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Peacemaker Might Be A Bit Op


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I was actually surprised with how useful her 2 was sometimes

And still find that using her 3 takes away reason to use 4

I mean to say

You could use her 3 and 4 and not die or just use her 3 and face tank everything while not using all fo your energy....

I don't disagree with any of that. I think that considering the power of so many other frames....

I'm under the impressionthat her 2, 3, and 4 are opperating pretty close to as intended.

The only ability I expect more than number tweaks and quality of life changes to is her 1.

As it is right now its cool in concept but doesmt really do anything worth using.

All speculation of course. Who knows what de is really thinking until they make a statement.

Edited by Ronyn
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