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Colors On Damage



I've been playing for sometime now and I still don't completely understand the different colored numbers that pop up when damaging enemies (blue,yellow,gray)

I suppose gray means I'm doing Direct health damage? While blue means I'm eating away the enemies shield? What about yellow?

Oh and when an enemy dies a bold number pops up, what does that indicate? The dead enemies total health?

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10 answers to this question

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Blue: Damage to shields.
White/Gray: Normal damage (to health/armour)
Yellow: Critical or stealth (2x) damage.
Red: Stealth critical
Bold number: XP gained.

Credits to Smith0rz for the small edit regarding red/yellow damage. :P

Edited by AndryB94
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Blue: Shield.

White/Gray: Normal damage.

Yellow: I -THINK- it means you're hitting an enemy's weakspot, for example the head. If not, it means critical.

Bold number: XP gained.


Yellow is crit damage, you're on about everything else.

Thnx for the info ^^
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Those would be "super" criticals. That's because attacking in stealth mode (Loki/Ash) makes every hit a critical (yellow) with an increased chance of doing super criticals as well.



Actually the way I understood it, loki and ash just get a damage buff when invisible (not a true critical as from what I can tell it's not affected by +critical damage% mods) that shows as a yellow hit and the red signifies a true "crit" on top of that additional unaware strike damage.


I could be wrong but I seem to consistently hit for 450+270 with my heat swords on a charged strike while invisibility is active regardless of crit mods.

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Yellow damage = Critical OR Stealth damage. Stealth Damage is not crit damage, and is a flat 2x damage.

Red Damage = Critical while doing stealth damage



Lol, just my luck. I say the same thing one minute earlier and you get all the credit. 


One thing to note, I believe the 200% bonus only applies to charge strikes during stealth while normal strikes receive 150%.

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