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Wukong in a normal 5 v 5.

I have yet to get a penta in ranked.

I was close to one with my main Ahri, but it's difficult with a Darius in your team.


Funny thing is I got the penta kill cause the other team decided to gang up and gank the Darius who had pretty much been dominating the entire game.


Trying to learn to Akali right now

Edited by FrostWolf
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The only champ I can't play is ironically Ryze.

People claim him to be the easiest out of all champions, but I simply can't play that piece o' S#&$. :P

Though, I have to practice with Fizz a bit, I'm currently missing with his ult a few times.

Still have to get the feeling for it.

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Ryze  is just inferior to the other Snare mages... Lux and Morrigan for example have better spells to combo with their snares and defense spells to keep them alive... and much better Rs



Finally figured out the trick to Akali... you kinda have to suffer till level 6 with her but once you do, Geezus Akali can do a lot of damage fast.

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''Vi sTaNdS fOr STUPID. RuNnInG aLL oVeR ToWn WiTh SiLLy HaT LaDy,VI CoUlDnT sOlVe a CrImE iF A CrImiNaL sNuCk Up BeHiNd HeR aNd ShOt HeR iN tHe HeAd - I MeAn TuRnEd HeRsElF iN - WaIT- WhaT wAs I sAyInG? oH YeAh, VI DoEsEnT GeT It: RuLeS aRe MeAnT To Be BrOkEn, LiKe BuIlDiNgS, Or PeOpLe!!! IlL Be bAcK sOoN EnOuGh. No OnE DIE sCrEaMiNg WiThOuT ME!!!!''


The F***..


Anyways, I jumped from Silver 1 to Gold III


Aiming for Platinum.

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