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League Of Legends Players?


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Twisted Fate, Fiddle sticks, and Kassadin. I suck with these three, but I suck even more with everything else. Solo queuing is disastrous, as the I get reported every now and then for sucking. Help me. Teach me how not to suck. Add me. My IGN is Pixie Dust.

Edited by Paprika
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Try practicing on bots and in none rank games since people in rank get kinda obsessed and find a champ that fits your style since two of the three you listed have kinda steep learning curves. Also having a good idea of which skills work for you helps. Finding a champ that fits you is just a matter of practice and trial through error.


Try playing someone with a more simple style,


The first thing you got to learn is curve your aggression, going for the throat isn't always the best course of action, Sometimes learning to let the one you could almost kill go is the smarter course then running them down for a kill.-since that potential just sets you up to get killed. Knowing when to run the **** away is a big part of the game since big ranked matches come off as more complicated games of tag, hit and run.


Next is to have a general idea for item layouts what you want to have, what you should get first -I always go for boots first since running away needs to be an option... Mercury trends for their status reduction, Blood thrister for HP regen if a melee fighter etc etc-

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Twisted Fate, Fiddle sticks, and Kassadin. I suck with these three, but I suck even more with everything else. Solo queuing is disastrous, as the I get reported every now and then for sucking. Help me. Teach me how not to suck. Add me. My IGN is Pixie Dust.

Play a lot of normals with one and the same champ. If you win your lane everytime against anyone, consider going ranked solo queue and carry your team.

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