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Space ninja gunfighters, sure why not? Female space ninja gunfighters, absolutely, I am an equal opportunity offender. Female space ninjas gunfighters in high heels, really? I think the high heels are a step too far. Find me one female warrior in any culture that would choose to wear high heels in combat and I'll do a back flip, maybe, probably not, but you get the picture. I like most of the art, though banshee's shoulder is ah, impressively impressive. And I like the fact that the female frames are fully armored, and that makes good common sense, but where did that common sense go when the thought came up for high heels or even clogs in a warframe? Of course the armor probably didn't need to be so "curvy" either, this game is good enough to where it doesn't need sex to help the sales, but one thing at a time. High heels on my female space ninja gunfighter is one step too far into the unrealistic realm!


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It's just Saryn and Volt who wear heels isn't it? It does bother me, and "no high heels" would be above "no capes" and "no boob windows" in the list of stupid crap superheroes do but shouldn't, but at least it's equal opportunity stupid in this case.

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It's just Saryn and Volt who wear heels isn't it? It does bother me, and "no high heels" would be above "no capes" and "no boob windows" in the list of stupid crap superheroes do but shouldn't, but at least it's equal opportunity stupid in this case.


Hence why people thought Volt was a female.

Edited by Darkwave1098
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