since power creep is huge already) like maybe dojo related cosmetic items.

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While i do like having lots of cash (only 600k, not millions), i have to agree that they went a bit overboard with the Credit payout on Missions, especially Alerts.


For me Money is not an issue anymore. Before the patch i had to grind cash to afford craftings or upgrading mods, now im only limited by Fusion Cores. They could just remove the money from the game right now and it would make no difference for me. Money isn't a limiting factor for me anymore, mods and ressources are...


The Patch made money a bit worthless and probably harmed the Cashshop sales aswell. Why should i buy a Gorgon for 225 Plat if i could just do 10 missions(or less) and get it for "free". But then again the CashShop prices are very imbalanced anyways, 120 Plat for a Burston that costs 12k credits? Ye im sure they sell like icecream on a hot day...

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The Patch made money a bit worthless and probably harmed the Cashshop sales aswell. Why should i buy a Gorgon for 225 Plat if i could just do 10 missions(or less) and get it for "free".


I really really doubt this. There's no way someone would shell out plat for something otherwise available purely for credits. Not talking about blueprints + crafting.

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It's not a troll thread. I posted about an issue that I and my clan have with the current game.
It's a beta, I'm giving my view and feedback from a player that is at end-game.
A player that has been playing for 3+ months and was enjoying unlocking things and felt rewarded for doing so.
Now I feel like Credits are coming in too fast and my sense of progressions isn't rewarding anymore. I can craft a warframe a day and more... in a week of this I would have everything the game has to offer and I would end up quitting.



I think this is a troll thread, your pretty much bragging about the amount of credits you have and think that credit gain needs a nerf so that way you and your clan are the only rich players in the game, that's how I'm seeing it, and the new system is very good for progression, fusing mods to make them stronger and stronger gets more an more expensive, buying bp's and crafting them.


Plus they're coming out with more weapons and skills and new frames, it's best that most of us who don't have tons of credits save up now so that way we have the credits needed for whatever it is we want to try. The game is too much of a grind fest as it is, at least now, we don't have to farm for Cronus bp's all day everday just to have a decent amount of credits to work with.


In case you forgotten, higher level dungeons from any MMO always gave you better rewards, exp and more gold or whatever it's in-game currency is, not this steady 1-1.3K bs regardless of the difficulty.

Edited by __Kanade__
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And I know I was not, however what I do know is that they used this system: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/31407-a-solution-to-the-credit-problem/

The first part is off by 100 credits and the second isn't used at all, not to mention your example is what most people would suggest. I was expecting some sort of personal acknowledgement from a dev. You give yourself too much importance.

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So... Earning too much money... Is bad?


Yes, actually.  At least in a setting where progression is what drives many people to play.  Think of it this way.  How many hours would players put in if all Rare mods became Uncommon and all Uncommons became Common?

Edited by Shinnyshin
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Credits are fine, OP is just one of these "hardcore" players that want to feel superior to other kind of players that just earn 3-6k credits per day.


Dont change what isn't broken.


It is a legitimate issue.  DE relies on us buying platinum.  Platinum is worth either a flat amount of credits or credits + time.  To make credits easier to get without touching the credit : platinum ratio makes platinum less worth getting.  Credits are now significantly easier to get for even casual players than they once were--and casual players are in many cases the most likely to buy with platinum things that hardcore buy with credits.


I personally don't think we've crossed over to that point where we're earning too much.  But having people earn too much would be a real problem.  And it's also important to always keep in mind what credit prices mean for plat and DE's business model.


Right now, would you really spend 225 platinum on something that costs 50,000 credits?  I think very few informed people would.  A week ago, people might've.

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Too much for what exactly? i think the recent change was exactly what the game needed....more credits faster. Put it this way, it took me to the point where I wanted to buy platinum earlier than I expected. I have now bought a founders pack because I suddenly had need of extra slots etc. This in turn was because I was suddenly able to do a bit more with the increased credit earnings.


Before the credits increase I'd guess I would have been looking to buy extra slots in about a month or two. By that time I might have moved on to another game and DE would have earned nothing from me.


Good change imo. And good for the game.

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Ok so a casual player that plays 2-3 runs a day is happy now, good.


What about the people who play this game more?


2-3 hours a day, on a daily basis. What about those people.


I have played roughly 3 to 4 hours per day since Open Beta. I am extremely happy with the increased credit earnings. See my post above.

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I agree, way too much credits, though not for normal missions though.

The alert rewards are just too much, last week I took the time to research a weapon before I buy the BP, today I just brought a weapon BP without thinking.

If they are going to up the credit reward, to make any kind of money DE would have to up the BP costs to make the plat costs seem like a good buy.

Some kind of cash sink will have to be implemented to balance things out.

Since relying on players to buy that frame/weapon slot isn't going to be a good long term strategy.

I like the idea of spending credits to fix your gear, since it means the more you play the more you pay vs casual players who don't get enough credits.

I'm concerned with this because I really enjoy this game and the developer loosing chances of making any money will really suck for all of us in the long run.

[i play everyday for +- 2hours, and I average around 100k]

Edited by Oz270
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I think this is a troll thread, your pretty much bragging about the amount of credits you have and think that credit gain needs a nerf so that way you and your clan are the only rich players in the game, that's how I'm seeing it, and the new system is very good for progression, fusing mods to make them stronger and stronger gets more an more expensive, buying bp's and crafting them.

Plus they're coming out with more weapons and skills and new frames, it's best that most of us who don't have tons of credits save up now so that way we have the credits needed for whatever it is we want to try. The game is too much of a grind fest as it is, at least now, we don't have to farm for Cronus bp's all day everday just to have a decent amount of credits to work with.

In case you forgotten, higher level dungeons from any MMO always gave you better rewards, exp and more gold or whatever it's in-game currency is, not this steady 1-1.3K bs regardless of the difficulty.

Then look at it from the other point of you and not just your own.

Ok, here's how end-game is right now:

(And by end-game I mean, if you have played this game for over a month and have atleast 2 warframes level 30 and have a set of mods that are "maxed" in the sense of using up all 60 energy cost that you can use on rifles/pistols/swords)

For those people ^ The ones at end-game, money was the last thing actually giving us any feel of progression or reason to keep playing.

Money was our limiting factor to craft things. Anyone that has only been playing for a couple of weeks will not find this an issue, but when they reach end-game they will. If you don't see this as an issue you are not there yet.

Right now... Here is a breakdown of how much money I or anyone at end game can easily make:

1. Regular missions - 4.6K+ - 4 minutes- 5 minutes

2. Selling useless mods - 1k at worst per mission - 2k on average

3. Selling blueprints - 3.5k if they drop (Completely random)

So I can average earning anywhere between 6.6k or 10k+ each 5 minutes.

Now add alerts to this:

Anywhere between 7k-15k is usually what I get.

Add in the mod drops, again 2k average.

Random blueprints from bosses and "?" that go for 3.5k

I get on average around 4 alerts per hour (All amps are unlocked).

So lets calculate:

6.6k-10k per 5 minutes in regular runs, 4 alert runs from 9k-20k (Mods + Blueprint included)

Per hour:

158k just doing regular runs. Depending on how fast or slow you get with the map, anywhere between 100k - 150k easy.

Add in alerts... 9k x 4 runs = 36k. 36k - 4 regular runs = 10k profit (This is worst case scenario with alerts)

Now how quickly would you get bored of this game if you averaged over 100k an hour just by playing the game normally.

You could easily buy a warframe each hour and you can probably buy out all the weapons in a matter of a couple of days. Easy.


I am not saying that they should nerf credits for everyone, but end-game is absolutely broken now. Credits don't mean ANYTHING anymore. Anyone that is at end-game will be swimming in them now and before when I actually thought about what I want to spend them on, I now spend them on everything.

It took a big part of why I kept playing the game and made it pointless and too easy to get. Now the game is extremely boring because there is nothing I can't get within an hour or two.

That isn't fun.

I'm not bragging, I'm saying fix end-game. Give us a reason to play and turn off this "easy-mode"


I agree new players needed a credit buff, but they broke end-game in its current state by doing so.

There has to be a balance.

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Money was our limiting factor to craft things. Anyone that has only been playing for a couple of weeks will not find this an issue


In my first couple of weeks (I'm only now in week #4) credits absolutely were the limiting factor, and almost put me off the game.


And while I realise my regular group may "suck", an average mission is not 5 minutes, for us it is more like 15 minutes.

Edited by GhostlightX
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