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No Glaive Blueprint? Fine, No Support From Me.


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actually i totally agree with sikab on this arguement u hear them talking about a glaive weapon and everyone wanted and talked about a glaive weapon. Then on the day which it FINALLY arrives ppl download the patch and are like glaive weapon! only to find out you can't get it without making a purchase with money. Sort of like christmas day and opening up some crappy present.


if they wanted to make money their's a better way, by introducing alternative sexy looking skins for frames (AESTHETICS SELLS). Introduce more better looking weapon skins, introduce the color REAL BLACK, simple, introduce..more skins.....


this way of making money really is a dbl edge sword on their part.

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I don't see how that is true?


You mean to tell me that you would prefer to not play and watch twitter or something to let you know when alerts pop then just play and be told in game when they pop?


Odd that.


I understand people want easier access to brand new items but frankly I don't have any issue with what they have done.  Of course I spent hours and hours and HOURS praying to the RNG gods back in my EQ days so this kind of thing does not faze me I guess.

It has nothing to do with easy access, though. In fact, the problem is, arguably, exactly that - you could get the Glaive by being lucky because you happened to be online when it spawned on a Terminus alert. The alert system has nothing to do with effort and everything to do with luck; if you're there, you're there, and if you're not... too bad, even if you've played every day and the other guy that got it played the game for one hour.

The alert system is not a system that should be used to introduce a new class of weapon, I feel.

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It has nothing to do with easy access, though. In fact, the problem is, arguably, exactly that - you could get the Glaive by being lucky because you happened to be online when it spawned on a Terminus alert. The alert system has nothing to do with effort and everything to do with luck; if you're there, you're there, and if you're not... too bad, even if you've played every day and the other guy that got it played the game for one hour.

The alert system is not a system that should be used to introduce a new class of weapon, I feel.


You know that you face a system exactly like this every day of your life and most people never complain about it? (Hint: LIFE)


Beyond that, anyone who can't control how excited or dissapointed they are about digital additions to a game that they don't pay for or contribute to as demonstrated by their needless outrage over something like this tells me that they are not mature enough to contribute anything of worth when discussing the issue.


If everyone cries about this being the holy grail of Warframe and they want it NAO then drop the 10 dollars its worth and if you can't part with that pittance on a grame you obviously like and crusade the forums of then you really have no right to talk about money grabbing or it being inaccessible. Curb your damn need for instant gratification.

Edited by Ageless_Emperion
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don't care about new toys, don't care about glaives (might purchase it in the future if my current sharp and pointy library gets stale) what  I do worry about is the gameplay getting stale and people only staying around to grind alerts.

Bosses need to be more awesome. Grineer bosses should be huge with multiple attack patterns. All boss fights should be complex, challenging and fun. Alert bosses should be beyond lethal. But hey, that's my opinion.  

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Dude, Ageless, you missed the point of gaming.


Also, the person you're replying to and implying has that needless rage you mentioned? He has hunter status. 


Speaking of needless rage: Quetzhal's talking about how the system grants instant gratification to some and withholds any gratification from others. He is arguing for a more fair system that lets everyone get the blueprints on the same terms, such as buying it from the market for a standard amount of credits. 

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You know that you face a system exactly like this every day of your life and most people never complain about it? (Hint: LIFE)


Beyond that, anyone who can't control how excited or dissapointed they are about digital additions to a game that they don't pay for or contribute to as demonstrated by their needless outrage over something like this tells me that they are not mature enough to contribute anything of worth when discussing the issue.

actually u do know this is a beta game right? atm they are selling you stuff in a beta game. With what the current term of agreement that we all had to agree upon about this game is a "as is" basis and all the, they do not claim any responsibility yada yada, they are actively trying to sell you stuff onan incomplete non polished product.


if anything i think should there be some more professional responsibilities here, like fixing up much needed areas of the game,map glitches, drop rates, etc before monetizing

Edited by Myo86
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actually u do know this is a beta game right? atm they are selling you stuff in a beta game. With what the current term of agreement that we all had to agree upon about this game is a "as is" basis and all the, they do not claim any responsibility yada yada, they are actively trying to sell you stuff onan incomplete non polished product.


if anything i think there be some more professional responsibilities here, like fixing up much needed areas of the game,map glitches, drop rates, etc before monetizing


Yeah cause they can so do that without any monetary aid.. i mean it's not like they're getting paid to do stuff to the game..

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Dude, Ageless, you missed the point of gaming.


Also, the person you're replying to and implying has that needless rage you mentioned? He has hunter status. 


Speaking of needless rage: Quetzhal's talking about how the system grants instant gratification to some and withholds any gratification from others. He is arguing for a more fair system that lets everyone get the blueprints on the same terms, such as buying it from the market for a standard amount of credits. 


Your first two statements do not work well to make you look like the smartass you wanted to be.


Fair is playing the game and enjoying it, then getting stuff along the way that makes you go "oh that's neat...", which is what the current system is. What you want is "I want all items nao and I don't want to pay anything for them eva cause I deserve it", its dumb, childish and should not be taken seriously.




I am aware, are you aware electricity costs money and that food does too or the fact that building something in real life requires resources just like in video games except that you can't hunt some monsters for them. From what you said it does not look like you do...


As a side note, downvoting me is not going to fix the fact that you're ignorant.

Edited by Ageless_Emperion
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I don't see how that is true?


You mean to tell me that you would prefer to not play and watch twitter or something to let you know when alerts pop then just play and be told in game when they pop?


Odd that.


I understand people want easier access to brand new items but frankly I don't have any issue with what they have done.  Of course I spent hours and hours and HOURS praying to the RNG gods back in my EQ days so this kind of thing does not faze me I guess.


It's not "easier access." Players that don't pay literally do not have access to the Glaive, period, until an alert pops. Also, there's no RNG in ? alerts, DE just puts them up at their discretion. You can involve randomness without invoking dumb luck (and DE already did so with the banshee blueprints).


Truth be told if the ? rewards were random based upon system/mission level, didn't duplicate your artifacts, and so on the system would be much much better.

Edited by TheTenthDoc
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i always felt like the alerts were a temporary way to go about it until they figure a better way to do it. 


what it feels like to me anyways.


i dont mind the random part. it is what it is. but it isnt a matter of time spent. free to play players have to spend more time to earn what others can get instantly with money. thats kinda the whole idea. 


with alerts its just has to happen at the right time and you have to be on and it happens to be what you're looking for. 0.0 just feels awkward.


it will only get worse as the item pool grows and its even less likely for you to get anything specific.


there isnt anything on there that is vital besides potatoes. there is no weapon currently on that loot pool which is mandatory to have and that includes the glaive. 


this whole thread seems like a massive overreaction. the entire system need to be looked at in my opinion but the fact that the glaive is on it is hardly that terrible.

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You know that you face a system exactly like this every day of your life and most people never complain about it? (Hint: LIFE)


Beyond that, anyone who can't control how excited or dissapointed they are about digital additions to a game that they don't pay for or contribute to as demonstrated by their needless outrage over something like this tells me that they are not mature enough to contribute anything of worth when discussing the issue.


If everyone cries about this being the holy grail of Warframe and they want it NAO then drop the 10 dollars its worth and if you can't part with that pittance on a grame you obviously like and crusade the forums of then you really have no right to talk about money grabbing or it being inaccessible. Curb your damn need for instant gratification.

I am honestly not sure how to respond to the first sentence of your argument. A game is not life, and should not be compared with it, as variables can be controlled within a game. If DE wants to make it fair, they can.

The excitement and disappointment people feel are justified; it's a testament to how well DE made their game. People react because they love the game; they may not react well, but there are plenty of rational arguments within the thread that have very little outrage and more an analysis of the way DE handled the situation, and better ways in which a weapon such as this should be released.

Finally, it's not really the holy grail of Warframe. What's important here is that it's a new class of weapon that makes you reconsider your melee tactics, which simply means that the alert system is not a good means of releasing it, given all the reasons I've stated on the previous two pages.

Also, you're making several baseless assumptions about me. I did drop money on the Glaive. By your own argument, since I did part with that "pittance", I have every right to talk about it being money grabbing or inaccessible.

Which it's not, by the way. I was simply pointing out that it would appear money grabbing to some people; many have argued that DE did not start the hype, which is fair, though they should have anticipated this sort of response. Inaccessible? Absolutely; new classes of weapons should not be released in this way, at least not after how excited the forum clearly was for it. It alienates the F2P database. And that is my feedback; DE should avoid this in the future.

Edited by Quetzhal
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It's not "easier access." Players that don't pay literally do not have access to the Glaive, period, until an alert pops. Also, there's no RNG in ? alerts, DE just puts them up at their discretion. You can involve randomness without invoking dumb luck (and DE already did so with the banshee blueprints).


Truth be told if the ? rewards were random based upon system/mission level, didn't duplicate your artifacts, and so on the system would be much much better.

I think it actually is RNG, it's just that the rewards are predetermined by the RNG and DE can manually add alerts if they want to.



Fair is playing the game and enjoying it, then getting stuff along the way that makes you go "oh that's neat...", which is what the current system is. What you want is "I want all items nao and I don't want to pay anything for them eva cause I deserve it", its dumb, childish and should not be taken seriously.




I am aware, are you aware electricity costs money and that food does too or the fact that building something in real life requires resources just like in video games except that you can't hunt some monsters for them. From what you said it does not look like you do...

That's the problem. The heat sword is neat. The dark sword is neat. Everything in the alert reward system is "neat", except for the Glaive. The Glaive alters gameplay and therefore should not be released using the alert system.

In a way, you are right - the alert system is great for "neat" rewards. But the Glaive doesn't fit it.

And no one is saying they want all the items now. They are saying that earning the Glaive should be effort based rather than luck based. And stop insulting and assuming things about people, it's not conducive to debate and doesn't help anything.

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Just a speculation but could it be possible that DE isn't generating the income they need atm? which pushed them to this decision? i mean let's be honest the only thing they actually get money off atm is Potatoes, Founder's package, color and slots.. which is not alot it's been so long since the initial release of the founder's package and probably the reason it's still going on is because it is the one that's giving them the most income.. to be honest I don't think anyone has ever bought any weapons with platinum outside of the founder's package platinum perhaps the glaive is a way for them to get some income? Just a theory XD



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ur point was that instead of focusing on making money they should cater to the playerbase 1st right?

i actually had a nother post on how they could make more money


let me spell it out for u point was its a beta fixing beta related issues should have more precedence over monetizing

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i always felt like the alerts were a temporary way to go about it until they figure a better way to do it. 


what it feels like to me anyways.


i dont mind the random part. it is what it is. but it isnt a matter of time spent. free to play players have to spend more time to earn what others can get instantly with money. thats kinda the whole idea. 


with alerts its just has to happen at the right time and you have to be on and it happens to be what you're looking for. 0.0 just feels awkward.


it will only get worse as the item pool grows and its even less likely for you to get anything specific.


there isnt anything on there that is vital besides potatoes. there is no weapon currently on that loot pool which is mandatory to have and that includes the glaive. 


this whole thread seems like a massive overreaction. the entire system need to be looked at in my opinion but the fact that the glaive is on it is hardly that terrible.

Maybe a weapon like that simply shouldnt be in a random system, maybe it should drop from a mission, a mission that is really hard and it will only be a reward for those who invest enough effort in it, just like it is with most warframe BPs.

Such drops from special missions could be available for plat or not. So we would have equiptment that can only be earned.

For now we dont have such a system and that means, buy the glaive or wait and hope for your luck.

I have not spend any money on this game, even I would like to, mostly out of principle, but I still have several waframes and weapons and this game doesnt shove all the pretty things I could buy constantly into my face. Warframe has a cash-shop, so they can make money, while amlost everything is available for free just by playing it. DE does this quite well so far.

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Myo86, on 28 Apr 2013 - 12:48 PM, said:

i actually had a nother post on how they could make more money

let me spell it out for u point was its a beta fixing beta related issues should have more precedence over monetizing

and let me tell you again they can't if they don't have the resource in this case money to do it.. they probably don't generate the needed income which resulted in this decision

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i always felt like the alerts were a temporary way to go about it until they figure a better way to do it. 


what it feels like to me anyways.


i dont mind the random part. it is what it is. but it isnt a matter of time spent. free to play players have to spend more time to earn what others can get instantly with money. thats kinda the whole idea. 


with alerts its just has to happen at the right time and you have to be on and it happens to be what you're looking for. 0.0 just feels awkward.


it will only get worse as the item pool grows and its even less likely for you to get anything specific.


there isnt anything on there that is vital besides potatoes. there is no weapon currently on that loot pool which is mandatory to have and that includes the glaive. 


this whole thread seems like a massive overreaction. the entire system need to be looked at in my opinion but the fact that the glaive is on it is hardly that terrible.


I tend to agree, the suggestion forums are open and that's where a sensible and civil discussion of the system as a whole should be taken.


I am honestly not sure how to respond to the first sentence of your argument. A game is not life, and should not be compared with it, as variables can be controlled within a game. If DE wants to make it fair, they can.

The excitement and disappointment people feel are justified; it's a testament to how well DE made their game. People react because they love the game; they may not react well, but there are plenty of rational arguments within the thread that have very little outrage and more an analysis of the way DE handled the situation, and better ways in which a weapon such as this should be released.

Finally, it's not really the holy grail of Warframe. What's important here is that it's a new class of weapon that makes you reconsider your melee tactics, which simply means that the alert system is not a good means of releasing it, given all the reasons I've stated on the previous two pages.

Also, you're making several baseless assumptions about me. I did drop money on the Glaive. By your own argument, since I did part with that "pittance", I have every right to talk about it being money grabbing or inaccessible.

Which it's not, by the way. I was simply pointing out that it would appear money grabbing to some people; many have argued that DE did not start the hype, which is fair, though they should have anticipated this sort of response. Inaccessible? Absolutely; new classes of weapons should not be released in this way, at least not after how excited the forum clearly was for it. It alienates the F2P database. And that is my feedback; DE should avoid this in the future.


People often tell me I should not compare life to video games and in most cases that is a legitime thing to say. However, when there is a direct relation I can draw between the two that amuses me based on just how drastically different the response is when the comparison is made, that kind of thing deserves a comment from me.


Those cool suggestions should be then taken to the suggestion forum instead of 34+ page rant thread. Excitment can be justified, but the reactions which result from the letdown can not. Really, grow up and learn to deal with your emotions so you can make more reasonable posts even when your dissapointed. Baseless assumptions? Do tell what they are. Also as a side note just because you put money into the game it does not give you the magical gift of building a legitimate argument for the point your trying to make.


I think it actually is RNG, it's just that the rewards are predetermined by the RNG and DE can manually add alerts if they want to.



That's the problem. The heat sword is neat. The dark sword is neat. Everything in the alert reward system is "neat", except for the Glaive. The Glaive alters gameplay and therefore should not be released using the alert system.

In a way, you are right - the alert system is great for "neat" rewards. But the Glaive doesn't fit it.

And no one is saying they want all the items now. They are saying that earning the Glaive should be effort based rather than luck based. And stop insulting and assuming things about people, it's not conducive to debate and doesn't help anything.


Perhaps the glaive is a unique case since it adds an interesting mechanic to melee combat that surpasses the limit of having to be up close to everything while you fight, but really, if the option was there EVERYONE would use it save for the people who prefer other weapons for their looks. It has nothing to do with its placement in my opinion and everything to do with its function. Mind you its not a necessary weapon by any means. The item should have been given out to everyone because lets face it, people are too petty and impatient to wait for it. I also make statements towards others based on a very lengthy collection of experiences with online communities and the kind of statements people are making here and now, when people say things that are downright stupid I am not going play along.


ur missing my point


You don't have one...

Edited by Ageless_Emperion
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I don't understand why so many people on this game think they're owed instant gratification. 


Many games wouldn't even add an alternate venue like Alert missions for acquisition of a cash shop weapon.  You'd buy your item or you'd do without it.  DE has at least given you options.  They're not obligated to give you free cash shop items, and they certainly aren't obligated to do it on YOUR time table.  Be glad we have Alert BPs at all.

Edited by Synopsis
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There are currently 53 weapons in this game.

Out of those 53, 4 are exclusive weapons.

This leaves a pool of 49 that every normal player has access to.

All 24 non-exclusive firearms can be either purchased directly or via blueprint at the Marketplace.


There are currently 25 non-exclusive melee weapons.

Out of 25, only 8 can be acquired only via alert missions.

Out of the remaining 17, one blueprint is laid in your lap for free: the Cronus, awarded for killing the boss of Tolstoj.

Out of the remaining 16, 2 are accessible via Marketplace or Alert missions only.


Out of these 2, one is making you quit supporting the game.


Edited by Kahruvel
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I think it actually is RNG, it's just that the rewards are predetermined by the RNG and DE can manually add alerts if they want to.


That's the problem. The heat sword is neat. The dark sword is neat. Everything in the alert reward system is "neat", except for the Glaive. The Glaive alters gameplay and therefore should not be released using the alert system.

In a way, you are right - the alert system is great for "neat" rewards. But the Glaive doesn't fit it.

And no one is saying they want all the items now. They are saying that earning the Glaive should be effort based rather than luck based. And stop insulting and assuming things about people, it's not conducive to debate and doesn't help anything.


I fail to see why the glaive is deserving of being excempt from this system over the others, the glaive is a gimmick every bit as much as the dark sword or the heat dagger, it's "uniquneness" should not automaticaly mean it is deserving of preferintial treatment. If having a weapon be atainable for free only through alerts is an issue, it should apply to all the weapons, not on a pick and choose basis.

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There are currently 53 weapons in this game.

Out of those 53, 4 are exclusive weapons.

This leaves a pool of 49 that every normal player has access to.

All 24 non-exclusive firearms can be either purchased directly or via blueprint at the Marketplace.


There are currently 25 non-exclusive melee weapons.

Out of 25, only 8 can be acquired only via alert missions.

Out of the remaining 17, one blueprint is laid in your lap for free: the Cronus, awarded for killing the boss of Tolstoj.

Out of the remaining 16, 2 are accessible via Marketplace or Alert missions only.


Out of these 2, one is making you quit supporting the game.


not me.

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