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[Warframe Trailer Idea] Ending Of An Era


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Before i explain i was playing this over in my head quite a bit and  i see the Tenno leaning more towards an army than just a sect. The trailer could be used for a new update or just a trailer in general. 


Song preference: Golden Age Wood kid.


**I'll use the time frame for each segment for the acting**



Warframe is Frost , Kneeling down in his snowglobe on Uranus Ice map template, Blurred background. At his knees is Excalibur/Saryn reaching out trying to grab on to him. Short cuts/flashes to Frost Exalibur/Saryn on a Famorian shooting at Corpus. Come back, have the camera pan around Frost showing glowing corpus gunfire, flash again to the ship exploding and him and Excalibur/Saryn getting shot into space trying to grab onto archwing, Flash back again this time theres a Scindo prime/Scindo next to him and the Glaive & Glaive prime, Excalibur/Saryn hand slowly falls, Flash once more to the archwing's failing to fly to the liset and they crash into  the planet.



Frost gets up as you can see he is SURROUNDED by Corpus marines, you can see asteroids from the famorian falling into the planet and the glaives magnetize to each wrist and he grabs the Scindo prime/Scindo



Quick flash to Frost leaping into a crowd of Corpus into an Ice wave, as he Deflects bullets, slow pan to his face and he opens with the Cleaving whirlwind combo, pan out into him doing the 6 spins, then frost Extends his Wrists and both the Glaive and Glaive prime extend and he throws the Glaive prime slicing a group of Corpuswhile the other one he does the directed air jump.



Slow down while Frost Looks over the battlefield and he sees a shroud of black smoke cutting through another half of the Corpus swarm and have it show him slam down into the ground



Have Frost open up with the Gleaming Talon's 3 combos and then have him slide to flip towards the black Smoke into the Air spin with glaives cutting the Corpus and knocking a Supra into the air, Then have him land and do a hard throw into a random direction of Corpus. Then have the supra land in his hands and he starts mowing down Corpus, Have him roll then throw in an ice wave. Then have the Supra run out and he feels it jam and he charges for an Avalanche killing all surrounding corpus.



As the Snowflakes fall have the Stalker(the origin of the black smoke) come in behind him and grab him by his neck and Insert 3 despair into his back. Then have him fall to his knees again and do a quick flash to the Famorian, and show as they were fighting Lockdown was initiated, implying stalker was nearby. Have the shot be silent no gunfire to be heard and show the stalker walking out of his smoke and the 2 of the warframes open fire on a nearby pipeline. Quick flash back to the Stalker Winding up his hate and before actually beheading Frost it goes straight to the Warframe Logo, Ninjas Play Free.



Here is the song: Golden Age by Woodkid




If the media link does not show above (doesnt show for my preview post) here is the direct link 



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Frost Profile pics eh.. nice also very brutal ad if this came to reality

Like i said i feel Warframe transitioning more to an army. And we do need more brutal trailers and we never really had a portrayel of the Stalker. :] Thanks though! I do hope it comes into fruition

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