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League Of Legends Players?


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I mainly play Dota 2. The community there has been a lot more nicer to me. I've been shunned so much by the community from LoL ._.


Favourite hero currently is Invoker ^^ I like his diversity and I like having 14 spells to my disposal huehue...


Sounds like a Red mage, and your always Welcome here!

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How does it feel to get a Pentakill?!?!?!


I've always been Penta-blocked all the time when I get Quadra! QQ


Quadra Kill with Riven - Penta-blocked by a Kennen


Quadra Kill with AP Shen - Penta-blocked by Caitlyn


Quadra Kill with Susan - Penta-blocked by Ashe


... Dafuq.


Left Ranked games due to serious increase of serious kids. Already got reported for picking a bad Champion in a que. ; _;

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How does it feel to get a Pentakill?!?!?!


I've always been Penta-blocked all the time when I get Quadra! QQ


Quadra Kill with Riven - Penta-blocked by a Kennen


Quadra Kill with AP Shen - Penta-blocked by Caitlyn


Quadra Kill with Susan - Penta-blocked by Ashe


... Dafuq.


Left Ranked games due to serious increase of serious kids. Already got reported for picking a bad Champion in a que. ; _;

Penta with Nasus once.

Had ~700 stacks in about 30 minutes, which isn't too bad.

I went for Trinity instead of gauntlet, since it's got buffed.


Slapped their adc with my stick, their apc after that, (my whole team except nami was already dead there)

their toplaner, then their support.

their jungler tried to run, but good guy nami hit her bubble and I was able to slap their jungler to get my pentakill.


enemy/my team's reaction?


''gj nasus.'' - one of my team

''/ff'' - enemy team


Kinda expected more.



Oh, and always try to duoQueue with a good mate. The games are enjoyable even if your whole team flames.


Btw, platinum sucks.

Games are being thrown harder than anywhere else, and a lot of flamers of course.

Edited by Chris9428
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I got hated and reported for playing poppy, even though i actually got a penta with her once.


... I think the issue is LOL is an accepted E-sport so you always have the uber serious guys that constantly want to make it to the big time


and poor Chris is probably in their nest since I'd assume all the truly Hardcore "Leets" are there.

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... I think the issue is LOL is an accepted E-sport so you always have the uber serious guys that constantly want to make it to the big time


and poor Chris is probably in their nest since I'd assume all the truly Hardcore "Leets" are there.


Also, I can't stand the fact that so many people take normals seriously.

I just played with a lvl 9 mate, so the enemy levels weren't that high, but those of my team neither.


Practiced support a little, when the worst thing happens. (don't want to lose if I get forced to support in rankeds)


Anyways, someone kept flaming everyone for being silver. (He didn't even do well either)

After the game, I found out that he's just lvl 24, which is kinda hilarious and sad at the same time.


We won this though, because of my 1337 support skillz.

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