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Hi, To all Warframe players I just want to make this thread talking about provided end game content. Don't get me wrong I love this game I am only rank 7 and I have been hooked since the day I started. But being in a large clan filled with a mass of players from wide ranges of ranks I see a lot of them talking about not enough content for your higher tier players. Most would consider your Tower IV Void missions as your end game content. But I can't really see that being end game content, if you look at a lot of these other games like World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, etc... They do have raiding and dungeon content for lower level players, but at max level a lot more opportunities open up for higher tier player. As I have already said I am rank 7, Yet I have all of the best mods for my warframes and weapons all of them maxed out and I am able to participate in a Tower IV Survival at my fullest just the other day I was in one for an hour and forty five minutes. I don't believe I can really consider that end game content being only rank 7. What I want to see and I would assume a lot of your older players, rank 16, rank 17, and rank 18, would like to see would be maybe some 8 man content to take down a mega weapon or something or somebody that rewards you would blueprints or items that you can only use/build if you are these ranks. I see a lot of the people who brought me to this game being in those ranks quitting and leaving because of the fact that there is no content for your older players. Pretty much after rank 8 you have unlocked every weapon in the game. For instance with your most recent problem being viver, most people would call that exploiting, abusing something. But honestly it was your older players looking at the mechanics of the game and using it to achieve something the most efficient way possible. You found a way to fix the whole reputation gain thing but you are still catering to all levels of players. I'd assume that most higher tier players want to see some skill testing content, something that really tests how well they play. Anyways I am done with that. If you read this thanks for reading :D

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I would love to see some crazy hard six hour long dungeons filled with mechanically intense boss fights that require planning and group coordination. I doubt that will ever happen though, I don't think they could make content that isn't just grinding the same stuff we've fought before for the sake of grinding, none of their bosses have really shown any intense mechanics and mostly rely on "shoot the weak spot, wait for long periods of invulnerability, sometimes take damage from undodgeable attacks" and then they are either completely incapacitated by warframe abilities or nullify them/drain all your energy making your choice of frame meaningless aside from defenses.

Edited by ShadowDragon000
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If DE were to do raids I get the feeling we'd be fighting tanks and aircraft on foot as opposed to enemies.


We've seen Grineer mining vessels / tanks for ages due to sabotage.


Now in the new ice planet corpus tileset we've been able to see Corpus tanks as well.


But we have yet to actually see these vehicles in action.

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     Honestly not just raiding content just new content in general, archwing is fun and all but it gets extremely old very fast. Why not add squad based missions or missions where everybody has to complete a different objective to complete the mission. For example, Survival missions are you providing a distraction while another tenno operative raids the ship. Why can't we have an assault mission where one person does a survival another person does a sabotage another person does a defense and another person does a spy mission. I am a huge solo player I primarily play solo most of the time so this would be a great way to get other solo players such as me into a group.


     Or a completely new mission that requires stealth, considering the fact that I love solo play, stealth comes into play a lot. Most of the time in a group you shoot your way all the way to the end, why not do a mission that requires you and your team to be quiet try new things such as parkour most people only use slide slashing as a form of traveling, and it seems very none authentic to me. You have a game based on space ninjas and there is really only one real ninja in the game (Ash). He is one of my favorite warframes to use because of the fact that he brings an element to the game that only one other warframe has (Loki) invisibility. Which when used right you can complete a certain mission only having to kill two enemies and never be caught on the censors.


     Your current most used/requested in Recruiting channel are Nova, Vauban, Nekros, Frost, and Loki. Why is that? Because they are for farming your basic content survivals and defenses. I want to see some of these other frames come to life like zephyr or banshee. I know some people who really love both of those frames but really only uses them on for fun because they aren't good for much in team based "end game content".


     Lets look at Archwing, most of the opinions that I have got on it is that it is cool but repetitive and becomes very easily boring. Most of the people that I know would find this to be true. Lets see what you did though, you put your players in space combat suits and required them to do the same missions they already do, just in orbit. Honestly I do like Archwing, it is just extremely repetitive, the thing I looked forward to the most in update 15 was syndicates because it gave me a reason to want to grind these things that I do normally.


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I also agree.  While Archwing was fun, it was nothing like I thought it would be.


I was expecting long-winded missions where we start off inside of a Corpus/Grineer ship, only to be jettisoned out by an attack towards the end or mid-mission and then switched into the archwing mode.

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I believe there were Raids, where you just stole a gem-like thing on a pedastal, but they replaced it with Survivals. Finished the game quite some time ago, and not much bothers to bring me back often...Stuck on the kill without getting detected, and don't care...


By the way, if parts farming (especially for exactly which Warframe Helm, Chassis, and Systems you need) doesn't bother you, it sure will eventually! Another AFK until I can get exactly what I need, instead of like 10 of one stupid exact same Warframe part before I get anything else!!! After beating most of the game, Warframe does become boring, and its problems more annoying. Good luck! I'll not login anytime soon...again...

Edited by Haku2049
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