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Ideas For Melee(New Moves)


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I love melee, I know we are space nijas but we rely only in weapons why not use our body?


My main idea is I would love to have a Grab key, and perform some Zangief Wrestling moves, that will be crazy (I imagine my Rhino grabbing a ancient and smashing him into the ground).


Or imagine you are surrounded by infested and perform a outside sweep kick and knock them out or tornado kick and trowh them abit away.


I think we can use some body moves to reinforce our weapons, what do you guys think?


(Originally posted under General, but i think this might be the right area)

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I'm cool with these ideas, especially if heavier frames have a higher damage than lighter frames, as it would only make sense, a slam or something similar to the vindictus throws I'm okay with, but i don't want to see a rhino doing a zangeif atomic suplex, I'd feel bad for the guy being hit, and lmao at seeing that.


And kicks would be nice, like the sweep kick, i just don't know how to implement that keys wise

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If it was the same melee key (mouse 2 for me) but with a different distance or timing i wouldnt mind it but if it was another key to press that i was forced to use i would be pissed off. Im old and cant do what the youngsters do anymore. Look after old people in games (no finger acrobatics) <-- 0_o

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It appears as if melee is only a bit more fleshed out than your standard 'knife' in other shooters.  Press "E" to melee and constantly run around with your gun out is very battlefield-esque.  I think more time should be invested in melee combat to make it more of a "main" mode of play rather than the quick-dispatch feel it has right now.  They've already said they want to do something about how 'blocking' is almost completely useless, here's your chance.


People should be able to walk around with their melee weapon drawn if it is going to be considered a method of combat that is consistantly used.First off, have two different "main" weapons.  Long-gun main with sidearm, or melee main with sidearm.  Your main would be switched on the fly with what is now considered the "melee" keybind.


Assuming the above setup to be implemented, a long-gun main would see very little change.   Melee play, however, could then be tweaked to exploit the full use of your mouse buttons as the guns do.  With a melee main active your default left-click would become "swing/charge" and your default right-click would be "block" and swapping weapons would switch between sidearm and melee.


The only reason you can't do this right now with careful tweaking of the keybinds is that melee is its own keybind and not a weapon set.


If they made it a set, as I've said or in some other fashion, then they could experiment with all kinds of run+block+swing+shoot+slide combos that give more of a fluid feel without adding new keys.


Bottom line, melee is not considered a 'weapon set' for the purpose of controls ... and it should be.

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I'm all for grab. In fact I was working on a proposal, but you beat me to it :P

My preference would be a new button (sorry Stacey) largely because connecting it to melee would be aggravating. I've played games where that was the mechanic and it lead to constant grabbing when you meant to slash and slashing when you meant to grab.


To sum up my thoughts

grab: this works on enemies and downed allies. If you take to long (a couple of seconds, modified by frame strength) enemies can wiggle out.

downed allies can be dragged around (so you can get them into cover)

additional buttons modify the grapple on enemies

grab: throw the enemy, can be charged up to deal more damage to thrown enemy and anything struck by them.

jump: some kind of pile driver, body slam or similar move. AOE shockwave.

melee: a powerful attack. If it kills them you get a special 'finisher' animation

aim: use enemy as a shield, aim your pistol around them

shoot (when aim isn't held): shoot them in the head with pistol


This one is kinda out there but; power: sacrifices a heavily damaged enemy to amplify the effects (I have no idea how this would work)

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first of all i was thinking about wkamikaze idea i i think it was great (the grabing thing, not the kick, built the new warframe with that skill seem more apporpriated) but just graping oppoment seem too easy, what we still miss is we have to starreging them first, Then we can do the graping ( seem more physicly realer)

(this is a community site so i gonna said as cruleless as possible)

After u grap one, depend on where u are.
if the target down, the warframe grap his foot, lift it up and then smash it on the ground ( i fingue this out when see my mom do the laungry with the blanket) deal 200% ( lowest since this is easy)

If we face-to-face the taget, the Warframe will hit the enemy forehead with his wepon handle bar, then rotate 360 to slash the taget ( deal 250% dam)

if on the air (yes u can too, if u shoot it to make it staggering first) the Warframe will to a deep cut on it shouder but it didn't cut thought yet, the warframe then jump higher, use his foot tostamp the sword, make it go thought it chest. Finally warframe land, grap the sword handle and then do the heavy kick while holding sword, to separated the target and the wepon ( u can do the awesome draw sword after ), deal 300% since it's hard


BTW the grap button is the "X" (for chanllenging)

anyone elese has any idea ?


P.S: while do it u can be inmule to any dam ( since it's only last for like 2-3 sec)

Edited by Doforcash
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I'm all for grab. In fact I was working on a proposal, but you beat me to it :P

My preference would be a new button (sorry Stacey) largely because connecting it to melee would be aggravating. I've played games where that was the mechanic and it lead to constant grabbing when you meant to slash and slashing when you meant to grab.


To sum up my thoughts

grab: this works on enemies and downed allies. If you take to long (a couple of seconds, modified by frame strength) enemies can wiggle out.

downed allies can be dragged around (so you can get them into cover)

additional buttons modify the grapple on enemies

grab: throw the enemy, can be charged up to deal more damage to thrown enemy and anything struck by them.

jump: some kind of pile driver, body slam or similar move. AOE shockwave.

melee: a powerful attack. If it kills them you get a special 'finisher' animation

aim: use enemy as a shield, aim your pistol around them

shoot (when aim isn't held): shoot them in the head with pistol


This one is kinda out there but; power: sacrifices a heavily damaged enemy to amplify the effects (I have no idea how this would work)

grap allied ? sound like COD to me :)), still like it

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Kinda sad that you use it in a negative connotation when it's obvious you've never played any of the COD's. You can't grab any allies at all.

no i meant in the campage, while we either been grap while other com  do the sweet kill, or have to grap someone elese while other com do all the sweet kill :)), BTW i said i still like it, is not like i dislike u , pro :)

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no i meant in the campage, while we either been grap while other com  do the sweet kill, or have to grap someone elese while other com do all the sweet kill :)), BTW i said i still like it, is not like i dislike u , pro :)

Damn i've read and edited hundreds of English papers written by broken English speaking FOB's and I still have no idea what you said lol.

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Yeah that made no sense.

I've never played CoD, as military shooters hold no interest for me. I suggest dragging allies because I'm sick of getting shot in the back a thousand times trying to heal an ally and I don't play as Mag anymore. Sometimes it isn't worth saving someone, and that should really change.

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Grabbing is cool but it be nice if you could throw them at other enemies especially when surrounded by many as i find my self in many occasions. We can use it to knock them off balance just like the sword stomp move.


That's what I thought :P

grab: throw the enemy, can be charged up to deal more damage to thrown enemy and anything struck by them.

jump: some kind of pile driver, body slam or similar move. AOE shockwave.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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anything that makes melee more fun is good by my book as for how I duno another button wouldn't be too bad I think

although there is other alternatives I had in mind pressing crouch + melee for a leg sweep but only on tap to prevent sneaking causing sweeps when you want to assassinate instead. so new key combinations are also possible (melee+block is open) etc etc

Edit: As for anyone who thinks grappling looks bad on infected or such, try using either of the fist weapons and sneak attack a charger (spoiler: you grab them and supplex)

Edited by Ashgan9
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Grabbing is cool but it be nice if you could throw them at other enemies especially when surrounded by many as i find my self in many occasions. We can use it to knock them off balance just like the sword stomp move.


+1 i like this idea

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Grab moves would be very interesting. However, it could easily be unbalanced, even if it's relatively simple moves.


Let's say I'm in a group of four and there's some dangerous enemy like a napalm or a disrupter. One person grabs them while the other 3 shoot it to death. If you don't give the enemy invincibility to external damage while being grabbed, animations would have to be very short and simple. If you did, then you'd have to add scaling/specialization to grabs to make them even worthwhile. If that was added, though, most everything would have to be grabbable in some capacity or the specializations, and, by extension, grabs, would be useless/wholly unnecessary.


I'm thinking regular weak enemies could be grabbed from anywhere but the front. It'd be fairly easy to run a circle around some hapless lancer and grab him. More "medium" tier enemies would have to be actively caught out of position. Maybe a moa could only be grabbed during a kick, or during the charge-up for shockwave in the case of the shockwave moa. 


As for big enemies, perhaps the block feature could come to include parries, i.e. you block right before the attack hits and the enemy is thrown off balance. If I run into a Grineer heavy gunner and parry her ground slam, she would have a moment of vulnerability where grabs would work. Any other time, she'd just push me off and give me a face full of gorgon lead. Similarly, an ancient should only be grabbable after its attack is parried.


The reason all these restrictions should be there is because unlimited grabbing would mean

a.)all grab-vulnerable enemies are completely no-threat, which I think goes against the nature of the game entirely. What's the point of lancers, troopers, and ballistae positioning themselves and using cover if they can just be helplessly thrown around like ragdolls easily?

b.)any legitimately threatening enemies would have to be grab-immune, which is no fun.


As for what grabs actually do, I'm thinking more utility than raw damage.


grab+left click: throws the enemy in a direction. You could throw them off a ledge(not into the void) to get rid of them for a bit, into a crowd to stagger them, into an exploding barrel to blow it up, etc.

grab+right click: disarms the enemy. Guns get wrestled to the ground, disrupters have their armtentacles injured, moas have their weapon systems damaged. After a few second it'll wear off, and damage will be minimal.

grab+melee: does a sort of finisher attack with your equipped melee weapon. This is the straight-damage grab option, and it'll depend on your weapon. If you've got a weak unmodded skana, it won't do much. If you've got a supercharged fragor or fang, it'll be chunking or outright execution.


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It appears as if melee is only a bit more fleshed out than your standard 'knife' in other shooters.  Press "E" to melee and constantly run around with your gun out is very battlefield-esque.  I think more time should be invested in melee combat to make it more of a "main" mode of play rather than the quick-dispatch feel it has right now.  They've already said they want to do something about how 'blocking' is almost completely useless, here's your chance.


People should be able to walk around with their melee weapon drawn if it is going to be considered a method of combat that is consistantly used.First off, have two different "main" weapons.  Long-gun main with sidearm, or melee main with sidearm.  Your main would be switched on the fly with what is now considered the "melee" keybind.


Assuming the above setup to be implemented, a long-gun main would see very little change.   Melee play, however, could then be tweaked to exploit the full use of your mouse buttons as the guns do.  With a melee main active your default left-click would become "swing/charge" and your default right-click would be "block" and swapping weapons would switch between sidearm and melee.


The only reason you can't do this right now with careful tweaking of the keybinds is that melee is its own keybind and not a weapon set.


If they made it a set, as I've said or in some other fashion, then they could experiment with all kinds of run+block+swing+shoot+slide combos that give more of a fluid feel without adding new keys.


Bottom line, melee is not considered a 'weapon set' for the purpose of controls ... and it should be.

this. this right here is gold

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Thaumatos, on 24 Apr 2013 - 6:35 PM, said:snapback.png

It appears as if melee is only a bit more fleshed out than your standard 'knife' in other shooters.  Press "E" to melee and constantly run around with your gun out is very battlefield-esque.  I think more time should be invested in melee combat to make it more of a "main" mode of play rather than the quick-dispatch feel it has right now.  They've already said they want to do something about how 'blocking' is almost completely useless, here's your chance.


People should be able to walk around with their melee weapon drawn if it is going to be considered a method of combat that is consistantly used.First off, have two different "main" weapons.  Long-gun main with sidearm, or melee main with sidearm.  Your main would be switched on the fly with what is now considered the "melee" keybind.


Assuming the above setup to be implemented, a long-gun main would see very little change.   Melee play, however, could then be tweaked to exploit the full use of your mouse buttons as the guns do.  With a melee main active your default left-click would become "swing/charge" and your default right-click would be "block" and swapping weapons would switch between sidearm and melee.


The only reason you can't do this right now with careful tweaking of the keybinds is that melee is its own keybind and not a weapon set.


If they made it a set, as I've said or in some other fashion, then they could experiment with all kinds of run+block+swing+shoot+slide combos that give more of a fluid feel without adding new keys.


Bottom line, melee is not considered a 'weapon set' for the purpose of controls ... and it should be.

this. this right here is gold



I agree. +1

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I'd settle for block being taken out and replaced with a gun butt move. Basically use your weapon to push any enemy close to you back a few spaces.


Or make it the "leg" button:

Tap leg for a quick kick

Hold leg for a strong round house

leg + crouch = 360 leg sweep

Jump, then leg = dive kick

Sprint, then leg + crouch = a sliding kick that actually damages/stuns enemies and is not just there to look cool :)

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