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An Actual Ninja Warframe (Not Ash)


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Okay, Excalibur seems pretty ninja when you start off, and Ash is probably the "best" that Warframe has to offer for a "ninja" character. But really, there needs to be some awesome ninja warframe with awesome ninja abilities and stats. Someone very stealthy yet quick on his feet. Some defense, but not very much because he is quick enough to dodge many attacks. Someone with high melee damage output. Someone who can escape from really bad situations and skillfully kill all who tried to kill him... if that makes sense... Someone... who is a NINJA!!! Watcha guys think? Is Ash the best that there can be?

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Ash is that, you just have to play him properly. They shouldn't make a frame to fit such a narrow niche like that, when they already have one that does the same thing and more as long as the right player uses it.


The diversity of frames needs to be larger than it is now, rather than smaller.

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Okay, Excalibur seems pretty ninja when you start off, and Ash is probably the "best" that Warframe has to offer for a "ninja" character. But really, there needs to be some awesome ninja warframe with awesome ninja abilities and stats. Someone very stealthy yet quick on his feet. Some defense, but not very much because he is quick enough to dodge many attacks. Someone with high melee damage output. Someone who can escape from really bad situations and skillfully kill all who tried to kill him... if that makes sense... Someone... who is a NINJA!!! Watcha guys think? Is Ash the best that there can be?

this is ash. he can do all of these things and more if u use him right

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I was basing my opinion off of multiple videos on youtube. I haven't actually used Ash yet because I don't have any money to use and I usually die trying to get his part blueprints. I guess I will start my own opinion when I eventually get him. Thanks for the feedback :D

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Using ash or lokis invisibility will grant constant melee crits resulting in thousands of damage within seconds.

They both can also teleport to or away from enemies. Ash can use blade storm, which kills up to 14 enemies in a series of teleporting strikes. Ash has a shuriken throw ability which can be spammed. It is quite strong.

Just play with the frames some, we have our ninjas already, trus me :)

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if there is any way to remove this from this page feel free to do so. Once again, sorry.

I don't know about here, but on other forums that I go to, if you report you own thread saying "Hey, I put this in the wrong forum board by mistake, can I get it moved?", the mods will sometimes move it for you. But, I did report your OP pointing that out, also sent the same report twice. :x didn't mean too. But maybe your thread will get moved.


As for your OT, from what I've heard/seen around the forums, there's talk about them adding some more abilities to the warframes, so maybe we might see some more ninja like abilities for Ash, but we don't need more warframes to fill a narrow niche, when there's already a warframe filling that.

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As all frames use guns I think the most "ninja" you can get is Loki or Ash. I think you will find more of what you're looking for when they release the stealth aspect of this game as for all intents and purposes that has not yet been done. It would be kina nice if there was a more silent ninja side arm, as ninjas in the original sense did not (to my knowledge) employ the use of projectile fire arms.

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...awesome ninja warframe with awesome ninja abilities and stats. Someone very stealthy yet quick on his feet. Some defense, but not very much because he is quick enough to dodge many attacks.

So neither Ash nor Loki are stealthy, quick, or capable of avoiding many attacks? And Loki isn't squishy? And wallrunning, teleporting, shuriken throwing, invisiblity, sliding, jump kicking and incredibly strong melees doesn't count as "awesome ninja abilities"?

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Okay, Excalibur seems pretty ninja when you start off, and Ash is probably the "best" that Warframe has to offer for a "ninja" character. But really, there needs to be some awesome ninja warframe with awesome ninja abilities and stats. Someone very stealthy yet quick on his feet. Some defense, but not very much because he is quick enough to dodge many attacks. Someone with high melee damage output. Someone who can escape from really bad situations and skillfully kill all who tried to kill him... if that makes sense... Someone... who is a NINJA!!! Watcha guys think? Is Ash the best that there can be?

You literally just described Ash. Designed for stealth (he has smoke bomb which has DRASTIC time buffs when fused), Quick on his feet (second fastest frame in the game), some defense (150 base health), high melee damage output (any warframe can essentially have this), Escaping bad situations (Smokebomb) and killing all who tried to kill him (Bladestorm).


Only thing that's lackluster on Ash is the load of "useless" powers that he has, and DE stated they will work on this.

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