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Hek, From Amazing To Terrible.


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So I just logged on to test out the new changes to the shotgun. It's terrible, there is literally no use for this weapon anymore. Potato'd takes 3 shots to kill a Grineer from 20m or so away. Strun and Boar are unarguably the better weapons. Thanks for wasting my time and effort, not to mention the only catalyst I had DE. 


Oh and making the Glaive BP an alert award is horse S#&$.


You #*($%%@ up.

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Good that I still have my good ol' Boltor somewhere, just have to find it...and yeah, my Boar and Strun of course.

But hey, lets nerf the highest Rank Weapon in the game into eternity, sounds like a great plan! :)

Actually the Boar is unusable now. %75 Damage falloff after about 10M(ish). 

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Disapointing to say the least.  I can understand DE wanting to get rid of the 'sniping shotgun' role that Hek played.......but...wow....there is no reason i can think of to use the current Hek vs the Strun or Boar. 


Hek's effective range is just pitiful now.  May as well melee if you need something to get that close :/

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I just tested into a door to see the pellets, if you use right click to zoom-in it's not SO BAD... But still... o:


Tested with HEK as well, i imagine BOAR far away with that full auto... *autch* 

They didn't change the spread.  They made bullets do less damage the farther from the target you are, which is much much worse.

Edited by ZefiruShrike
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Yes, it might be disappointing.

But bear in mind that the Devs talked about balancing weapons. If the Hek is so overpowered, the other weapons will be viewed upon as 'useless'. 

Furthermore, this change is realistic. Shotguns are supposed to be effective in short range, not long range. If not, what are the snipers for? You can rage all you want, but dont take it out on the Devs. 


P.S. I have a hek and its supercharged too. 

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They didn't change the spread.  They made bullets do less damage the farther from the target you are, which is much much worse.



yea but the spread is higher as well witch alone would be something good, but combined with this it's awfull..

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Yes, it might be disappointing.

But bear in mind that the Devs talked about balancing weapons. If the Hek is so overpowered, the other weapons will be viewed upon as 'useless'. 

Furthermore, this change is realistic. Shotguns are supposed to be effective in short range, not long range. If not, what are the snipers for? You can rage all you want, but dont take it out on the Devs. 


P.S. I have a hek and its supercharged too. 

Yeah...realistic shotguns actually have a much longer range than game shotguns do

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Yes, it might be disappointing.

But bear in mind that the Devs talked about balancing weapons. If the Hek is so overpowered, the other weapons will be viewed upon as 'useless'. 

Furthermore, this change is realistic. Shotguns are supposed to be effective in short range, not long range. If not, what are the snipers for? You can rage all you want, but dont take it out on the Devs. 


P.S. I have a hek and its supercharged too. 


You sir have clearly never fired a shotgun in real life.


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I wont say nothing on Hek. I dont think the changes to shoguns in general were necessary, but I'd bet its a response to the fact that ALOT of people use shotguns.


My bet is that they are reducing the efficiency of high dps weapons. which idk why, since the game inheritly is dps based. More damage = faster level clearing.

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Copy pasting from another thread I responded to:

This is rediculous, shotgun's ALREADY have damage fall-off, it's called pellet spread, dps isn't even half as high of that of the Braton or Gorgon at medium-long range. I worked my &#! off to get my HEK and put a potato on it and literally 2 days later it's useless. This damage fall-off is rediculous but at least take it off the HEK as it's supposed to be the longer range shotty.

Been testing it post patch and the thing can't even one shot chargers at 10m away.

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Would half the current damage drop off work?

No, not really. Four melee ranges aren't a combat range, even for a shotgun. It's easier to traverse it than spend ammo on it. I'd say make the fall-off start at 20 meters and make it less harsh, topping at 30 percent. It's still unrealistic, but, well... somewhat balanced. Somewhat.

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