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The Braton's Buff Is Good


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Flame-bait thread detected. Also, people are not complaining about the buff, they're complaining about the nerf. Rightfully so might I add. This buff is what Braton Prime should have been like from the get go. On top of it, it got an ammo cap nerf. So in the end, all I see is actually ONE nerf. Nothing else. So I'm very sorry but I can't say "thank you for nerfing Braton Prime". That would be illogical. I would have said "thank you" if the ammo cap hadn't been nerfed. THEN it would have been all sunshine and butterflies on the forums.

I have vile accel and shred on my braton. I have no ammo problems. I dont know what all your guy's issues are. But then again. Keep this thread positive, if you have nothing good to say dont say it, this is so DE doesnt feel like S#&$ about there buff, and will continue to buff it if they feel neccessary though it isnt. Honestly the status chance, coupled with crazy RoF has let me take down level 65 gunners in the void with ease. So.... I love this weapon. And if you doubt me... well come to a match with me. Every since i switched to this weapon after the buff, i have been doing 65% of the damage per mission. Its super good now and i love it.

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