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[Theory] Post-Humanism And The Possible Impact On Tenno And Their Culture


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Going back to this.


In all honesty it would simply be the orokin as a whole, or at the very least the group of scientist that helped "channel" us. 


The lotus is our mother in that she was the first tenno that managed to be made "stable" since previous information from the rhino codex on him being an abomination with some twisted mind. 


Going into the void their minds/souls were torn away from their bodies and turned into twisted flesh somehow. The lotus would have been the first, possibly the only one to be made stable by orokin means. Then they add her to a computer thing that is seen in the background from where she is being transmitted from. A life support system attached to her(her tentacles/wires) to make sure she doesn't fall apart.


Once she was saved from her insanity(insanity that the rhino codex suggests) the orokin used her to stabilize the minds of the other victims of the zariman and perhaps to reattach them to the bodies that they had. Void energy still present in them would have warped them. 


The orokin "built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction" to give them a true body. Their affliction would have been both for attaching their minds to their dead bodies and giving them a stable enough mind than the shock they received from being turned into separate entities in a form that were human thoughts and emotions wouldn't be able to process. Being used to controlling the chemical reactions that is observed as thinking and emotions from a brain would have been tortures when they were placed into the semi-liquid state with no knowledge on how to control their new alien "bodies".


Simply the lotus gave them their minds back while the orokin gave them their bodies.

gonna leave this here to see what you guys think about it.


from here:


Edited by OverlordMcGeek
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A possibility.


Honestly, short of a direct validation of whether or not the Lotus is not just basically a really advanced Cephalon, I can see that happening.


The only real thing that one wonders is how and where the Lotus can be to still be functionally viable considering the time frame. If in some buried Orokin Tower...I guess her communication technology would be using the Void as a 'buffer' or whatever the appropriate term is (I am not a mechanical person. I do enjoy fiddling though)


This approach certainly fits well with the earlier thought that by giving them a Human shape, the Tenno end up thinking in Human terms. I mean...if the Orokin just wanted tools, the situation outlined above was perfect for just jacking them into some combat machine.


Although I must admit, either way the Orokin certainly weren't doing things for the humanitarian element. Heck, in the above case, it's just as good a way to enslave victims. Want a body again? Fight for us.

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A possibility.


Honestly, short of a direct validation of whether or not the Lotus is not just basically a really advanced Cephalon, I can see that happening.


The only real thing that one wonders is how and where the Lotus can be to still be functionally viable considering the time frame. If in some buried Orokin Tower...I guess her communication technology would be using the Void as a 'buffer' or whatever the appropriate term is (I am not a mechanical person. I do enjoy fiddling though)


This approach certainly fits well with the earlier thought that by giving them a Human shape, the Tenno end up thinking in Human terms. I mean...if the Orokin just wanted tools, the situation outlined above was perfect for just jacking them into some combat machine.


Although I must admit, either way the Orokin certainly weren't doing things for the humanitarian element. Heck, in the above case, it's just as good a way to enslave victims. Want a body again? Fight for us.

Could it be possible the the lotus is just a highly advanced computer system that uses humans as hosts in order to function and use our physical world? that is what the women could be just the lotus program inside her body, hence she becomes the lotus.

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Could be. If those cables aren't decorative, well, your usual Biological Computer set up I imagine.


The only issue would be how...willing, persistent and generally easy to replace the host is. Certainly the kind of ethical quagmire right up the Orokin's street.

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Could be. If those cables aren't decorative, well, your usual Biological Computer set up I imagine.


The only issue would be how...willing, persistent and generally easy to replace the host is. Certainly the kind of ethical quagmire right up the Orokin's street.

True but they are planning to have her visit the relays so I would assume those cables can be disconnected I mean they may just plug in so she can access that specific computer or whatever it is she is connected to in that room she's always in when she messages us. But the Lotus seems to know an awful lot about us and her symbol goes back all the way to dark sector I almost wonder if she was part of the orokin empire, I mean if she has been watching over us since we went into cyrosleep then she must have been a product of orokin experimentation. I also wonder if she had something to do with us killing all the orokin.

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I'm thinking it possible that the Lotus 'at the Relay' would just be a hologram or projection of some kind. Something of an insane security risk considering the nature of the Relays currently, especially in light of how...poorly they were defended.


Although...I'm not adverse to the possibility that the Lotus could be something of a network 'herself'. Multiple women all part of the greater consciousness that is Lotus. Far-fetched but still, plausible.


However, I can tell you that she is most definitely there during the Old War, if at least in the fact it is her memories of Mirage (original) that give us our only real glimpse of that actual conflict. The current era is most certainly not her first campaign at the command of the Tenno. The only difference may be whether she had a commander to report to in the past, where now it seems she's the one directing all endeavours.


The Lotus, both as a symbol and a person, seems very much connected to the Orokin and their culture. Just look at all the decorations in the Void.

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I'm thinking it possible that the Lotus 'at the Relay' would just be a hologram or projection of some kind. Something of an insane security risk considering the nature of the Relays currently, especially in light of how...poorly they were defended.


Although...I'm not adverse to the possibility that the Lotus could be something of a network 'herself'. Multiple women all part of the greater consciousness that is Lotus. Far-fetched but still, plausible.


However, I can tell you that she is most definitely there during the Old War, if at least in the fact it is her memories of Mirage (original) that give us our only real glimpse of that actual conflict. The current era is most certainly not her first campaign at the command of the Tenno. The only difference may be whether she had a commander to report to in the past, where now it seems she's the one directing all endeavours.


The Lotus, both as a symbol and a person, seems very much connected to the Orokin and their culture. Just look at all the decorations in the Void.

Yea, I have yet to play hidden messages yet, but I will defiantly check it out, I did however know that the Lotus was connected somehow with the Orokin, I agree with you that she was probably a commander or possibly AI made to direct troops in the field or something military wise.

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Lotus is at present the Tenno 'handler'; she is the one who seems to provide the missions, finances and other resources to allow the Tenno to continue as they are.


Granted, she seems willing to sacrifice civilians for a single Tenno so far as Vor's Prize goes, but then considering the sheer potency of one Tenno...that's kind of the cold military pragmatism I guess you could expect. So you lose maybe a colony, one Tenno could save...well, a lot more than one. I suppose that's her logic.


Which is somewhat interesting to consider; so far as the Tenno are concerned, the Lotus seems to have the capacity to care. Outside of the Tenno and the relationships of things towards the continued safety of the Tenno...her pragmatism increases a lot. To the point of arguably not really caring than 'doing the job'. Her aim seems to be enabling the Tenno to enforce Balance on the system, whatever cost that has in non-Tenno lives.


Leading to the reasonable question of just how far removed from conventional humanity she might be. Granted, it's not the first time an arguably positive influence only cares for their immediate friends/allies and such, but it's still interesting. The Balance is a cold, unfeeling thing that the Lotus seems uniquely devoted to enabling, and the Tenno could be seen to sharing this trait.


Conjecture, admittedly, but admittedly the only glimpses through the Lotus' composure is given in terms of Tenno. Otherwise...consummate professionalism.

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Lotus is at present the Tenno 'handler'; she is the one who seems to provide the missions, finances and other resources to allow the Tenno to continue as they are.


Granted, she seems willing to sacrifice civilians for a single Tenno so far as Vor's Prize goes, but then considering the sheer potency of one Tenno...that's kind of the cold military pragmatism I guess you could expect. So you lose maybe a colony, one Tenno could save...well, a lot more than one. I suppose that's her logic.


Which is somewhat interesting to consider; so far as the Tenno are concerned, the Lotus seems to have the capacity to care. Outside of the Tenno and the relationships of things towards the continued safety of the Tenno...her pragmatism increases a lot. To the point of arguably not really caring than 'doing the job'. Her aim seems to be enabling the Tenno to enforce Balance on the system, whatever cost that has in non-Tenno lives.


Leading to the reasonable question of just how far removed from conventional humanity she might be. Granted, it's not the first time an arguably positive influence only cares for their immediate friends/allies and such, but it's still interesting. The Balance is a cold, unfeeling thing that the Lotus seems uniquely devoted to enabling, and the Tenno could be seen to sharing this trait.


Conjecture, admittedly, but admittedly the only glimpses through the Lotus' composure is given in terms of Tenno. Otherwise...consummate professionalism.

True and the story mission hidden messages proves that she does have the capability to care as she was shown to be pretty shaken up regarding mirages death and obviously cared for the Tenno inside the warframe. For all we know she might have had a hand in creating the Tenno themselves and could see them as her children in a manner of speaking, which would make sense she protects and looks after them in a similar way a mother looks after her child and will do whatever is necessary to keep them safe. I guess we will see just how far she is wiling to go now that The Sentients have returned, the old war has come back to haunt us and to begin anew, only this time we won't have the technology and resources of the Orokin on our side meaning it's going to be a lot more brutal, difficult and horrifying then it was thousands of years ago.

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True and the story mission hidden messages proves that she does have the capability to care as she was shown to be pretty shaken up regarding mirages death and obviously cared for the Tenno inside the warframe. For all we know she might have had a hand in creating the Tenno themselves and could see them as her children in a manner of speaking, which would make sense she protects and looks after them in a similar way a mother looks after her child and will do whatever is necessary to keep them safe. I guess we will see just how far she is wiling to go now that The Sentients have returned, the old war has come back to haunt us and to begin anew, only this time we won't have the technology and resources of the Orokin on our side meaning it's going to be a lot more brutal, difficult and horrifying then it was thousands of years ago.


The coming conflict will be...interesting. At any rate, there is the likelihood that the Lotus may perhaps have more of these rather...poignant moments she recalls from the return of the Sentient.


It may be that the cold, detached manner she speaks now could be that during the Old War...she was far more emotionally sensitive. Considering the context of her last words with Mirage...I cannot find myself struggling to see her sounding a lot more distraught. All her actions that she at best recites to us seem filtered by her current distance. Back then I would not be surprised if she was actively pleading, as I suspect an outmanouvered Tactical Officer or...whatever her role is would when her unit is gradually getting whittled away.


Granted, this may be bias on my part of how I interpret the likely original emphasis those words might have had. Lotus recites now...but back then it may have been yet another loss in a long list of lost battles as another Tenno just...comforts her. It might be that her current persona is the result that she decided in the Old War's aftermath, she would not lose another Tenno again if she could help it. How successful she is perhaps varies wildly.


I love how mind blowing this thread has become.


Has grown somewhat, though admittedly I'm just grateful others seem willing to engage in the discussion as things pick up now and then.


At any rate, glad it still gives you something to find interesting. Just wonder what the lore to come will do. Either it'll add to the possibility this is the case...or it'll just be the nail that seals it away as but a figment of 'close, but not quite'.

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The coming conflict will be...interesting. At any rate, there is the likelihood that the Lotus may perhaps have more of these rather...poignant moments she recalls from the return of the Sentient.


It may be that the cold, detached manner she speaks now could be that during the Old War...she was far more emotionally sensitive. Considering the context of her last words with Mirage...I cannot find myself struggling to see her sounding a lot more distraught. All her actions that she at best recites to us seem filtered by her current distance. Back then I would not be surprised if she was actively pleading, as I suspect an outmanouvered Tactical Officer or...whatever her role is would when her unit is gradually getting whittled away.


Granted, this may be bias on my part of how I interpret the likely original emphasis those words might have had. Lotus recites now...but back then it may have been yet another loss in a long list of lost battles as another Tenno just...comforts her. It might be that her current persona is the result that she decided in the Old War's aftermath, she would not lose another Tenno again if she could help it. How successful she is perhaps varies wildly.



Has grown somewhat, though admittedly I'm just grateful others seem willing to engage in the discussion as things pick up now and then.


At any rate, glad it still gives you something to find interesting. Just wonder what the lore to come will do. Either it'll add to the possibility this is the case...or it'll just be the nail that seals it away as but a figment of 'close, but not quite'.

Yeah I'd say I would agree but we will see for sure very soon.

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