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No Glaive Blueprint? Fine, No Support From Me.


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Key word here is Rip-off.


A Weapon Slot, or warframe slot is a convenient purchase. You get the decision of you want to keep all of your Frames, or sell the unneeded ones.


How you decide about Glaive which1 to keep? Right, you can't. Since it's the only one.


Your logic didn't follow the premise of this argument. I'm not sure where it went astray, but it definitely did go astray somewhere.


I think it...nevermind...it's circular and loops back in on itself. I'm confused now.

Edited by Arsonide
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People think different ways, and while your view on this subject is not wrong, I feel that cosmetics and convenience would not generate enough to support the game. This is debatable and solely my opinion. 


Please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't quite remember (and I asked this in another thread too), but wasn't the Paris plat only at first? 


I wasn't here when the paris launched, but from experience I can say that while cosmetics and convenience COULD generate enough to support the game, it's a REALLY HORRIBLE balance to strike and isn't as effective as including a small number of "superconvenience" (in the sense of pay2spendlesstime/stress) items.

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Key word here is Rip-off.


A Weapon Slot, or warframe slot is a convenient purchase. You get the decision of you want to keep all of your Frames, or sell the unneeded ones.


How you decide about Glaive which1 to keep? Right, you can't. Since it's the only one.

I don't see how you aren't seeing your own logic


waiting is inconvenient


did you run out of plat?

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Agreed, but that's also a reason the thing with the Glaive puts me off. I don't see how it will improve customer loyalty at all, to be honest.


You're in the right mindset now. Now apply Occam's Razor, and keep in mind that DE = People and People -> Imperfection.

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You forgot ALL of the alternate helmets for warframes as well. 13 items with the same type of availability came along before the Glaive.

Indeed, I did forget those, I was more focused on the weapons... Also lets not forget in the last month and change...



Twin Vipers

Ether Daggers

Ether Blades




Two Sentinals

Two Warframes

All dropped able to be purchased with plat or credits and mats

New level pieces

New looks for the enemies

Tons of balancing (to be fair, the most recent balancing could be questionable, but I haven't tested enough to make good commentary)

Reworked mods / improved mod menu

and prolly other stuff I am forgetting.


And *a weapon coming out as a plat purchase makes this game not worth supporting*

I don't even...


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If they want it to be on par with the Dark Sword...why is it buyable with plat?


Well, my best guess is that if the devs left it just "stuff you can get from alerts" rarity, AND didn't even make it available for platinum would result in a much bigger outcry.  This way, people who've coughed up money for the game can buy the certainty of getting it, though I expect this to change at the latest by the time the game is released.


This would give all the beta players a chance to get their hands on one, whether through random awards or through buying it outright.  Once the game graduates from beta, I'm guessing that you won't be able to find it on the Market.

Edited by rhoenix
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I don't see how you aren't seeing your own logic


waiting is inconvenient


did you run out of plat?

Actually, I'm quite stocked with them, since I bought for a few bucks not so long ago... I simply decline to purchase it as a silent protest :)

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Well, my best guess is that if the devs left it just "stuff you can get from alerts" rarity, AND didn't even make it available for platinum would result in a much bigger outcry.  This way, people who've coughed up money for the game can buy the certainty of getting it, though I expect this to change at the latest by the time the game is released.


This would give all the beta players a chance to get their hands on one, whether through random awards or through buying it outright.  Once the game graduates from beta, I'm guessing that you won't be able to find it on the Market.


This combined with the filling-out-the-unused-item-availability-tier is what makes sense for me as things informing a last minute decision like this.

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Ill do 1 last post since the Grand master fanbois are completely blind and will always argue against anything that make DE less money(in the short term).


Did DE make a ton of money today? YES


Did DE piss of alot of people today? YES


Is DE going to make more money going forward because of this incident? Questionable



Ive seen many F2P games fail. I even sat on the forums just like this arguing with fanbois on why overpricing or forcing certain items will ruin the game. But most of the time nobody listened and the game failed(global agenda is one example)


Ive also seen F2P games turn from little turds to massive giants like League of legends.


If you want to make it in the F2P genre you have to copy what the big timers are doing right. Pissing off your free userbase by restricting new and OP items to cash only will just make them leave for other games resulting in a dead game with only PAID fanbois to play with each other.


People want value for their $. I can buy a full game with tons of content for 5$ on a steam sale. a Glaive is not worth 10$. Donating to keep the game going and the devs afloat is nice and all but that wont last. You need to provide value for plat if you want real purchases not fanboi donations.

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You're in the right mindset now. Now apply Occam's Razor, and keep in mind that DE = People and People -> Imperfection.

I know, I know. I am a very reasonable person. :p

I didn't come into this thread blasting away at DE saying they're horrible and whatnot; I simply came in to express my concerns/disappointment about how this was handled and point out how the situation probably looks like to people, so that perhaps they can handle it better in the future, or do something to help with the parts of the community that currently feel alienated.

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I thought the glaive was like a signature weapon of dark sector, so I could understand that they would want to make it special and not so common that everyone be throwing it around. In the end, it is only a melee weapon that can be thrown.

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 Champions are the Core of the game, just as Weapons are a core of this game. Trying to make Cash from something that should be default is cheap.


Haha no flaming. But in my opinion, the glaive isn't really "default." I'm not sure how to really explain my thought process on this one. Its a badass glaive. Not some default skana, for example. 

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Hello there.


I'm 100% sure I'll get downvoted. But I need to give my thoughts (even if no1 cares) about this new item.


I absolutely can't stand the way Glaive got introduced.


"Purchase now with Plat, or do Alert missions"... No. That's just bullhorns!


I understand Potatoes are Alert rewards... But throwing a Weapon into the pool of total randomness is unacceptable for me.


I have the Plat to just buyout it (as I always do), but what about our F2P community? Like a spit in the face.


"You want the new stuff? Pay or pray to the RNG gods."  <--- That's not acceptable, and I won't support this idea.


I was planning to upgrade to Grand Master when my monthly payment arrived, since I agreed with the desicions made by devs... But this -_- as if this isn't the same company i supported so far.


I seriously need to think about if it's really worth my time (and money) .


I'll never support Any introduction of weapons (which are core to gameplay) that is only available day1 for those who Pay.

Wait, So you have masters..which 100 dollars and yet you're complaining about spending ten for a weapon? You seem to forget this is a company. A company needs money, Why would they not put an item up for sale when they know people will buy it? There are plenty of weapons that are only available through alerts like the Dark/Plasma sword and people aren't throwing fits about this. It's the fact that everyone complaining would rather have something they really want handed to them instead of earning it. They need to have something out there that gives players a real reason to keep playing. You are entitled to your opinion. My opinion on this whole thing is I think they did the right thing, because even though people are complaining now they will soon fine them selves waiting for every alert that has the blueprint. I find all the negative feed back about there decision on how to distribute an anticipated weapon to be rather childish. Especially when you and others are saying "I'm not supporting this game because X is so hard to obtain".

Edited by Soathe
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Well, my best guess is that if the devs left it just "stuff you can get from alerts" rarity, AND didn't even make it available for platinum would result in a much bigger outcry.  This way, people who've coughed up money for the game can buy the certainty of getting it, though I expect this to change at the latest by the time the game is released.


This would give all the beta players a chance to get their hands on one, whether through random awards or through buying it outright.  Once the game graduates from beta, I'm guessing that you won't be able to find it on the Market.

 Dark sword cameback cause the twitter show the bug and it took 3 months, Excalibur Helmet i just see it 1 time in ?, u rly think its fair with ppl have to stay looking the alerts 24h/day for months to get what they want?

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I know, I know. I am a very reasonable person. :p

I didn't come into this thread blasting away at DE saying they're horrible and whatnot; I simply came in to express my concerns/disappointment about how this was handled and point out how the situation probably looks like to people, so that perhaps they can handle it better in the future, or do something to help with the parts of the community that currently feel alienated.


You'll notice I picked up on that. ;) Unfortunately (in one sense), the people they're going to look at are the ones spamming hatred and ruined forever. Which is a good thing, because those are the people they need to make nice with and avoid arousing from their deep slumber in the future, which will make the reasonable ones happy too.

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Wait, So you have masters..which 100 dollars and yet you're complaining about spending ten for a weapon? You seem to forget this is a company. A company needs money, Why would they not put an item up for sale when they know people will buy it? There are plenty of weapons that are only available through alerts like the Dark/Plasma sword and people aren't throwing fits about this. It's the fact that everyone complaining would rather have something they really want handed to them instead of earning it. They need to have something out there that gives players a real reason to keep playing. You are entitled to your opinion. My opinion on this whole thing is I think they did the right thing, because even though people are complaining now they will soon fine them selves waiting for every alert that has the blueprint. I find all the negative feed back about there decision on how to distribute an anticipation to be rather childish. Especially when you and others are saying "I'm not supporting this game because X is so hard to obtain".

You forget that a company can earn money in a F2P game in several ways. Poeple LOVE to pay for Skins. Their art team is obviously talented, dishing out skins would make them much more then then this. Hell, i see myself purchasing every skinn on day1 for every Warframe... and you can bet I'm not the only1.


And yes... I am a Master, with common sense. I know when Some1 tries to force me into purchasing.

Edited by Sikab
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Ill do 1 last post since the Grand master fanbois are completely blind and will always argue against anything that make DE less money(in the short term).



Is DE going to make more money going forward because of this incident? Questionable


Ive seen many F2P games fail. I even sat on the forums just like this arguing with fanbois on why overpricing or forcing certain items will ruin the game. But most of the time nobody listened and the game failed(global agenda is one example)


Ive also seen F2P games turn from little turds to massive giants like League of legends.


If you want to make it in the F2P genre you have to copy what the big timers are doing right. &!$$ing off your free userbase by restricting new and OP items to cash only will just make them leave for other games resulting in a dead game with only PAID fanbois to play with each other.


People want value for their $. I can buy a full game with tons of content for 5$ on a steam sale. a Glaive is not worth 10$. Donating to keep the game going and the devs afloat is nice and all but that wont last. You need to provide value for plat if you want real purchases not fanboi donations.


First, I notice that there are alot of LoL references. 

Second, this "fanboi donations" term isnt accurate. There are "fanbois" who are not in support of the current Glaive situation. 

Third, what may be working for something like LoL or other "big timers" may not work for WarFrame. The F2P model is not a one size fits all deal. 

Fourth, the Glaive isn't cash only. Yes, alerts and RNG and what not - but it is available for F2P's. 

Last but not least. Beta. This game is in Beta. This talk of "donating to keep the game going" isn't really valid. From what I know, the founders thing isn't around forever. They're not gonna depend on Grand Masters to keep their game afloat. 


Quick edit, @Sikab - you're not forced into purchasing it? 

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If you want to make it in the F2P genre you have to copy what the big timers are doing right. &!$$ing off your free userbase by restricting new and OP items to cash only will just make them leave for other games resulting in a dead game with only PAID fanbois to play with each other.

The glaive is hardly OP........ It does quite a bit of charge damage but after it's thrown you have to wait for it to come back to you which, if you're unlucky, could take quite a while (yay for bouncing between several things forever). While it's not in your hand and being controlled by you it's pretty useless.



 Dark sword cameback cause the twitter show the bug and it took 3 months, Excalibur Helmet i just see it 1 time in ?, u rly think its fair with ppl have to stay looking the alerts 24h/day for months to get what they want?

This was posted while I was typing my original reply.  Look at what I bolded, the word WANT. A want is not a need, DE is not required to allow you to get ANY wants for free. DE allows you to get ALL NEEDS and almost all WANTS, for free. I really don't see how any of you can justify your whining.

Edited by Avenwing
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Ill do 1 last post since the Grand master fanbois are completely blind and will always argue against anything that make DE less money(in the short term).


Did DE make a ton of money today? YES


Did DE &!$$ of alot of people today? YES


Is DE going to make more money going forward because of this incident? Questionable



Ive seen many F2P games fail. I even sat on the forums just like this arguing with fanbois on why overpricing or forcing certain items will ruin the game. But most of the time nobody listened and the game failed(global agenda is one example)


Ive also seen F2P games turn from little turds to massive giants like League of legends.


If you want to make it in the F2P genre you have to copy what the big timers are doing right. &!$$ing off your free userbase by restricting new and OP items to cash only will just make them leave for other games resulting in a dead game with only PAID fanbois to play with each other.


People want value for their $. I can buy a full game with tons of content for 5$ on a steam sale. a Glaive is not worth 10$. Donating to keep the game going and the devs afloat is nice and all but that wont last. You need to provide value for plat if you want real purchases not fanboi donations.


"People want value for their $" in which most if not all people want everything for $0 <- Which is what you can get in this game.. with patience

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Is DE going to make more money going forward because of this incident? Questionable


LOL! There is no "incident" there are few people complaining about getting something free.




Ive also seen F2P games turn from little turds to massive giants like League of legends.


If you want to make it in the F2P genre you have to copy what the big timers are doing right. &!$$ing off your free userbase by restricting new and OP items to cash only will just make them leave for other games resulting in a dead game with only PAID fanbois to play with each other.


People want value for their $. I can buy a full game with tons of content for 5$ on a steam sale. a Glaive is not worth 10$. Donating to keep the game going and the devs afloat is nice and all but that wont last. You need to provide value for plat if you want real purchases not fanboi donations.


So DE should get a Chinese company to invest 700 million dollars in their game?

Well.... we are going to have to doing some time until they copy that big timer so you can pretty much do whatever you want with the game.

As of now they are doing it the old fashion way.

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You forget that a company can earn money in a F2P game in several ways. Poeple LOVE to pay for Skins. Their art team is obviously talented, dishing out skins would make them much more then then this.


And yes... I am a Master, with common sense. I know when Some1 tries to force me into purchasing.


Except they didn't. The hype was the COMMUNITY'S, not theirs. The decision to put it in the plat-or-alert availability tier was most likely last minute, and even if it hadn't been there was no manipulation -- because the community hyped it! THey didn't market it at all, they didnt even know if they could talk about it on livestream 4, y'know, this past wednesday. That means they DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IF THEY HAD TOLD THE COMMUNITY.


There's no manipulation here. Be reasonable.

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First, I notice that there are alot of LoL references. 

Second, this "fanboi donations" term isnt accurate. There are "fanbois" who are not in support of the current Glaive situation. 

Third, what may be working for something like LoL or other "big timers" may not work for WarFrame. The F2P model is not a one size fits all deal. 

Fourth, the Glaive isn't cash only. Yes, alerts and RNG and what not - but it is available for F2P's. 

Last but not least. Beta. This game is in Beta. This talk of "donating to keep the game going" isn't really valid. From what I know, the founders thing isn't around forever. They're not gonna depend on Grand Masters to keep their game afloat. 

And that's an even greater concern. Once these deals are off (getting 400$ worth of Plat for 250$)... You really think most ppl will reach for their CC to dish out 10-15$ for 1 weapon? Hardly... So who will make them afloat?

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You'll notice I picked up on that. ;) Unfortunately (in one sense), the people they're going to look at are the ones spamming hatred and ruined forever. Which is a good thing, because those are the people they need to make nice with and avoid arousing from their deep slumber in the future, which will make the reasonable ones happy too.

Pretty much this. Can't imagine what DE is thinking of the whole thing right now.


The glaive is hardly OP........ It does quite a bit of charge damage but after it's thrown you have to wait for it to come back to you which, if you're unlucky, could take quite a while (yay for bouncing between several things forever). While it's not in your hand and being controlled by you it's pretty useless.

If I'm playing and someone else is hosting, the glaive can instantly and almost simultaneously kill about 5-6 infected on a single charge. I don't think that was intended though.

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And that's an even greater concern. Once these deals are off (getting 400$ worth of Plat for 250$)... You really think most ppl will reach for their CC to dish out 10-15$ for 1 weapon? Hardly... So who will make them afloat?


Do you think the company can run off of cosmetic and convenience purchases? You ask who will keep the company afloat, yet the solution was in the sentence preceding it. People who want the weapon will pay for it. People who don't want to pay for it can still get it. Just put in a little effort. 


I'm not gonna buy the glaive. Ima just make the facebook page my best friend. I'm patient - i'm not entitled to anything. 


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Pretty much this. Can't imagine what DE is thinking of the whole thing right now.


If I'm playing and someone else is hosting, the glaive can instantly and almost simultaneously kill about 5-6 infected on a single charge. I don't think that was intended though.

That only happens if you're lucky, most I've been able to tag was 3 at once. You also have to remember that it's a bladed weapon so it does double damage to infested.....

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