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Spears In Warframe


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I would also like to add another weapon to "spear" list of wishes:




1st attack: Side swing 

2nd attack: Horizontal spin placing it higher

3rd attack: Finishing overhead slash

Jump attack: Blade strike at same manner as gram or other heavies

Charge attack: Large side sweep.


base dmg 45

Attack speed 1.0

Charge dmg 175

but compensates with longer range and wider aoe radius than anything we have in arsenal already.


As a point of possible interest, the Naginata was the Japanese adaptation of the Guan Dao after it was introduced from China. It has a lighter blade and so much greater ease and rapidity of use. The lighter blade meant less metal was used, iron ore being scarce and/or hard to access in Japan. This scarcity of metal is reflected in most 'medieval' Japanese weapon and armour design.

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While I love the idea of a Poleaxe, I'm even more enthusiastic about the idea of a classic, simple thrusting spear.  Hell, I'd love to see more thrusting weapons in general.  Longspear, Lance, or Pike for two-handed, Rapier for medium.  We have a lot of sweeping weapons in this game but have neglected thrusts almost entirely, which is a shame given how significantly a small thing like that could shake up the somewhat-stagnant melee scene.

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In response to Captator, very excellent in your research! To best sum up the idea that I had, it would be best represented by the Hozoin Cross-Spear. With a blade wide enough to slash and not break or bend, but also with a point thin enough to cause damage if the weapon is thrust. I did an image search and quickly came up with this. http://lancelot.servehttp.com/misc/joedao/p2010268.jpg I'm not sure if this is the norm for the cross spear, but it seems to best fit. Thank you, Captator, and thank you to the rest of you who posted. Your thoughts matter, even if they are negative critiscism.

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In response to Captator, very excellent in your research! To best sum up the idea that I had, it would be best represented by the Hozoin Cross-Spear. With a blade wide enough to slash and not break or bend, but also with a point thin enough to cause damage if the weapon is thrust. I did an image search and quickly came up with this. http://lancelot.servehttp.com/misc/joedao/p2010268.jpg I'm not sure if this is the norm for the cross spear, but it seems to best fit. Thank you, Captator, and thank you to the rest of you who posted. Your thoughts matter, even if they are negative critiscism.


Thanks FellArtorias ^^ my largely useless knowledge serving a purpose for once. That is indeed a cross-spear head, here is an image of the whole thing:



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I'd love to see all manner of polearms in this game. Even though they're ninjas I'd like to see some more of the western ones like the classic halbeard but my personal favorite has got to be the Billhook, was designed to create/grab gaps in the opponent's armor, wrench cavalry off their horses and just generally be monstrous to anyone in plate(I'm looking at you, Grineer Marines).
(It's #3) http://www.weapons-universe.com/Swords/Polearms.jpg

I'd love to see a stealth kill animation where the hook part of a polearm weapon was used to grab a part of the opponent's armor, wrench them onto the ground, and then quickly stab through a vital point. I think it'd be fantastic!

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I think there should be two spear styles. One group would be Glaive/Halberd/Nagitanas (fast, multitarget, good reach), the other would be Pike/Longspears (powerful, anti armor, single target, exceptional reach)


Agreed.  I actually had a notion about the thrusting weapon types.  A conventional charge attack on a thrusting weapon just sounds really awkward, given its nature.  So what if charge attacks for these weapons instead released a flurry of thrusts forward as long as you held down the melee button with the caveat that you can't move so long as you're engaged in this.  It would feel very speary.  Currently, most melee weapons are about rushing forward to hack things.  With thrusting Polarms, your charge would be defensive in nature.  It's the slide-melee that'd be the lunging thrust--which would naturally have very high damage as it's all focused on one target.

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I love spears and staffs. I have a very soft spot for them.


Infact, my first melee weapon I hit 30 with was Bo.


That being said, I do feel that spears not only could be appropriately introduced, but would be a very weclome addition.


And to the guy who said Glaive (hehe pun) Unfortunately that would cause a TON of confusion. But the CONCEPT would be most welcome!


my 2 credits

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As my first post, I'd like to support the idea of a javelin as a melee weapon.  When charged you throw that baby.  GREEK.  I'd also really love to see a whip.  Weapons are like characters in this game and I want a lot of them.  XD

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