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A Way To Make Daggers Viable.


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Daggers are not good as they currently stand. They're often slow, low damage, crit-lacking, and used as mastery fodder. I believe I may have an idea that could make them viable.


A dagger is an assassin's weapon. An assassin isn't going to take a giant rocket-hammer, or a huge greatsword into a mission. They're going to take a quiet weapon capable of dispatching enemies without alerting anyone. Being able to discreetly and quickly eliminate an enemy is key to staying undetected.


My suggestion to make daggers viable is simple. Give them ridiculously high stealth attack damage. I'm talking make them the weapon to use on stealth missions. This way, you've got a reason to play stealth instead of just for fun. When other weapons falloff in terms of damage, your dagger will still be useful as long as your enemies are not alerted.


Reward a player's skill with huge damage to enemies. This way we don't end up with another Galatine pre-melee 2.0 incident in which it's the only weapon people use. This will also allow players to easily go through otherwise impossibly difficult missions on their own. This change will also benefit players when the stealth system gets hopefully reworked.


What are your ideas for making daggers viable?

Edited by sheepdog1043
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Since stealth attacks are guaranteed crits, one idea is to give single daggers a moderately high crit chance (20-35% at base) and a very high crit multiplier (2.5-3x base) while giving dual daggers a very high crit chance (30-50%) and a moderate crit multiplier (2x-2.5x). This would greatly increase their viability for stealth due to the high multipliers, while also improving their viability for regular fights due to the ability to slot Berserker onto them easily.


Another issue is that, at least according to the wiki, daggers have the lowest stealth finisher multipliers ingame at the moment, with hammers having the highest. If true, it's completely backwards and needs to be totally inverted: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Stealth

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