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Suddenly Left-Handed?


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Hey guys, just a minor concern.


All warframes in the game are right-handed, which means that they use their right hand to pull back the bow, when fighting with onehanded weapons like pistols, using a single sword etc.


But when you fight with a dualwielded weapon (e.g. dual heat-swords) the longer blade is held by the left hand. It's not that big issue, but it makes not much sense to fight like this if your right-handed.

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It's H.


You can switch hands, or used to be able to at least, I forgot what the key was for it though.



Looks like you misunderstood what I was saying. I'm not talking about the position of the camera, which can be switched by pressing H.


I'm talking about which hand your warframe typically uses to do something, which is the right hand. If you use only one pistol, it's in the right hand. If you use a single sword, it's in the right hand. Two-handed weapons are held like a right-handed person would hold them.


BUT: If you use two weapons with a different length, the longer blade goes into your "better" hand, which should be the right hand and not the left, like it is now. It doesn't make any sense to me and is clearly a mistake.

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BUT: If you use two weapons with a different length, the longer blade goes into your "better" hand, which should be the right hand and not the left, like it is now. It doesn't make any sense to me and is clearly a mistake.


Pretty sure in dual wield melee combat if you have a shorter weapon and a longer weapon, the shorter weapon does better in the dominant hand, but both styles can be used.


The off-hand weapon's main use is parrying, while the dominant hand's weapon is used for striking.



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Pretty sure in dual wield melee combat if you have a shorter weapon and a longer weapon, the shorter weapon does better in the dominant hand, but both styles can be used.


The off-hand weapon's main use is parrying, while the dominant hand's weapon is used for striking.




There is some flaw in your argumentation. Your wiki link shows a parrying dagger, citation:


These weapons were used as off-hand weapons in conjunction with a single-handed sword. As the name implies they were designed to parry, or defend, more effectively than a simple dagger form, typically incorporating a wider guard, and often some other defensive features to better protect the hand, as well. The main-gauche (French for "left hand", pronounced: [mɛ̃ ɡoʃ]) is used mainly to assist in parrying incoming thrusts, while the dominant hand wields a rapier or similar longer weapon intended for one-handed use. It may also be used for attack if an opportunity arises. The general category includes two more specific kinds of weapon: sword breakers and trident daggers. (Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia...Parrying_dagger)



Having a longer weapon for striking is a clear advantage, so the longer weapon goes into the dominant hand, where it is used to attack (with some situational strikes from the shorter weapon). Looks like you misunderstood that article.

Edited by Jhin
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Yea my bad, the article was referring to the European dual wielding style.


here's a snippet of some info.


"The usual difference between Florentine dual-wielding (sword and dagger) and Filipino-style dual wielding (any weapon will do, but preferably two of the same length) is that the former uses one hand for attack and the other for defense, while the latter uses both hands for both attack and defense at the same time."


But you seem to be right in that normally you either use the smaller weapon in the off-hand and use 2 weapons of the same length.


Though, DE designed all the animations to have the small weapon in the main hand and I don't think it's even necessary to change it. We'll call it "Tenno dual-wielding"

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Seems like an incredibly minor detail to be worrying about. There is no set style on "How to dual-wield".


Miyamoto Musashi, commonly regarded as the first figure in history to develop a two-sword style and use it effectively in combat used the heavier blade in his dominant hand (right), and the shorter one in his left.


But that's just one way of going about it, and arguing semantics will get us nowhere. There is no right way to fight. Period. It's all subjective, and doesn't matter as long as it looks badass.

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I hope DE gives us the option to choose left and right handed characters (basically flip the entire model around and play in reverse but without reversed controls)


useless, sure, but what the hey?

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I hope DE gives us the option to choose left and right handed characters (basically flip the entire model around and play in reverse but without reversed controls)


useless, sure, but what the hey?


I would like that, as a left handed person I just feel cooler when I use my actual dominant hand ingame.

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OT: I have no problem with it, but it's a nice catch and I don't mind if DE changes it if they so dsire.



hi i got a problem with my caracther if i dont touch any key .. the caracther move to the left (walk) by itself...how i can i stop that?


Do you have a gamepad/joystick plugged in? The analog sticks on gamepads are often not perfectly in the center, and from my own experience having an xbox 360 pad plugged in (I play with kb/mouse in Warframe), sometimes my guy will be slowly moving to the left because the gamepad's analog was slightly off center. Just move the stick back to the middle, or unplug the gamepad. If you don't have any gamepads plugged in, I have no idea what's wrong.



I know this is off topic but why not add some ninja kicking aside from the air glide ?


And add shoe blades like X-23! Ninja kick! Trip animation! Scissor kick tackle! :P

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